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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. 10485848 bytes is 0xA00058 bytes, ~10 times the size. Save files have to be decrypted before loading; methods exist to decrypt Powersaves by using their code-service. There are no methods for decrypting Sky3DS saves, thus they are not compatible with PKHeX.
  2. The random PIDs created by PKHeX are entirely sufficient for every interaction ingame, there is no need to include a multi-type generator. If you really must have a past gen PID, just use another tool and paste it in. The seed is the RNG seed that will generate the next egg. We don't know how the RNG works so it's pointless to edit at this time.
  3. Heh, thanks for spotting that. Fixed the src, but I'm sure you've compiled your own copy by now
  4. Oh, Cyber uses a different type of header. 1048986 bytes - 1024^2 = 410 bytes of header data delete the first 0x19A bytes in the file and you should be at 0x100000; the code fix is: replace all instances of [TABLE=class: highlight tab-size-8 js-file-line-container] <tbody>[TR] [TD=class: blob-code js-file-line] if (len == 0x100000 || len == 0x10009C)[/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] with[TABLE=class: highlight tab-size-8 js-file-line-container] <tbody>[TR] [TD=class: blob-code js-file-line] if (len == 0x100000 || len == 0x10009C || len == 0x10019A)[/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] edit: src code is updated with this (and the other applicable) logic.
  5. [TABLE=class: highlight tab-size-8 js-file-line-container] <tbody>[TR] [TD=class: blob-code js-file-line]if (len != 0x100000 && len != 0x10009C)[/TD] [/TR] </tbody>[/TABLE] KeySAV2 checks to see if it is a 1MB (no header) or 1MB+0x9C header (Powersaves). I'm not sure exactly what the encrypted backup for CyberGadget is (a la SaveBank), but it should also be 1MB.
  6. If you have CyberGadget you can just back up the encrypted save, just like Powersaves does. Although, using PKHeX and the decrypted Cyber save is better imo
  7. There is no Egg species. He entered the battle with an egg. I'm not going to elaborate further as I will not be adding support for this.
  8. 01/01/15 - New Update: - Added: Powersaves decryption via xorpads. - - After Using the Powersaves code-decryption method on a FF'd save file, simply rename the powersaves backup to include the word "xorpad". - - Place the xorpad in either the same folder as PKHeX or in the same folder where you will load the powersaves from. - Added: Loading of manually decrypted ORAS Powersave. Thanks Leanny! - Added: Alt Clicking the Open Temp folder will open the savedatafiler folder if it exists. - Added: Viewing of the second daycare in ORAS; click anywhere in the groupbox to trigger the switching code. Thanks Leanny! - Added: More verbosity to Box Report. - Improved: Data loading speeds (boxes, etc). - Improved: PKRS information will only appear if it has been infected/cured; checkboxes to alter are still always visible. - Fixed: Pumpkaboo form names. Thanks Pkmnninja! - Fixed: Checksum detection should now trigger when loading pkx files. Oops. - Fixed: Translation shouldn't error out if the translation file is malformed. - Fixed: All Encounter Types now appear (refactoring oversight). Thanks sunao!
  9. Decrypting absolutely requires a 3DS. Even in the NDS era we had to unpack ROMs to edit; unpacking/repacking takes time so it's best to do those computational steps only once.
  10. Thank you for reporting this! The issue is now fixed in the latest commit.
  11. Script and Text serve two different purposes. The lower one is for game related text (unrelated to the particular area) while the other is used in a specific game location. Trainers and such use the same text file (if I recall correctly), so you may have to edit both text packages.
  12. PKHeX will generate valid PIDs for ingame play. As mentioned in the sticky, anything legality related is up to the user to handle and should not be discussed in this subforum.
  13. Cloning saves with Powersaves and withdrawing from Bank. Only way to inject is via Cyber Save Editor (japanese) or Gateway (with bad encryption, can't be played on non-exploited consoles). So, not possible for you.
  14. Be sure you are using the latest version, as usual. The topmost geolocation is yours (the latest location); the further you go down the further you go back for who had it. Right, possible that the person just injected the wondercard and didn't attend the event.
  15. To follow up, you also can generate a Box Data Report to see all the ESVs of everything in your boxes.
  16. RSTE is already randomizable (via my branch). As for randomizing overworld items, not possible yet.
  17. No; the r4I save dongle does not include a resigning service which PKHeX requires. A list of compatible devices is listed in the intro of the download thread, if it is not listed, it will not work.
  18. As the guy said, play with the gateway cart & 3dz ROM; use SDF with that and reinsert your old one. You can always extract your Pokemon and insert them into another save file if you're having no luck.
  19. Things like this allude to it not being a problem with PKHeX, but a problem with the installation/running of the game. note: thread is also posted on GBAtemp and hints it is a .cia issue.
  20. The save loads just fine so long as all checksums are valid. Open the edited save and confirm that the checksums are valid; you're likely doing something wrong on your end.
  21. We aren't sure exactly what the function of that bitflag is in OR/AS, I would just ignore it.
  22. ROM data cannot be inserted as Save Data. You have to rebuild the ROM.
  23. xytext already works with ORAS, just open the correct files. obviously it hasn't been updated with english descriptors for the ORAS only variable names, but the program functions just fine.
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