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Everything posted by KazoWAR

  1. It might have something to do with it having a different ability with its altered forme
  2. I just took that as the HGSS ball data was being moved to the DPPt ball data and was being reset to 0. If you can run some test shifting legit HGSS ball Pokemon(like lure, heavy, etc) with the real shifting program from Nintendo we might be able to see what it is doing there.
  3. This program should simulate the effects of a 4th generation Pokemon being shifted with the Pokeshifter. All information was gather from what kaphotics posted. Since I only have 1 DS, I can not run tests to see if Pokemon ran through both the Pokeshifter and this program made 1:1 binary matches. pokeshift.rar
  4. The program does not load the met location of Pokemon obtained form the daycare man as a egg in B/W. The value seems to be 60002.
  5. There is no problem, once you catch a Pokemon its name is part of your save file, not the rom.
  6. The SID displaying as 96209 and not 30673 is a from a typo I made in making the code. The money is stored as a 32-bit singed int and the SID is a 16-bit unsigned int. The code overwrites the first 16 bits with the bits form the SID when if should overwrite all 32-bits. If you had 65535 or less cash, then all the bits used by the cash will be replaced and your SID is shown. If you have 65536 or more. then there are bits in the upper half of the 32 bit value that is not modified, so the number displayed is the SID plus upper half the of the 32-bit value. So results are: SID (0000000000000000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 65536 + SID (0000000000000001XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 131072 + SID (0000000000000010XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 196608 + SID (0000000000000011XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 262144 + SID (0000000000000100XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 327680 + SID (0000000000000101XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 393216 + SID (0000000000000110XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 458752 + SID (0000000000000111XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 524288 + SID (0000000000001000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 589824 + SID (0000000000001001XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 655360 + SID (0000000000001010XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 720896 + SID (0000000000001011XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 786432 + SID (0000000000001100XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 851968 + SID (0000000000001101XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 917504 + SID (0000000000001110XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) 983040 + SID (0000000000001111XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) Since the fixed code showed the SID of 30673, that would be the second result. 65536 + 30673 = 96209
  7. I am not even sure what type of IV/PID combo you are using. I don't even see it in the list at all. Try using type 1. example : 3912718920
  8. I don't think its nice to trick people with hacked Pokemon... Here, use this Kyogre I captured my self. Kyogre-Modest-All-31.pkm
  9. Crobat, typlosion, alakazam, heracross, gyarados, dragonite
  10. use DeSmuME's built in record AVI function.
  11. in the edit for the Pokemon, click on pokemon stats edit and click the all max button
  12. I know that pkm editor I made a while back allows you add the party bytes to a pokemon. I don't know if any others have that feature. You can use it to make pc pokemon partly pokemon so you can use them with the gts programs without any problems.
  13. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3706406/Files/arena%20mod%20hgss.txt
  14. I think those features are not available for that version of pokesav.
  15. Poe, the steps left and the happiness share the same data like Codr said. when it is an egg its used for the remaining steps. when it is hatched its used for happiness. if you click the Is Egg check mark you will see that the steps lefts it enabled and the happiness is disabled. also you will noticed that the value for both the steps left and happiness is the same.
  16. New and improved BTX Editor 2.0 http://www.mediafire.com/file/49nycebcfywyh2y/BTXE old post
  17. I may be wrong, but I think egg obtained is only used on pokemon that are still in eggs, once it hatches the summary says egg received.
  18. Sorry for not posting sooner. Winamp doesn't really convert files, there is a special output plugin that writes the sound it generates while playing the music to a wav file. Go to options -> preferences -> output, select Disk Writer. I also took a look at your files you uploaded. there are some missing files. the mini2fs needs the sound bank files with all the instruments and stuff. it should have come with the set as a .smap and .2sflib I'm not sure about youtube videos, but the music from winamp sounds exactly like the music from the game. I even did a test and played the song on both winamp and my ds, no differences I could hear at all.
  19. There are plugins for winamp to play video game music ripped directly form the game. there is one for almost every console I can think of. The plugins emulate the systems' sound hardware and use the data to play the music. some formats I know of the top of my head are NDS: mini2sf GBA: minigsf Genesis: vgm
  20. Anyone know what file in HGSS is otherpoke.narc. I tried looking around but had no luck
  21. It could be the trainer's wifi avatar. like how you see yours friends in union room.
  22. The DNS spoofer keeps just random stoping. the last thing said is that someone requesting a url string.
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