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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. most likely.... Pidove, Axew, and Pansage. Just like the Japanese ones, so much for seekret
  2. The headers are the first 8 hexes in each extracted file. I conveniently pasted them in my post when I was analyzing them
  3. May 5th is when the minigame ends and the Eeveelutions will be available for download.
  4. Updated my post with the header data structure.
  5. Header data for the encounter slots... # -- Meaning (Hexes) [b][u]0x0 -- Regular Encounter Tile Type[/u][/b] 00 = 00000000 -- Disabled 03 = 00000011 -- Sand/Cave/Building 06 = 00000110 -- Cave == Force all shaking spots to be on land only. 08 = 00001000 -- Short Grass 0F = 00001111 -- Tall Grass [b][u]0x1 -- Double Battle Tile Type[/u][/b] 00 = 00000000 -- Disabled 08 = 00001000 -- Short Grass 0F = 00001111 -- Tall Grass [b][u]0x2 -- Shaking Spot Enabler[/u][/b] 00 = 00000000 -- Disabled 01 = 00000001 -- Enabled (If 0x0 is 06, force all to be land) [b][u]0x3 -- Surfing Tile Type[/u][/b] 00 = 00000000 -- Disabled 03 = 00000011 -- Regular Surfing Waters 05 = 00000101 -- Regular + Deep/Current Surfing Water [u][b]0x4 -- Water Slots Present[/b][/u] 00 = 00000000 -- Disabled 01 = 00000001 -- Enabled [b][u]0x5 -- Fishing Tile Type(s)[/u][/b] 00 = 00000000 -- Disabled 32 = 00110010 -- Regular Fishing Waters 50 = 01010000 -- Regular + Deep/Current Fishing Water [b][u]0x6 -- Fishing Slots Present[/u][/b] 00 = 00000000 -- Disabled 01 = 00000001 -- Enabled [u][b]0x7 -- Toggle Flag (Items and Pokemon)[/b][/u] 00 = 00000000 -- Disabled 01 = 00000001 -- Cave Items and Pokemon (Spots, in Cave Only) 02 = 00000010 -- Bridge Items and Pokemon (Spots, on Bridge Only) Raw header data:
  6. Awesome Andi, thanks for clearing that up with the levels... totally derp on my part. Gonna look at the headers, even though they aren't useful now because we can't map edit (for the future).
  7. Nice stuff Andi! Each duplicate file corresponds to a different corridor for the maze, and then there's a few alternate passages as well. It also happens for the Victory Road rooms, where only a few rooms actually have Deino. Your post indicates you know this, but I'm just putting it here for anyone else who is lurking. http://pokemon.maruamyu.net/data/bw/enc_b.html http://pokemon.maruamyu.net/data/bw/enc_w.html Find the locations they appear in, and -1 from the location listed there. That is the file you need to edit. I had a list of all of the Locations -> Ingame Locations, but I misplaced it
  8. It doesn't look like held items are stored in this narc at all. I know the data is for any of the water encounters... [color="red"]Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd -- Surfing Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd Dex Dex aa bb[/color] [color="teal"]Dex Dex cc dd -- Surfing on Water Spots Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd[/color] [color="lime"]Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd -- Fishing Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd Dex Dex aa bb[/color][color="orange"] Dex Dex cc dd -- Fishing out of Water Spots Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd[/color] The 2nd hex after the dex is form for the land mons, but what is it otherwise? In addition to this, what do both of them mean? http://pokemon.maruamyu.net/data/bw/enc_b.html http://pokemon.maruamyu.net/data/bw/enc_w.html Has all of the locations (000 is their Location 1, so 111 will be Location 112.) They are translated and here, if you want a general location relation to ingame. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12206225/RNG/Black%20Slots.html http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12206225/RNG/White%20Slots.html There's also the first 8 bytes for each file... what do those signify? xx xx xx 01 32 01 xx This is present in the majority of the fishing routes. Undella Town and Location 74 (seasons) are the only ones that are different in the intro hexes. The locations without fishing do not appear to have these 0x3-0x6 bytes, at least as far as the ones I randomly checked showed. 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 -- Cave Wild and Swirling Sand (41) 08 08 01 00 00 00 00 00 -- Outside Wild, Shaking Grass 08 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 -- Outside Wild Grass, Seasonal changes (48) 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -- Inside Dragon Spiral Tower, no sand 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -- Victory Road Exterior, just crag. 06 00 01 03 01 32 01 01 -- Victory Road Interior, fishable cave with sand swirls and fishing spots. 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 -- Cave and Swirling Sand (54) 03 00 01 03 01 32 01 01 -- (71) 00 00 00 03 01 32 01 00 -- (0) Straitron City, only water. Looks like the 3rd hex is swirling sand/shaking grass toggle, while the 5th and 7th hex are for water spots.
  9. post the pkm or the code please
  10. I replied to one of your other 2 threads with some of the problems I saw. Reposting it here in the bumped thread
  11. Currently out of the reach of anyone I've heard of, so it'd take the discovery of some new information in scripting or map editing to begin to even attempt such a feat.
  12. Drat, thanks for clearing that up metalflygon08
  13. Ferrothorn wasn't hatched. Egg move on a captured Hydregion. Take more time figuring out which ones are problems. I stopped looking after these 2.
  14. Now if only we had a clue how the scripts worked... encountering one forces the other one to join in I'd bet. I didn't mean that the sprites were identical, but I can see how it could have come off that way Good work!
  15. 50% and 5% Might just be 45 and 5, but yeah.
  16. That's why you use PokeGen
  17. TRU Arceus has to have its own PID type, and TID/SID combo. There are no PID generators for Dynamic Mystery Gifts.
  18. Over spring break I went back and abused them. You can find them here. http://sites.google.com/site/kaphotics/resources
  19. I think it has to do with scripting, because the only multi trainer battles are scripted in the game. All of the regular trainer double battles are twins, who share the same sprite. There is a dual battle with Cheren against Team Plasma right after the first gym in the cave. If you can find that trainer ID for that event, it might help.
  20. Most likely, might only be for Jap versions. Nobody's tested it.
  21. Does it even mention title screen in the first post?
  22. You probably gave it a combination of moves it cannot have. Probably the whole Stealth Rock / Leech Seed Spikes conundrum.
  23. Pokesav is not a Project Pokemon supported software. For questions regarding issues or usage of Pokesav, please contact the original author at http://pokesav.umimi.com/
  24. Take the decimal pokedex # and convert it to hex...
  25. I think so, but I don't own one so I can't recommend. I think it's NDS Save adapter plus or something
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