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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. It's in the same subforum as this thread.
  2. Nonono, I meant the game doesnt normally distribute to the US AXPE etc games, it only distributes to the BPEJ etc (japanese) games. So the ROM image name would have to be japanese as noted here The save files aren't language locked
  3. It works with RNG anyways (Hitting a specific frame). It's not hard when there's statistically a shiny every 136.533333 seconds!
  4. It checks the rom to see if it is the correct version/language, so it won't work
  5. clicky the link, ctrl-F PC New York shadiness: Have a nice day
  6. None of us support tricking other users with "legit" Pokemon. The way you worded it was shady We only provide the information to create Legal things, hence 'legal.exe' Your answer is here.
  7. Going to the event is the only way of making/receiving legit pokemon.
  8. IVs are not related to PID this generation.
  9. It's the save file exclusively that uses the value for the seed, for WISHMKR at least (probably 10 ANIV too). I'm almost certain the Celebi uses the GCRNG as it also must place the Celebi on the GC. Save files aren't region restricted either, Nigoli only has JP Emerald.
  10. Here's a 3gpkm of the celebi. It didn't save as a 3gpkm, but a .pkm, so correct it yourself. (I can't upload these odd file extensions) According to Nigoli's first few tests, the Celebi you receive is different each time, meaning it does not exclusively use the save file of the GBA. This hints that it is 100% reliant on the GC's RNG. Celebi.pkm
  11. 1) There's 9, it's lucky enough to have em. Jolly is the 9th. 2) Docile is legit, the rest are generated unless you know who you got them from. The Careful/Lonely/Serious ones are not from me. The bashful one was the one tested in this thread. 3) wat, no encounter slots for event pokemon.. @Nigoli If the saves from this thread work on the Japanese cart, you should get two different Pokemon. Only the one location it is generated from is modified. If it is the same location for the Japanese Bonus disc, you should receive different ones. If not, you should receive the same one. If you do the same exact save file twice and you get the same one, that is expected. If they are different for the same file, something else is at play.
  12. It's Method 1. 0000ZZZZ = ZZZZ, which is always between 0-FFFF. If legal.exe says it's restricted, it is a correct seed.
  13. Take the PID. XXXXYYYY. Flip It. YYYYXXXX To Decimal. 1234567890 Use IVPID, get list of possible IV spreads. Use Shaym.in to reverse the PIDIV to the SEED. If you have the right IVs for the PID, it will reverse into a 0000ZZZZ seed.
  14. 9/65536 Jirachis are shiny due to the ID/SID and PID making it so. The GC Celebi is most likely calculated from the GC's RNG, but the GBA we'd have to wait for someone with the correct setup to test.
  15. Only the ones originating from 0000-FFFF seeds (65536 different IV/N/C). There aren't any flawless ones, the highest IVtotal has an average IV of 30.3. Worst one has an average IV of 2.5! Common GBA Restricted [bACD]
  16. It appears there is no restriction on the seeds possible, as it is some sort of checksum. Resaving the game changes the checksum as the variables it checksums are changed. Colo pokes, we're pretty sure aren't able to be shiny. However, I might be able to test it with OmegaDonut to see if this same checksum determines what you get from the Japanese disc as well, and then we might actually crack its method.
  17. 0 = 0000 1 = 0001 2 = 0010 3 = 0011 4 = 0100 5 = 0101 6 = 0110 7 = 0111 8 = 1000 9 = 1001 A = 1010 B = 1011 C = 1100 D = 1101 E = 1110 F = 1111
  18. wat, each hex is always 4 bits, remember leading zeros BEEFCAFE 10111110111011111100101011111110
  19. Hot. Ageto uses a different method of generation, so the IVPID correlation would be different.
  20. No, it's a flag at 0x42 (01) that overrides the PID based ability.
  21. It's mismatching the Ability. You have to recalculate it by hand. It's the 16th bit as opposed to the 32nd.
  22. Use the xboo cable or whatever you do to put one of the save files on your cartridge. Then receive the Jirachi as you normally would. Then rip the sav back out and post it here, so we can see the result!
  23. English (NA) Retail Cartridge Boldore -> Emolga (Minipete) Minipete.pkm
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