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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Scrafty Level: Lv. 50 OT: WORLD11 Moves: Fire Punch, Payback, Drain Punch, Substitute Ability: Moxie Held item: Leftovers Poké Ball: Cherish Ball No Fake Out unfortunately and no nature listed. Not competitive at all.
  2. 520.4 KB =/= 512.0 KB no$ needs to be converted to RAW
  3. Find each instance of it in the respective narc one at a time, and check in game.
  4. That forme no longer exists in B/W.
  5. no Locked
  6. It is not. Curse is a 3rd Gen Egg move. If you breed a male Snorlax in gen 3 (to get curse), then tutor on Selfdestruct (via ), then transfer the said male to gen 5, you'll have a Male SDCurselax. Two egg moves, breeding babies with both.
  7. save game, save state open pokesav, get coordinates ram search the hex values of the coordinates (4 hex long) eliminate by moving and resaving, etc. Change the memory locations to reflect the correct location.
  8. while true do gui.text(1,184, string.format("Map: %d, X: %d, Y: %d, Z: %d", memory.readword(0x0226E750), memory.readword(0x0226E758,2), memory.readword(0x0226E75C), memory.readword(0x021CEF76))) emu.frameadvance() end
  9. no codes. have fun doing it by hand in pokegen
  10. I was hinting that if the person had bought the game legally (cartridge), there'd be no reason to ROM. 91.9% of the time this is the case, most of the time.
  11. copy paste done just like you'd add any other cheat found on the web.
  12. yes, hence the presence of "likely"
  13. many nearflawless IVs on a Pokemon.
  14. Somewhat possible, but really shouldn't be done because it could be used online.
  15. ivs
  16. There's an English translation on the forums by the user Kaarosu.
  17. Can you read what we have put in this thread? We gave you everything you need, it's just up to you to carry it out.
  18. ports blocked, read the guides
  19. it's not a pkm format, it's a Gift Format. You can only use PokeBox or PokeSAV to edit those in, unfortunately.
  20. cant just use the pkms people have already received
  21. Age: 25 talking like a 15 year old ?????????????????? Use www.Pokecheck.Kraftpaper.org
  22. fateful encounter is all you need why don't you just download a WIN2011 celebi? legal + legit + works.
  23. no, don't use RSEdecode, use the Lua scripts I have in the misc/emu forum. As for the seed, the gen4 seed is closer to what you hit (PokeRNG is for gen4). What you hit was 00000000. shaym.in/apps/iv_checker Use this, with your seed as 00000000 and you'll see what method 1 frame you hit!
  24. I call you a fail, you obviously didn't follow the instructions properly. It works...
  25. Method 1 PID, thus not bred. Has egg move. Hacked.
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