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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. Oh, I totally forgot about EV's. Well this thing also has battle encounters. Maybe when you fight them you get EV's. They will either use the same method or a completely different method of battling and collecting EV's.
  2. I hope it comes out for North America. It would be really awesome to ride my bike and level up my Pokémon at the same time.
  3. That's my point. Back on topic, I've gotten used to the names and now think they sound perfect. Could have been better but now these sound better then they did before. Just needed some breaking in.
  4. I'm almost 100% sure there is not going to be a Crystal remake, but if they were to call it that, it would most likely be called that because it fits into the concept of parts of the body such as heart and soul.
  5. Soul Silver was awesome, much better then Dawn Silver. But Dusk Gold sounded good. Duck Gold and Soul Silver sounds good.
  6. I hope it's gold. Though it will probably be a plain DSi with the logo of HG and SS at the top corner.
  7. Hmm, now I'm thinking of importing them both, my brother wants it so bad, so I guess I'll import them both and then get them when they are out here.
  8. Yeah. That ruins the entire point. It's cheating. This could do good for the health problem in America, but if you just do something to skip the effort, then there is no point for this product.
  9. Maybe he could use the leftover Pokémon from Elm's lab as his special Pokémon.
  10. Forgot about that. But either way, both are exercise. This is pretty cool, and I can't wait to get it, if it comes out in North America. I'll probably end up importing it.
  11. Well it is a pedometer. The more you walk, the more you're working your legs and at the same time giving your Pokémon experience. But walking isn't really that much of an exercise, but it still is exercising.
  12. I don't think Oak will battle you in this game. But if he does, maybe he could use a level 80 Kanto starter, like Blastoise. Maybe even all three of them.
  13. This is a pretty cool thing. It supports fitness, and at the same time supports video games. It's a win win for kids (and obese people). Then again, they could just shake it, which would ruin the point of this pedometer.
  14. I believe they will do something to ask you when it is learning a new move. I doubt that pedometer app will be the same as the daycare. I am looking forward to seeing what they will do to the daycare much more than what they will do with this app.
  15. Hmm, and this moveset will make it stronger? It kinda looks bland to me, but that's just my opinion. How would she utilize it in a competitive battle?
  16. I hope not. In a regional Pokémon Tournament, a 14 year old kid won. When asked what would be a better improvement to the games, he replied that it would be better to use the Poketch (in this case Pokegear) to message you whether or not to give it the move and which one to replace. I read this in game informer, and maybe they will use this in this new app. What do you think?
  17. It is amazing. But would it evolve? and what about the moves it learns?
  18. Cool! This is a great addition. Much easier then battling for Experience.
  19. Well that sucks, forms was something that should be compatible with it in the first place. Hopefully this new app will allow forms.
  20. Eh, they were okay. I lost to them on my first try, but I won. Maybe if Bruno had a different fighting Pokémon. Or maybe Koga had a new bug Pokémon. Hm, any suggestions?
  21. Rotom is caused by the secret key event which requires you to use one of the items. When you join a trade room, it reverts back and the item is placed back in the laboratory. What would happen if you gave it to this app, and traded it to another game? You would lose the item forever. Skymin is caused by the flower event. Skymin can only be used during the day, and it reverts back at night. What would happen in the Wii when it became night? I doubt forms will be allowed, but I hope they find a way.
  22. Yeah, it will probably revert them back due to the fact that the new forms require items.
  23. There is a Giratina in that image, but I don't think they will have forms. I hope so though.
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