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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>Sure.</p></p></p></p></p>

  2. They pwned today. In shoddy I won every battle with them today. They lose a few times, but the UU's and a little of BL can really pwn. I even beat Greencat with them.
  3. I'd love to see them. These battles are always so awesome, I think I might start making some warstories.
  4. We've talked about it in the speculation thread. We still aren't sure, but since the Pikachu colored Pichu has a shiny overworld sprite, and the red Gyarados has a shiny overworld sprite, that this might be an indication to shiny overworld sprites. If they don't the game will still be cool. I think i'm going to have Darkrai follow me. Those things are just so cool.
  5. <p><p><p><p><p>Cool, thanks for the heads up. Joined.</p></p></p></p></p>

  6. <p><p><p><p><p>Cool, thanks for the heads up. Joined.</p></p></p></p></p>

  7. lol, DirecTV. Anyways, didn't anyone find it stupid how on the anime, the Pokemon could do stuff you couldn't do in the game? A Pikachu is super weak in competitive battling, so Ash can't win all battles with that. Misty's Psyduck was incredibly strong, but was hated a lot. And lets not forget the uber Togepi. Metronome sucks in the game.
  8. That's exactly what I'm trying to say. Besides, remember Mew? He used to be very rare. Then one day TRU puts up a MYSTRY Mew, and now everyone has it. I went to the event and met a few people who went there to finish off their Pokedex, and since they never really had a public Mew they never could. So this Jirachi is an opportunity to finish off your Pokedex, along with the Arceus being released soon. I'm really loving this promotion.
  9. What's wrong with that? They used to be rare which made it harder for people to complete their Pokedex's, but now that everyone can have it, they can complete the dex! And besides, theres always going to be a group of people that doesn't know about the event and misses it, so it will still be slightly special.
  10. Nice battle wraith. Now I know how to use Articuno. I€t always died before it got a chance to shine
  11. I actually want to battle your babies against my UU's. If we ever encounter on shoddy, lets battle! You can even make a war-story without anonymizing me.
  12. Dang Wraith, that was sweet! You just get better and better as the days pass by.
  13. Get all 5 stars. Beat the Elite Four, complete the Pokedex, beat the battle tower 100 times, complete all contests and collect 50 flags underground.
  14. Well who would? All the mystery dungeon games get repetitive. They get really boring, really fast. I'll probably play it, not necessarily meaning I will buy it. I bet a lot of others are doing the same thing as well.
  15. Oh, sorry. I accidentally was talking about the Jirachi. Since most of the movie events there, are usually TRU events here, then it will most likely be a TRU event. Sorry about that.
  16. True. Diamond and Pearl only allowed you to capture the mascot. This game is probably trying to make up for it. But now I got to thinking, in Gold and Silver you could catch both Ho-oh and Lugia. They never did that again, so it might be possible that they won't in the remake so we would have to buy both to catch the legends. But then again, I don't see why they would attempt to ruin such an awesome game. Anyways, this is a pretty cool addition to a game. Letting you choose one legend is just awesome.
  17. I don't really know how to abuse RNG. I used a code that doesn't screw up the PID of a Pokemon, keeping it a legal shiny.
  18. Lol, no, those things are impossible to get. I have 3 stars at the most. I'll finish it soon.
  19. Well, they weren't good for me. I'm sure many people liked the game and showed a variety of different Pokemon. I'm pretty sure a lot of people want a remake.
  20. What? He said that? I was doing that for days on end without a single Munchlax. I'm getting my information on making wiki pages by reliable sources like Filbde, and Pokebeach etc.
  21. Well, you don't want it to be exactly the same. More Pokemon additions would allow the user to complete his/her Pokedex much easier. I at least hope they add more variety to the game. Maybe since there are new areas, they will add them there.
  22. Hm, sounds possible. Maybe if you evolve the Jagged Ear Pichu, it will become a Jagged Ear Pikachu, or Raichu. Hm, I think this form isn't only exclusive to the event. I think there will be other ways to get a Jagged Ear Pichu, and probably with a different gender too. One thing is for sure, since there was a Pichu hiding behind the shrine, that must mean that the shrine will be used later in the game. So Celebi will probably be in the game!
  23. Yeah. Have features for each individual system, so that way people who own both have advantages. Time capsule for DS Lite owners, and other multi media stuff the DSi will do with it. Seems like a good idea.
  24. It will probably be wi-fi, just like in Japan. Event locations are usually the same for us.
  25. Yeah, I don't want any exclusive features, mostly because I want the time capsule to be compatible with it which will allow you to get gen III Pokemon. But would it be a bad marketing idea if they bundled it with a special DSi? I think that would probably increase sales. But hey, it is possible they could do both, have exclusive features for DS and DSi. It would be pretty cool.
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