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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. was fixed yesterday https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/bdb6b7a2f16306a4bda320fffe034bac93483b2c
  2. PO87AE~1.SAV file is completely empty; open it in a hex editor to see. You're not extracting your current save file data if you're getting nothing out.
  3. Pertains to OT Affection; ORAS has a bug where it gives 20 to the original trainer not the current trainer. To have a gen6 contest ribbon you need OT Affection that is a multiple of 20 or 255.
  4. NocashGbaBackupMediaSavDataFile.a.....â.........................SRAM PKHeX does not work with Save State files. You need the Save File, not a RAM snapshot.
  5. Refer to the other recent threads. This is a known issue with the current release.
  6. Check result output is set to Fishy; not sure if it was not completely implemented:
  7. Thanks for reporting, fixed in latest commit https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/e74e7878cd0e4b426fdbfd25b42c2ed01126d066
  8. You already got an answer on github, and it's been answered here numerous times prior. Stop using the program inside another folder that has garbage in it. Give pk3DS a clean folder, and a clean rom dump.
  9. Already fixed in the latest commits Gen 6+ have the ability capsule which allows ability changing, which is why the message didn't appear on recent generation saves.
  10. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13748055/could-not-load-type-system-runtime-compilerservices-extensionattribute-from-as install .net framework 4.6
  11. You tampered with the IVs; working as intended.
  12. I guess @sora10pls is a liar: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/issues/1746 Thanks, fixed in latest commit! https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/828636856cfc2e525c0acb64c39bc98c60bbe9ee
  13. That's not a save file.
  14. Thanks, fixed in latest commit https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/3548e103fdce97bd87a512aecabd1c65b0b0439d
  15. Use PKHeX (trainer nickname is supported now), editing save files has extra checksums which prevent simple hex edits. Strings for gen5+ are stored in Unicode format, so you'll have to check "Unicode string" when searching.
  16. You'll need to wait for the next release or compile the program from the current code. It's not a critical fix so the next release won't be available for at least the next few days.
  17. Thanks, added in latest commit https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/0d69e803e154f80f9bc5cec6a6e78bc39db2d427
  18. The usual fix is to just copypaste the encounter with a separate met location. Since gen3 doesn't have legality checks and the location is replaced on transfer to 4+, I don't rate this as a high enough issue to spend time finding all the locations everything can be captured with.
  19. done https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/f103a84fbdb45e14dd703dbe33662b3ec445b9d8 i'd rather not support any more header-footer formats beyond what is currently implemented
  20. Fixed yesterday, thanks for reporting https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/dc0cf34ed5936d2abbd7b7db36f3ec6db3c08e90
  21. No need for a table, PKHeX already knows when the receiver should be the OT when generating the pkm. Can refactor the logic and expose a "Can Nickname" property for all mystery gift objects.
  22. The advanced search values are based on the source code value types. If "Language" is represented as an int, then you can search using a number. As already noted by @theSLAYER, most cards do not specify a language; when the gift is received by the delivery man, they will inherit the save file language. There's no computerized database of what cards can be received by a language / region... It's one of PKHeX's unaddressed issues (#275)
  23. Thanks for listing some scaling factors; I assume you're on Windows 10 so I'll be able to play with this later. I have a hunch that it's the StatEditor scaling mode (currently Font, maybe should be Inherit)... just a note for myself
  24. probably due to your desktop resolution scaling, will investigate
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