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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Appears the Event Database may have an invalid contribution? The English Greninja card has an OriginGame = 0x34, all others are 0x1F. (offset 0x6C) @theSLAYER ?
  2. Kaphotics

    Trash Bytes

    There's multiple 'extra bytes'. 0x2A is used by Poké Pelago, but its function is unknown. Everything else is unused.
  3. Wait for the next release in the next <24h.
  4. Incorrectly transferred pk6->pk7. Working as intended.
  5. Such metadata is not stored inside a mystery gift, and would have to be assembled into a separate metadata file. It's not something I'm interested in implementing thus it falls on community members to contribute. Associated issue on GitHub here.
  6. try https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/83db9968-fc8a-4456-b8c4-524cc6e93094/how-do-i-unblock-assemblies?forum=wpdevelop
  7. extract both the dll and exe.
  8. PKHeX automatically fixes a previous error; the pkm was illegal as the Handling Trainer Gender was set to 2 not 0. You can fix your box data in one go with the Batch Editor: =HT_Gender=2 .HT_Gender=0
  9. Thanks, fixed in latest commit. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/e810e7c430b184fb0cbfe63faa27d462eddaa701
  10. New update has been posted.
  11. No, just incredibly (1:2^32) unlikely.
  12. Offset is the relative offset from the start of the block, and value is the label. PKHeX doesn't modify trainer stats when setting pkm, your box data is never uploaded to Game Sync so they'll never check that. Game Freak only cares about online interaction hacking; pretty sure the underlying reason they banned people was due to insane FC amounts and too-high plaza levels. Probably can plot playtime to coins and see a disconnect.
  13. Fixed in latest commit. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/16203b36b9ae8a3d60506c048dba44a65489c4a5 Thanks
  14. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commits/master >30 changes have been made since the day bank came out.
  15. PKHeX merely gives you the skeleton key. If you do something you shouldn't, you should be pointing the finger in the other direction
  16. Was fixed the day after the last release (161231), new release will be out in a day or two.
  17. Please wait until the next release is posted on the site; the continuous integration server is mainly for testing build options for every commit, and is not intended to be a substitute for the stable release posted on the forums. You can always compile the build yourself. The current state is still rough and unfinished, so new features are not behaving 100% yet. The latest commits are there for people wanting to test new features with no guarantee of stability.
  18. A new commit was added 2 hours ago to add the new field and remove that legality check, more research is needed to figure out what 0x2A signifies.
  19. fixed in latest commit https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/ae8f929f974c7c80d456f5618369b7d8b28fa1e0
  20. Original issue was an out of date version, has already been resolved in latest commits. Latter memory issue discussion here, and has also been resolved in latest commits.
  21. Closing, out of date versions. Just use wine / winebottler. PKHeX uses .NET 4.0
  22. A pkm has 3 abilities, and it stores which abilitynumber (0/1/2) as well as the actual ability ID. The Batch Editor can't [generically] set the actual ability ID that corresponds to the ability number, but will have the capability in the future. Different species have different abilities, so: .AbilityNumber=4 .Ability=128 Will set all PKM's abilities to Defiant and says to the game that they have their hidden ability. The game only cares about which abilitynumber when it evolves (to pick the new ability ID).
  23. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/0bddd2f072a0c76ce53962ffcb8e02d37da2ef33 fyi, event mons can have ribbons (classic) that prevent certain types of online interactions.
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