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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. D0 07 is Daycare couple, so you set it for both. Reason being is that Eggs must show up as from the daycare instead of farawayplace.
  2. Not sure if it does or not, but you should probably change it back... If you had a backup save all you have to do is edit the "trashbytes" or whatever of the OT.
  3. no$zoomer lol It works on DeSmuME, you are most likely doinitrong See here for how to RNG on an emulator. Cheers mate!
  4. i guess i will respond to your post in the exact same manner as you posted. they wont be legit because they are legal and parents can only pass down a max of 2-4 IVs, so you will have 2+ random IVs that will rarely be 31. there is no legit checker only legal.exe legal ಠ_ಠ
  5. or just use pokegen instead of necroing a thread almost a year old
  6. I'm betting his reply was for Juan-K. You can easily test it out by creating one with a Hometown of HGSS, and a Hometown of DPPt. For HGSS eggs they have D0 07 for 44h and 45h, as well as D0 07 for Egg met location. 00 00 for met location because it's unhatched, (46/47 00 00 too, depends on where they are hatched in what game).
  7. You can see all the information here about the meaningful hex changes, aside from location data. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11474-Hex-Values-and-Trashbytes-in-B-W&highlight=trashbytes PokeGen has all of this already implemented so just use that as Bond697 said. Don't know why anyone would want to use pokesav anymore. EDIT: Wonder if I made a reply to this thread about this same thing. Oh, I did.
  8. White date at 0x23FFDE8 -- 0XDDMMYY format in decimal, X being which day of the week. time at 0x23FFDEC -- 00SSMMHH format in decimal Black date at 0x23FFDC8 -- 0XDDMMYY format in decimal, X being which day of the week. time at 0x23FFDCC -- 00SSMMHH format in decimal --- White IVMTFrame: 022696A4 Black IVMTFrame: 02269684 Range is 0270-0269 in hex. The 0 value is 0270.
  9. It'd be too much for you to do, since it's encrypted away in the save file. If NulMyre releases his program, you'd be able to do it from that.
  10. If you don't have the game then what is the point of asking questions for something you can only use on something that you do not have? Those questions are answered elsewhere in the forums. Searching Pokegen Blank OT: answer Searching Pokegen Dream World: answer really not hard, just search before asking.
  11. Changing those memory locations won't let you retain the Pokemon after you catch it. It back checks other locations to see if you actually had what you caught available in the forest.
  12. Yep that is a problem. Don't post it, there's many leeches that aren't even registered on the boards that will also use your save file. Public domain ftw! It's best to not even post it even if we find out how to change the game ID of the save, it might be stuffed somewhere else in the save someone else can later discover. Bond and I are both capable of RNGing in the High Link areas, so your best option is to just PM it to whoever you want to RNG it. RNGing all the good spreads once will give all the benefits of soft resetting, we'd just post the RNG'd pkms.
  13. My B+W Pokemon from here will be distributed around Christmas time
  14. If you want to check the new events, change the Species and IDs and moves to one that passes and re-run it through. Newer events are not in the library of IDs to check, so they are "Fake" events.
  15. As far as I know (I don't collect) Jeremy was the only static PID from the 3rd gen. Usually the Event Pokemon were Common GBA [un]Restricted, a modified Method 1 generation method in which an initial seed frame 1 method 1 flipped PID is used for the IVPID. For the ones that are unknown, they are unknown. They may or may not have a relationship, so it is your risk to assume that they don't. In Gen 4, static PIDs ensured Nature, Ability, and Gender. IVs were never set in generation 4. If the PID was unset, it would be generated with the IVs (Mystery Gift PID). In Gen 5, there is no longer a IVPID relationship due to IVs being untied from PID for every ingame generation method. PIDs are generated with a simple XOR of an in-game RNG seed. Ability and Natures will restrict the PID generated, in ways we have yet to document. In conclusion, Unknown GBA types (MAY) not have a relationship [WISH ones]. Gen 5 will not have a relationship.
  16. Enable each code one at a time, don't have 5 always active codes on. The IV check code does not work on DeSmuME. All codes I have posted have worked.
  17. You obviously hacked them wrong if they show up hacked. Deoxys is a Method 1 Pokemon. You have to normalize the trash bytes through trashbytes.exe
  18. That card is a Raikou card not an Entei one
  19. Just a question, were there any NPCs that had multiple "random" responses?
  20. Shadow Lugia's sprite does not exist in the game. No
  21. Oh... silly me Check the GTS website support thread rather than posting here =P
  22. Try the simplest of tools, sendpkm.py
  23. If you use the Mimic Rage glitch, you can get Wish on it if you want. Mimic was tutored on for that reason It's not a PCNY Wish Chansey, but it's a way you can get a Wish Bliss within the confines of the game.
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