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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. if other mods also cause a crash, you would think that maybe your game version is the problem..
  2. the user who posted this hasn't been online since November 2020. Was there really any reason for you to add another comment to a reply you didn't get?
  3. Do check the Downloads section on our forums, as there's many saves there. In case you cannot find a save you want, all you gotta do is create another profile and play the game to get another save. It takes about 1 hour from the start to reach the Wild Area. (In comparison to waiting for hours and no one contributing a save to your liking.) Good luck! :3
  4. There were times I saved the game, the game finished printing the text, but the text box has yet to close, and I powered off. My save apparently didn't stay. My two thoughts to this is: 1) Textbox not closing is and powering off means the data may not be properly written to flash: Game specific 2) VC specific: Powering off without closing the app *may* cause the game to not be able to commit the saved data to proper save location.
  5. I can't say for certain it doesn't miss anything, cause I don't try to get ribbon master mons (for example), but everything else seems to pass, both my experience and other players experiences.. Something like that. People could argue you can't get the Wifi ribbons if you only played that game recently (since the proper Wifi service shutdown), for example. As I said, it depends on your story. You don't expect me to run through every detail of every ribbon, right? ><
  6. I can't be certain, but I'm under the impression that you powered off completely when the text "*** saved the game" finished printing, but the textbox didn't close. IIRC, if you were to do that on a retail Game Boy, there's a chance that the save may not have completely saved, so powering off immediately might throw you back to the previous save. Always wait a bit, then close the app first, before powering off. This applies to all games on all consoles, not just VC Pokémon. Impatient powering off the device could always lead to data loss. As a result, I always save twice, cause I'm paranoid.
  7. I'm curious: did you close the VC app then power off your device, or did you just power it off straight away?
  8. Erm.. Let's look at my answer: I gave an answer that effectively says "no, but..."' I'm sorry if your reading comprehension is not up to par Almost everything in Pokemon is conditional. I answered in a way that encapsulates both the yes and no conditions. :3 And even if you ignore my reply, the other reply by someone else was pretty clear.. Wasn't directed to this account, but actually yes. The same fella keep creating alts. The alts will keep liking each others posts, having a conversation with each other in public acting as tho the alts are strangers and keeps asking dumb questions repetitively. And proceeded to get abusive when repeat threads of theirs were merged. Basically, the accounts act like a general nuisance. This thread has been answered, I'm locking it.
  9. I made an edit to my post. Refresh the page and read it.
  10. If the save was overwritten by the DS Menu, I doubt that any data remains. We can't perform magic; that data needs to be there, in order for it to be retrieved. Here are the two extracted 2 blocks of your save, to be used with PKHeX, and they look identical. test3.sav test4.sav (Most Pokemon games have a main save and a backup save. For B2W2, Read about it here) edit: If these are supposedly your Pokemon, it's no different from loading your save directly into PKHeX. If for some reason you don't see the mons in-game, make sure you associate the save with the game. I don't know the menu, you gotta figure that out on your own. Based on the name of your save, I feel you might be using a flashcart, and pirating the game. We can render no further assistance if you're pirating the game.
  11. no worries :3 Well, that's ignoring the anti-shiny mechanism. Yes, the way probability works, is that nothing is definite. There's always a chance of something to happen, no matter how abysmal lf the RNG mechanism is known, then yeah it could be checked upon whether it was called from the restricted seed I can't recall the details, but basically if the PID results in a shiny, flip the furthermost bit, and it'll result in a non-shiny. (either that, or reroll the PID, but I don't think it's this) I kinda get it, it is pretty fascinating.
  12. Your long winded story lost me. Basically, you overwrote your save with a DS menu right? Thus, nothing here are the mons you once had, correct?
  13. save in-game, instead of using state saves. If you don't save in-game, you can't even attempt to use the file with PKHeX
  14. To my understanding, there's a few things working hand in hand. Firstly, based on analysis of the existing cart's code, and the underlying RNG of the stats of the third gen mons distributed by cart, it appears that the cart distributions were effectively using the same code as previous iterations. Meaning, they just tweaked the species and OT for each unique event, while the code for distributions remained mostly unchanged. [In other words, we don't need some of those unreleased carts to be able to tell their shiny potential, if they share RNG with previous known events. It is likely that they were distributed on a cart that was based off a known event.] Next, event distribution ran on a "restricted seed" basis, which means there could only be up to 255 unique copies of each mon for that particular event (IIRC). This doesn't fulfill every PID combination, and could be surmised that it is technically pretty rare for a PSV and TSV combo to be even shiny. (and remember, this is on top of anti-shiny code) On top of those 2 points (and this is more of a throwaway point), it has been what, more than 15 years? If a legitimate shiny for those exists, we probably would have heard about it. Remember, we are talking about algorithmic precision, combined with the likelihood that most distro carts were a derivative of a previous working distro cart, combined with supremely extreme low odds, combined with over a decade's worth of time passing.
  15. Thread appears to be dead. OP can PM me to unlock the thread, if necessary.
  16. a) the thread you posted has nothing to do with PKSM b) I do not see anything that implies the save could be injected back in c) looking at the data, besides the lack in size, it also seems to be missing important segments. I did manage to stitch the file together with a working existing save, so that it shows up in PKHeX, but it looks like you have practically 0 progress. test2.savtest1.sav Well good luck trying to get the save back into the game. For future sake, you may wanna learn how work with the saves in HxD
  17. then you gotta learn by trial and error. I've never dealt with this garbage before. While I am somewhat in the process of figuring it out (by comparing it to proper saves), I wonder.. what's your purpose of dumping these files?
  18. Based on the way you're naming the files, looks like it's GBA VC, meaning injected nonsense. I presume that's the reason why it doesn't appear on PKSM. I suggest you install HxD and trim them.
  19. Shift + clicking on the stat applies hyper training, and shift + click on the stat again removes the hyper training.
  20. The error message literally tells you the problem. You cannot hyper train a stat that is already perfect.
  21. @ChingChongBird It will only say "welcome back" if the Trainer Name, Trainer ID and Secret ID on your save are the exact same as the mon. (I can't remember if Trainer Gender plays a role too, but it probably does). Also, I'm saying this nicely, but you've already been answered. Asking the same question in a different way won't get you a different response. Also, just a kind warning, I'm taking note of your behavior. I find it oddly reminiscent. edit: I also moved both your posts; they were in the wrong section.
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