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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. I don't know why you're asking if they're "legitimate events", since most of these aren't event Pokémon. Event Pokémon were redeemed via the wonder cards. In-game Pokémon were caught in-game. It is a bit hard to track, cause most of them have been captured and transferred across different years. The only entries that *may* have been created, were entries originating from Gen 5. (The hatched stuff with Lv 100.) In any case, they're all legal. If it bothers you, I can recatch them all.
  2. I've fixed your save. For future reference, keep an unedited save backup safe elsewhere on your computer, before making any edits. main For my own future reference on how to repeat the process:
  3. As in your character is stuck, and you want your character to become unstuck? Upload your save, let us take a look.
  4. Serebii.net has announced a new event Pokémon distribution for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee in various countries in Europe. In commemoration for the release of the TCG: Unified Minds expansion, an event Mewtwo will be distributed to players via serial code. Mewtwo is likely being distributed because it is one of the featured Pokémon for the new expansion. It is currently known that the gift is a Level 70 Mewtwo, that comes with the moves Amnesia, Psychic, Teleport, Recover. Additionally, it's Awakened Values will be fully maxed out at 200 per stat. Presently, it appears that participating retailers will the distribute the serial codes between August 9th to September 6th, 2019. The expiry date for in-game redemption via serial code is presently unknown. It is also presently unknown whether such a distribution will happen for American territories. As the Nintendo Switch is region free, if one manages to get a code, they'll be able to redeem it, regardless of where they purchased their Nintendo Switch. Any official sources (and if they bear additional info) will be added to this page when they come along. Sources: Tweet and Serebii's page. Later edit: Bulbagarden and their source (Official Pokémon Gamepress)
  5. Yeah, but make sure you keep safe backups of unedited .dsv files elsewhere on your computer before making any edits (many people lose their save progress by screwing up edits or deleting the wrong file by accident, so just a gentle reminder to always keep unedited saves safe) To make edits, close the emulator, load up the .dsv file into PKHeX, then when the edits are done File > Export Save... > Export Main and overwrite the old .dsv in the Battery folder :3
  6. There was something wrong with your .dsv. It appears you didn't save properly or something. When I used PKHeX to save it as a .sav, and forced DeSmuME to load the .sav, it load up normally I also went ahead to view your PC in-game, which fixed the PC issue. In any case, I fixed it for you, and the game also loads from this .dsv. Use this instead (remember to rename the .dsv to match your game's name) Platinum US Testing save.dsv
  7. 1. What version of DeSmuME are you on? 2. What version of PKHeX are you using? (if you're on the same version as me, no reason why you can't load the save) 3. How far are you into the game, did you use an absurd amount of cheats? I can load your save. But there's a weird issue with your PC. I'm not sure if you advanced far enough to get more Pokémon to initialize the PC, or it's red cause of bad cheats.
  8. Save properly in-game twice. Also refer back to previous image I attached, regarding Auto Detect Savetype You can load a save state, then save in-game twice, CTRL R to refresh game, then close emulator. What version of DeSmuME are you on?
  9. erm, send over the .dsv for me to take a look. It doesn't make sense that PKHeX can't edit it. The emulator loads straight from the .dsv in that folder; don't load a state when you load the game on the emu, just go straight to the title screen and hit Continue. Also don't attempt to modify the .dsv when the emulator is open.
  10. Go to Config > Path Settings, and show me the path settings. Confirm that "SaveRam" (or the equivalent) saves ".\Battery", proceed to save the game in-game, then close the emulator. Then navigate to your DeSmuME folder, and go into the Battery folder.
  11. 1. Check if this option matches the image below: 2. Also read our guide on how to get to the save. 3. And most importantly (I cannot stress this enough), make sure you're using the game's in-game menu to save the game. (Press X, then hit SAVE) If you don't save the game via in-game menu, no .dsv would appear, and no .sav you dump would work. (because... no save data exists. If you don't save normally, how would there be save data hmmm? )
  12. You're not supposed to use .dst. Use a .sav or .dsv. The issue isn't the program, but more likely you're not providing the right save or a save with the right save size. If it's not recognizing a .sav, it's because the save size is incorrect. What emulator are you using?
  13. If the game can't be played even with a save, then either the Citra version is incompatible, or the game simply doesn't work. We aren't a Citra support forum, so if no one else knows what can be done, then you probably should take it to a Citra support forum.
  14. Can't seem to find a fresh game. Could try with this save that I found on the net https://gbatemp.net/attachments/detective-pikachu-100-complete-rar.118751/
  15. Whether using CFW or Homebrew, you'll need a save manager to import and export saves from your games. Read our guide here. :3
  16. @MeterGriffin I can only assume you're doing something wrong.. Using my legal Gengar, I changed the Catch Rate to match it's original value, and it became illegal. Thus, I'm guessing that your Gengar has it's default catch rate (of either Gastly's 190 or Haunter's 90) One thing you need to know, is that Catch Rate in Gen 1 is actually used as Held Item in Gen 2. However, not every value corresponds to a possible item in Gen 2. So for the example above, 90 actually doesn't correspond to an item, so if you indeed traded Gengar to Gen 2, it's Catch Rate gets forcibly overwritten by the game. Gen 2 would force the held item to be Berry. Of course you can opt to remove the item from Gengar. In any case, it's Catch Rate would no longer be 90 when traded back. Based on that, PKHeX can tell that you didn't perform a tradeback, hence it is right to flag your Gengar as illegal. (It's the same if it was evolved from a Gastly; has 190 as Catch rate. 190 doesn't correspond to an item. List of Gen 1 held items, list of Catch rates, and big list of indexes and item) edit: if the issue isn't the catch rate, then upload the Pokémon.
  17. Use this instead. Then when not in save mode, import a pkm into a PCD.
  18. Use a different program. Follow the guide for Checkpoint or TWL save tool https://projectpokemon.org/tutorials/save-editing/managing-nds-saves/ Note that if you have a counterfeit cart, it likely won't work.
  19. From the album: Distribution Devices

    Source: https://twitter.com/143Diancie/status/1033008159365971974
  20. @hmash15 you've already made this post before, no need to make another one. I'm hiding the old one, and leaving this one up. If you don't get responses, do not repost this again, alright? Now patiently wait for people with expertise relating to your problem to reply you. Also, I saw the previous one and did not reply it, as well as not answering your question on this one, because simply, I don't know. I never had issues with pkNX, and I don't recognize what issue you have. If everybody came to this thread and said "I don't know" to you, it'll be a very busy thread with no concrete information offered XD
  21. You can opt to follow this guide (tho it’s presently outdated and is in the process of being updated; read the info on the site). You gotta need a compatible Switch to perform the hacks (typically one bought at an earlier date). Perform the Switch hacking at your own risk.
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