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Everything posted by Guested

  1. If you can't see it this way, then I think you're doing it for the wrong reasons. Did you go to all that effort simply to get something to trade away?
  2. There is absolutely no need to bump. There is already a request thread. If you like, you can help out there.
  3. I've moved all of the off-topic posts into their own thread somewhere else. Stay on topic in this thread, thanks!
  4. These were the two most important points from my post. They're also the same point. Not sure yet if I'm gonna move all these posts to a different discussion thread or just delete them. If you don't see them anywhere else, then you know why. (BTW, thanks to those of you who actually have a good understanding of how this stuff is working) But seriously, no more trolling and no more feeding the troll. If you wanna talk about this Mewtwo, this is the place to do it. If you want to talk about something different, but post that here anyway, then it's gonna get deleted. Edit: I've moved this thread now.
  5. The fourth and final week of the Japanese Year of the Dragon Eggs began today and Nigoli has once again rounded up all six. Get them in the collection, or in the Event Gallery! 1-30-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Year of the Dragon eggs, Week 4
  6. First of all, this isn't really the place to discuss this as this is a thread about an event that will be distributed over wifi. Secondly, I've said numerous times that the purpose of collecting the events here and posting them where anyone can get them is for those who weren't able to attend an event either related to issues of having the spare time, or geographic problems. That's great that you were willing to drive so far to get an event. Most people can't. Most events (like the Japanese ones) aren't even available in all countries. Re-posting them here gives others the chance to have them as well. It doesn't affect you. It doesn't de-value yours in any way. Yours is still special to you because of the effort you put in to getting it and it serves as a memento of the event you attended. If you're worried about events from here being traded around... if you're trading events, you really shouldn't be trading stuff like this with people you don't know and trust, anyway. The only "worth" these events have are personal worth. We don't hide these away and make them available only to a select few because we don't feel stuff like this should be hoarded. It should be shared with everyone. As for the "proof" factor... we DO ask for proof (such as a photo), but most of the bogus submissions usually get cleared up and fixed rather quickly since numerous people attend these events. A lot of your post seems to be directed at event trading communities (the parts about collecting all dates/characteristics/natures) and I think that's rather misplaced, since there isn't really any event trading happening in this community. At any rate, this is the wrong place to discuss this.
  7. It's not unoriginal to English. And if it's wifi, then the OT won't be as bad as "Gamestop."
  8. I added an entry for this in the Event Gallery. http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-V.php Decided "Pokemon Game Generations Rayquaza" sounded pretty good.
  9. Nigoli has once again rounded up the new batch of Year of the Dragon Eggs! Get them in the collection, or in the Event Gallery. Speaking of dragons, If you didn't notice, it's been announced that a Rayquaza with V-Create will be distributed in February as a result of the recent poll of game mascots. Read more about it here. 1-23-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Year of the Dragon eggs, Week 3
  10. Thats' cool that it picks up so soon after the ending of the Year of the Dragon eggs. Apart from the five-day gap, there's been successive events running at Pokemon Centers since Tohoku Snivy started at the beginning of September. Kinda wish it would have been something like Groudon, Kyogre or one of the RGB pokemon, though. This event starts on a Friday. I'll be able to pick it up that night, or the next day (Saturday, the 11th). I'm sure Nigoli will get it too.
  11. Thanks to Nigoli's diligence, we've got some additions to a few of the ongoing events. The Tohoku Pokemon Center started their own distribution of the Birthday Audino Present upon its opening on December 4th. The second week of the Year of the Dragon eggs has started, and they are (as previously thought), identical except for WC ID number. Get them in the Event Collection download or on the Event Gallery page. 1-16-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Tohoku Birthday AudinoYear of the Dragon eggs, Week 2
  12. Thanks to all recent contributors! Sorry for the delay in the update, but the holidays were a busy time. All of the recent contributions have been added to the Collection, and Gallery updates have done as well. We'll have more info on the later distributions of the Year of the Dragon eggs when the next rounds begin (they'll most likely be identical, but with a different WC ID number). Also, thanks for the update on the Greek Darkrai, but usually new info about new events should go in the Event forums, not this contribution thread. I've added that date to the Gallery page. 1-6-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Year of the Dragon Eggs Korean Reshiram/Zekrom Italian Darkrai As usual, if you notice any errors or mistakes, let me know.
  13. I'll be getting this (and the previous contributions) uploaded very soon!
  14. Thanks. I must have overlooked it after copy/pasting from the English table.
  15. Thanks to Nintendo1252, we now have the Korean Victini in the Collection, and thanks to Nigoli and mask, we now have the Gratitude Shaymin from Japanese Pokemon Centers. Gallery updates done as well. 12-20-2011 Collection archive updated Added: Korean Movie VictiniJapanese Gratitude Shaymin
  16. Why do you think that? Famitsu is not an official publication (as in, officially done by Nintendo). Here's a post I made in the Contribution thread: (I'd like to emphasize "numerous") And now, with mask checking directly for us, we can definitely be certain. Thanks for getting it, mask! I couldn't attend this one because of my travel plans, so I'm glad you could!
  17. Well, numerous sources have corroborated the 12191 ID, so it's clear that that one is the real one. Famitsu isn't really "official" to begin with, but it's unclear why they used a fake ID in their report. Due to the timing of this event, I'm unfortunately unable to pick it up myself to confirm it, but there have been enough confirmations of 12191.
  18. Thanks for that info. You sure about local wifi, though? From what I understand, there hasn't been a local wireless Korean event in a loooooong time. They're much more anal about game "collectibles." And are you saying Victini is for pre-order, but then also distributed to anyone/everyone after the movie opens? Are the dragons limited by game version like the Japan event?
  19. Can you get any confirmation on the card comment? And has anyone been able to read how and where this is being distributed? (Reshiram and Zekrom, too)
  20. Yes, at level 37.... that's why it is colored black in the gallery. The only unusual move is Seed Flare, which it normally learns at a higher level (level 100), which is why it is colored blue in the gallery. The other two moves it also learns at levels lower than 50.
  21. Moveset and level have been announced. http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-V.php
  22. The new Japanese Wi-Fi events are now up! They've been added to the Event Collection and Gallery page. 12-15-2011 Collection archive updated Added: Japanese Milos Island Thundurus and Tornadus Also added this to the upcoming section: 12-15-2011 Event List updated Added: Japanese Year of the Dragon Eggs
  23. A blurb in the most recent Corocoro says that from January 6th (after the Shaymin distribution ends), to February 5th, you can get a different Pokemon egg each week at Pokemon Centers. Each will be Shiny, and each is or evolves into a Dragon type. There six different Pokemon which are distributed at random. You can get one during each of the four weeks. (Presumably, this means that the events in the first week will all have the same WC ID, and second, and so on.... but all six pokemon will be distributed each week. Similar to the previous Mystery Egg events.) Pokemon are: Horsea Trapinch Swablu Bagon Druddigon Deino Distributions: Jan 6 - 15 Jan 16 - 22 Jan 23 - 29 Jan 30 - Feb 5 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nW_OaBMtXPI/Tuc3dT5VBRI/AAAAAAAACpA/eY0_c_h9LCA/s1600/Scan2a.jpg http://twitpic.com/7t48oh Update: Official site has now posted the same details. http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2011/12/111216_p02.html?i001=news
  24. Revelations isn't multiplayer, actually.
  25. Okay, when you start a new discussion thread, you should START THE DISCUSSION, not just tell people this is where they can discuss something. Also, this is the wrong place for a thread like this.
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