When you are at the point where you can press play on the video, you can modify the values of the decrypted battle video.
0xF8 - Battle Duration (Hex Length)
Moves are (almost) immediately after, obviously.
Turns appear to be 0xB long.
I messed around with 0x14D, and was able to change the move the Pokemon did.
0x0226B0CD = mymove on move 3
0x0226B0F9 = mymove on move 6
These may be different depending on the battle video in question.
Some more decrypted battle videos:
save states
They are all from the same battle, except with different endings.
For the first one (Leaf Blade), I did not switch and used Leaf Blade to finish off the Pokemon.
For the second one (Blaze Kick), I switched to Blaziken. The next turn, I used Blaze Kick to finish off the Pokemon.
For the third one (Earthquake), I switched to Gyarados. The next turn, I used Earthquake to finish off the Pokemon.
Here's when I modified the 6th turn move:
Here's when I modified the 3rd turn move: