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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. Cool, I'll go now I guess. This Pokémon is small and cute and had big eyes.
  2. It does sound to good to be true, but there are images. The Dialga, Palkia and Giratina are supposed to be in level one, and you can only catch one of them (You supposedly choose which to catch, I'm not sure how it works) so you are only limited to one of them. I speculate that you have to obtain all three of them by trades to unlock Arceus, sorta like how you need Kyogre and Groudon in one game to unlock Rayquaza.
  3. Maybe they will make a Shaymin event for HG and SS to activate the rock. Maybe they will do the same with Celebi, distributing as Celebi with the fateful encounter flag might activate the GS ball event, instead of having an item event.
  4. It is possible. The movie showed that Shaymin was a species of many Pokémon, so maybe they will not treat shaymin as a legendary Pokémon but as a normal one.
  5. We've already been over that Ho-oh hates humans. Why would he reincarnate humans if he hates them? It is most likely 3 Ratatta since the tower has tons of them.
  6. Good job finding that out. This is going to be amazing. Maybe Shaymin will also be in this game, since Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus are in the game, I think they have some space for one more Sinnoh legend.
  7. Well, it was a good guess. In the movie with Entei, Entei could talk and was fathering a little girl after the death of her real father (I don't remember the movie very well) but he talked and acted mostly like a human, so it could cause confusion. Even I thought Entei was her father.
  8. I think this is supposed to be in either the Wi-Fi section, or event section. If you do get one, I would like one. They look so cool.
  9. But it can easily be backfired. One thing can mess up this entire strategy. Stealth Rock, Spikes, the works. Not to mention the immune Pokémon, like ghosts. It is a very well though out strategy, but it isn't full proof.
  10. Hm, this is a dragon Pokémon that was from the original games.
  11. I picture Brock owning a Rhyperior. Tangrowth doesn't fit him that much. But then again, I don't watch the anime anymore so I don't know if he changed his personality.
  12. Nice! So it unlocks a new area in HG and SS? So many legendary Pokémon in the game, this is going to be great. I wonder why it is being distributed in McDonalds though.
  13. Hi welcome. Hope you like it here!
  14. It does anger the other person when they just got owned by a level 1. But in order to pull it off you have to make sure there are no spikes. And God help you if they have a ghost, quick attack will fail. And you will be screwed if they have quick attack as well, because we all know who will go first. This strategy is good and all, you just need to know how to use it.
  15. Oops. Then I mean 7. Electric was really easy. I already had my Pokémon at level 70 by then, so he was really easy.
  16. Hm, yeah you're right. But anyways, the Celebitwo is cool, yet creepy. How did you think it up?
  17. Enkidu, you're still in the lead! Telos still has 5 votes and bear still has 1... anyways, good job getting the lead Enkidu!
  18. The box art was released. This is going to be bundled with the game. I can't wait to get it!
  19. Hm, maybe it was just some Ratatta and other small Pokémon. I guess the anime will never tell us, but maybe the upcoming game will. Seems like a possibility.
  20. That's probably why they made the new feel. If they make this new edition DSi, I think it's only going to have the logos in the corner. As much as I would love flashier designs, I don't see these awesome designs of pictures of Ho-oh and Lugia happening.
  21. I think they will have Celebi in the game. I say this because due to all the announcements of old legends in the game, maybe they will bring back Celebi. It's almost inevitable not to have it now.
  22. True, but maybe they could trick them. Maybe Bill can create something that will attract the legends to them, and trick them into a specially built gene splicer.
  23. Nah, you're good. But this strategy always fails for me. I always see it fail, and only saw it do good one time. This strategy, it's is just terrible. I don't like it.
  24. You battled the guy Wraith? Cool. Anyways, this is not a good strategy. Don't depend on it or you are bound to lose.
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