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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Then..... I would say that's not the issue...
  2. You know you can only sync once a day. That might be your problem, not anything with legality.
  3. No. It would still contain things like IDs, personal progress and accomplishments, friend codes, etc. Most of those submitted to me were handed over under the promise that I would not release them publicly. It's just not gonna happen.
  4. Thanks everyone, but I couldn't have done it by myself. Unfortunately, a lof of the savs I used were people's personal sav files (including my own), and that's actually what caused a lot of the time delays (changing DS systems cause a clock change, and a 24 hour delay, like the Pal Park). But anyway, being as how they are personal sav files, I won't be posting them. In the future, there will likely be ways to determine or generate a Dream World pokemon PID, so everyone will have to wait until then.
  5. After all the fun time delays, I finally got them all collected together. See the first post for the attachments. A big thanks to all the people who played along and contributed to this event!
  6. What do you mean by "all other events" ? Croagunk and the Pikachu Skin were single passwords. This event, and the other two sets of upcoming starters are both one-time-use serial numbers (not passwords). My serial numbers can no longer be used.
  7. Great idea! If you haven't noticed yet, depending on how you score in the mini-games (we think), the pokemon may have a special move (egg move, etc... or even a move it can't normally learn), so it'll be great to have a collection of these going.
  8. Yes. After clicking on the campaign link on the main PGL site, you can choose the one about Labyrinth and the Daisuki Club だいすきクラブ, then click on Next (次へ) and just follow through the little sequence to meet your pokemon. Then, after syncing and going to the DW, waking up the pokemon, and resyncing, you can meet your Pokemon in the High Link Forest. Those who still plan to conribute, please make sure you are backing up your saves at the correct time (check the first post). Regarding the stuff I was putting together: I'm still waiting on a couple savs from some people, and with moving around my flashcart, I messed up the date settings on one of my savs and will have to wait until tomorrow to be able to Sync it and get the pokemon from that game.
  9. Did you read this part? It's just barely 6am Japan time. Be patient.
  10. Dream World is down for maintenance until at least 2am Japan time. And even when it comes back up, there's no confirmation that the even will start precisely when the date switches over (although, that could be what this maintenance is). Yes, you can link your account to two games and get the event pokemon in both (according to the official description). Assuming all goes according to plan, I SHOULD have everything up in some form or another by 30 hours from this post.
  11. I updated in the information in this thread last week. The event starts on the 20th. I just deleted a bunch of off topic posts here. Please keep discussion limited to this event.
  12. Just use Pokegen and you won't have this problem in the future, and you won't need to enter Japanese text to fix it.
  13. Hey, With the release of the WCs from yesterday's event, a few guys were digging through the pca files in the IRC channel today and Bond697 wrote some of it up on the wiki. http://www.projectpokemon.org/wiki/5th_Gen_Wondercard_Map (if you haven't seen it yet)
  14. The nuance is more like "failed at connecting." It's most likely not referring to the Download Play download, but the connection that is happening between the BW game and the Download Play program. If you haven't noticed... this hasn't worked yet. So unless you're trying something new, you're probably not going to have much luck.
  15. So... first you're not informative enough but expect us to have all the answers for your specific problem. Then, when you finally decide to give us the information we needed to help you in the first place, you act like a jerk and claim we said you were lying? No one said we didn't believe you. We were saying we can't help you if we don't know what your problem is. However, since your last post contains EXACTLY THE INFORMATION WE NEEDED TO HELP YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE, I will help you. The first picture says it's a communication error and you should try again. And if it doesn't work then and/or you can't find the problem, it says you should use that error code to find your answer. If the Nintendo website says your DS is broken, then that's probably the problem. You can't rule it out just because it's a new DS. You might have broken it... it's a possibility. Do your other games still work online? The second (GTS) picture that this pokemon cannot be offered up for a trade.
  16. What? No, because you haven't provided enough details on what your error is, so no one can. Giving a number "or whatever it is" is not specific enough. My guess is that since you're getting an error code, it's a problem with your internet/router.
  17. This doesn't matter. The PGL is back online, and you still sync with it the same way (by putting a pokemon to sleep)
  18. Again, that has already been addressed and fixed in the current version and the current version is not released. The only patches available so far are from the early early alpha/beta.
  19. People have been asking recently, so I'll just restate that nothing has changed. This project is 99% done and that hasn't changed since the last time I posted. All of the scripting is done, all of the overworld locations and trainers are done, all of the teams are inserted, all of the battles are working as they should... The only thing that is missing is the battle sprites for the trainers from Emerald. I have the files, but no way to insert them as I am waiting for an update on PokeDSpic that could handle the different tiling arrangement of the trainer's sprites in HGSS. I have no idea when that will happen, because that project seems to have been put to the side as everyone is enchanted by BW now. So, even though I'm done working on this project, it is on hold indefinitely until an updated PokeDSpic is released. ...unless someone out there wants to use Kazo's tedious re-tiling method to re-do all 39 of the image files, cause that's seemingly the only way to insert custom trainer battle sprites into HGSS currently.
  20. Your problem: It says the game cartridge isn't correct and you should start over and try again with a correct cartridge. Also, your third picture is flipped horizontally... Your problem: You don't have six pokemon on your game that can be caught with the Poke Shifter.
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