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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. If that species only exist as an event, then yes. I’ll prioritize bred/caught over event in this collection.
  2. a) it’s not shiny, it’s just a different form b) it’s a gen 8 distribution c) Magearna does not exist in SWSH Thus, no point putting such a file into any collection, when the user can’t place the mon into any save.
  3. No worries. For future sake, load a UM save first, before you do any edits.
  4. I don't know, probably because your emulator uses a big save? You haphazardly changed the extension from .smr to .sav. I'm unsure if you load back a .sav sized file to the emulator, whether would it work You may have to untrim the .sav after editing. Better learn how to use Hex editor to trim and untrim
  5. Your save is too big. I had to trim it down. @Delta Blast Burn already gave you an answer (and I didn't see it until now) Gotta trim it down to an actual save size.
  6. yeah it was really hard to get. fighting against the entire world and only 60 distributed. Madness. Yeah I'm relieved there wasn't special moves too, though if the server wasn't prepared, it would have been blocked by hack checkers. Imagine if that happened during a trade event XD
  7. XD, regarding which part? That we didn't get any? I was saddened by that as well. That it was an in-game mon? I'm slightly annoyed that they gave away an in-game mon, but given we didn't get any, that somehow became a consolation; "ah, at least it was not unique in some sense"
  8. You mean this, right: (edit derp, didn't see the second uploaded image. Only saw the first one.) Yup, as answered, Starter from Let's Go. And preemptively, no, you can't hack it into non Let's Go games.
  9. so you're trying to load a save before you pick a starter? That's the problem right there. perhaps load the file onto a PC emulator (like VBA), then try to pick a starter. Or transfer the save to a non randomized game and play there. You need to grab a starter before trying to load the save on PKHeX.
  10. Then don't used a hacked Kyogre. We got a Gen 7 Kyogre. Make sure you use legal information regarding it's encounter. In any case, this has nothing to do with PKHeX versions. If anything, it just means the legality checking is better with version updates.
  11. I didn't obtain it. As far as I know, no one in direct contact with me got it either. My analysis of the HOME image they tweeted: the moves were egg moves, and the Clefairy didn't have fateful encounter, and levels shown were not set, the Encryption constant wasn't 0 (Characteristic was Mischievous, which cannot happen for 0 EC) This roots out HOME event (EC wasn't 0) nor redeemed wonder card (no fateful encounter). I presently believe the event was merely an in-game evolved Cleffa, hence why it has egg moves (as opposed to event moves), and why the levels were inconsistent, instead of being redeemed from a wonder card. (they can set no ribbons on wonder card, which the event can then be wonder traded) edit: It also didn't look like Wild Clefairy, which had the egg moves passed to them via the new mechanic. The levels don't look like Wild Clefairy levels, tho they could have simply leveled them a bit when transferring the moves over.
  12. The most recent update can open saves from USUM. Just drag the save file on the open PKHeX window
  13. Try dumping it again, into a new folder, then sending it over. I'll try loading it into my OR again.
  14. You device has CFW right? and your Omega Ruby is cart? are you certain your cart is real? If you restore the Treecko save into OR, does the game load?
  15. Well the other saves are fine. If you think it's Checkpoint, try backing up using JKSM instead and see how that goes. https://github.com/J-D-K/JKSM/releases
  16. @Dracofeu The Y and OR save you upload loads just fine. Just to be clear, what was the first save for again? I assumed it was Omega Ruby (based on the title), but this other OR save loads just fine. Was it a UM save. In your paragraph, you said that UM save loads fine, and that OR doesn't load, I'm wondering if you swapped the game titles around, and it was UM that doesn't load edit: the size of the first file would suggest it's an ORAS save. Have you collected the starter in that save? Tho that wouldn't explain the corrupted message now. Try saving twice in-game, making a new export, then send that export to me.
  17. as of now, I cannot be sure that you're exporting and importing the right save. Maybe try exporting a different save, and uploading that different export to us.
  18. Looks better to me. Box names are appearing, no red boxes. I'll do the edits and place them in the box. I'll use the trainer details of this save.
  19. as far as I can tell, the save size is the same as one created by desmume. I don't know what your emu is doing. play another game, start a new game, then save right you collected the starter, then send it over. I'll see if it's weird.
  20. and it seems I can't use your dsv on desmume. Let me try something, will get back to you.
  21. Hmm, try exporting as battery file first before we do that. Or whatever the equivalent is there for you. (it is greyed out for me cause I haven't loaded a game yet)
  22. No, the save is partially corrupted. The box names are missing, the spaces are red. I'm not sure what will happen if I add mons into the box in this state. try exporting battery file, and send us a .sav (I couldn't import the .dsv into my desmume, the game restarts.)
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