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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Still works. https://twitter.com/smealum/status/643621873901633536
  2. It's stored in multiple places in the save file. Try altering another accessory in-game and it should update your PSS sprite.
  3. Naw, unless you did a file diff on a before/after.
  4. Event Flags are boolean (0/1, true false) storage. Event Constants are ushorts (0-65535) storage. If you've modified the 'boxes available' in the box editor (wallpaper) then yeah, it might be related to a constant.
  5. When you remove a Pokémon from the daycare, the data is not removed. It's simply marked 'Empty' and is only overwritten when you deposit another Pokémon into that slot. PKHeX denotes this flag with ✓/✘ and fades out the preview sprite [relevant code here]. It's similar to Trash Bytes; the game doesn't care to clear unused data (saves some cpu operations). Example 'Empty' Example 'Full' I prefer to not have the contents of the tab editable, as it may cause odd behavior ingame (ie, egg available for unbreedable species).
  6. Web injection will not work on app firmwares not in the -20 thru -22 range. You cannot use web injection if you are below that. Since you are on 9.2.0, install savedatafiler and edit your saves that way.
  7. Kaphotics


    Ha, the lone straggler. I also updated the usage of the others (they were using Path.GetDirectoryName but Path.GetPathRoot is much easier to understand for someone reading through the code). Fixed in latest commit. Thanks for reporting!
  8. Reread my post; the effort required yields minimal use. Better to just start a new game and import your pk6's.
  9. Kaphotics


    Nice catch; the Main Menu's Open was never updated. Updated in latest commit. Thanks for reporting
  10. https://gbatemp.net/threads/save-data-manager-and-editor-for-firmware-up-to-9-9.396245/
  11. Duplicate thread. Can't add anything to PKHeX if what has to be altered is not known.
  12. The file size should be 0x76000 bytes, not 0x75FE9 bytes. Your save is 17 bytes too short; all of the save data was not extracted completely.
  13. You cannot retrieve data from a single encrypted save file.
  14. You cannot retrieve data from a single encrypted save file.
  15. Fixed in the latest commit. Thanks for reporting! The fixed version has been uploaded to the stickied thread.
  16. Fixed in latest commit. Thanks for reporting!
  17. Not really worth it. Just click to the item quantity to lose focus on the DropDown cell. Having duplicate entries of items is definitely not obtainable in-game, but won't have any issues in-game. Sort in-game and toss the duplicate you don't want (if the game doesn't automatically combine).
  18. >(with a varying IP based on who uses it ofc, port is always 5000) That's the problem. Doing a "ping sweep" (to find the device's local IP address) is blocked by most computers that are running a firewall. Since the local IP address can vary, there's no use storing it as a configuration file or registry key. Not really feasible, best to keep it manual. (Press ÿ+E to quickly bring up a new instance of Windows Explorer)
  19. Please PM the pk6/ek6 files so that I may debug
  20. Fixed in latest commit. Thanks for reporting and deducing the issue! A new version has been posted in the stickied thread; as you can tell from the other changes in that commit I've also added automatic loading of the SaveDataBackup files.
  21. 9/20/15 - New Update: - Added: Editing of the Daycare Egg RNG Seed. - - Added: Exporting all Boxes now allows exporting to individual folders based on Box. Thanks suloku! - Fixed: Importing pcdata/boxdata.bin now sets Pokédex flags. Thanks suloku! - Fixed: Exporting all Boxes to a folder will no longer throw errors (Reverted string trimming method change). Thanks suloku! - Fixed: Main Menu Open and Export Save will now navigate to the root of the 3DS's SD card (if it is inserted) and no SDF files are found. Thanks Odaxis! - Fixed: Importing Trade Packets (from Nov'13-Dec'13) will now actually load the data. 9/7/15 - New Update: - Fixed: Hidden Power ComboBox displaying the wrong Hidden Power Type. Thanks sora10pls! 9/6/15 - New Update: - Fixed: Characteristics should now match what is displayed in-game. Thanks StarFisherX! - Fixed: Inventory Editor's width can not be adjusted -- height still can be changed. 9/5/15 - New Update: - Added: Auto-loading of SaveDataBackup saves on program start. Click the SAV: XXXX Label to manually trigger. - Fixed: Showdown Importing with trailing spaces will now import properly. Thanks Favna & RustInPeace! - Fixed: Added Korean Translation file. Thanks cocoblue!
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