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Everything posted by Guested

  1. It's possible that spaces were not included in pokecheck's character sets. Since you named it in-game, you shouldn't worry about whether or not it's okay. But it's good that this was brought up, for xfr.
  2. Mystery Gift Editor is extremely unreliable. If you want to add MG support, definitely talk to Bond697. But Item editing would also help keep people away from Pokesav.
  3. Wow, nice catch on a very old event. That's a massive typo on my part! February 3 to 12 is indeed correct! Thanks for the archived post for even more solid verification. I have February 3 to 12 in my information, but when I see I've slipped up, I start to wonder WHERE the mistake was made. The official news settles it for me, that it was just a typo when I entered it in the Gallery. So, THANKS.
  4. Doesn't say anything about an event yet, but now that the Pokemon has been announced (and that it's one of the major characters of the next movie), it's pretty certain that it'll either be the event for ticket pre-orders, or the one distributed at the movie this summer.
  5. That is merely saving the single pokemon currently in the tab/edit area as a party-format pkm file. Is that what you intended to do? Because you would need to do that with EACH pokemon to save each pokemon.
  6. Thanks to Vicjor for pointing out those mistakes. It turns out they were all just typos on the page, and the files did have the correct data. I'm not sure why you are having those problems with the Snivy. Even the file itself indicates that the ability is set to its normal ability. If you are using PMGE, take Nigoli's advice.
  7. A user has pointed out that our German Zoroark pgf file had two ribbons on it. This is an error that happens if any settings are changed before extraction when using Mystery Gift Editor. It is a very reliable program, but only if no settings or data is altered. The program HANDLES the data correctly, it just doesn't DISPLAY it correctly. Attempts to "fix" anything will just result in changing other aspects of the pgf file. ANYWAYS, the original file was from a very trusted source, so we know it was simply an error on extraction. At the time, we didn't have an efficient way to check ribbons on pgfs, and I was very eager to get a verified version of this pgf up due to all the trouble with the OT of this particular event, so I didn't notice this error the first time around. (We also now have a better way to check stuff like this) The error has been fixed, and the pgf files in the Event Gallery and in the Collection zip in this thread have both been updated with the correct version. Sorry for the mix up!
  8. Could you be more specific? Are you using our file, your own, or another source. I am not at home now to check the files.
  9. That's odd. I'm pretty sure I changed that when I copy/pasted the Japanese entry. It must not have saved after that change. Thanks! (I'll also look into fixing Vicjor's notices today)
  10. Okay, thanks to Venom catching the early distro start, Mewtwo has been added to the collection and Gallery! I used the one with the correct start date, btw. (Interesting to note that the OT indicates a date of Feb 11, but the start date was announced as the 12th. The OT means that it must have originally been planned to start on the 11th, which explains the distribution beginning on the night of the 10th, as they usually do. Wonder why they advertised it as the 12th... And we still don't know for sure which date is the end date) 2-11-2012 Collection archive updated Added: English Mighty Mewtwo
  11. I went to go get a Rayquaza today and took a few photos there. This event is evidently MASSIVELY popular, as so many people showed up, they had to organize a waiting line just to get in the store. They had the event distro in a lobby nearby, so you didn't actually have to enter the store to get it. Sharing the photos for those interested. I also forgot to upload the photos from the Snivy event, so I'll put a few here. Rayquaza event: Snivy event: Photos like this are HIGHLY appreciated, especially of posters or signs for the event. If you attend an event personally, PLEASE snap a picture of the posters, etc(at the very least, to verify). Most people have cameras on their phones these days, or even on their DS, so it shouldn't be too hard of a request. THANKS.
  12. You can see this thread for some very helpful info on how to extract your sav file from your game cartridge (if you are using a real retail cart and not a flashcart with roms). http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?16601-How-to-Backup-Restore-your-retail-cartridge-save-file-(D-P-Pt-HG-SS-B-W-Nearly-any-other-DS-game) If you don't have sufficient flashcart hardware, the best thing to use is the NDS Adapter Plus which is described in a section in that thread as well. It can be used to dump your sav file straight to your computer. If you don't know how to extract the pgf Wonder Card file from the sav file, I can do it for you.
  13. Thanks to Nigoli's quick work, we've added the Game Generations Rayquaza to the event collection and Gallery. 2-10-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Game Generations Rayquaza In addition to the Netherlands Reshiram and Zekrom event, I've also added an upcoming Master Ball event to the list. It'll be distributed at the Tohoku Pokemon Center, and is possibly the same as the previous Master Ball Wonder Card. 2-10-2012 Event List updated Added: Master Ball, Tohoku
  14. http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2012/02/120210_p03.html The Master Ball is going to be distributed at the new Tohoku Pokemon Center from Feb 28 to March 16. The fine print says that you can only get one Master Ball per game cart, so if that is meant to include the previous ones it's likely a full repeat of the previous wonder card.
  15. 2-10-2012 Event List updated Added: Reshiram and Zekrom in Netherlands Reshiram and Zekrom have been announced for what seems to be a one-day-only event in the Netherlands. Netherlands usually does English events, so this means it'll be the first time these will be available to English games! Hopefully someone is able to attend.
  16. The level 100 Zekrom and Reshiram will be distributed to Black and White versions at V&D stores in the Netherlands on Saturday February 18th, between 11:00am and 4:30pm. No confirmation yet on which languages, but I'm pretty sure Netherlands is usually only English. http://www.nintendo.nl/NOE/nl_NL/news/2011/ontvang_een_legendarische_pokemon_bij_vampd_47582.html March 7 Update:The official site has now confirmed it for Wifi, along with its distribution for Italian, Spanish, German, and French. It will run March 10 - April 8. English German Spanish Italian French
  17. Nintendo Zone lied to us... However, it is still a conflicted end date. An official press release also stated that it was the 26th, and that was JUST before the official site updated. So, either it was updated/extended, or it's a conflict of information.
  18. For the record, I get a lot of the Japanese events in person myself. And Nigoli isn't sneaking the ones he gets from some private community, he gets them from public sources. I don't know if someone from your mailing list is "leaking" them out, but I'm pretty dang sure they aren't the only ones who get their hands on the events and put them online. I haven't closed this thread because I think it's fine to talk about this. But obviously not everyone agrees, so I'd like to remind certain users to keep the flaming and/or trolling down or this WILL get shut down. The whole "not agreeing" thing could lead to this discussion going on forever, so I think everyone should keep that in mind as well. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone. What we do here is not going to stop events. Regardless of what we do here, people will still go events. Those five year olds will still get their events and what we do here does not devalue that experience or their Pokemon. People will still spend money at events, and people will still NOT spend money at events (sometimes I pick something up at the Pokemon Center, sometimes I just get my Pokemon and go home). DW events are beside the point here, so Lucario does not apply to this conversation. DW events are not hosted in the Gallery and I have never posted or shared any from my personal collection that required a purchase. But in MY opinion... if you ever buy something JUST to get the event, I would suggest that you rethink your purchase. Interesting information for thought: I was looking through the Gallery statistics, and two of the most consistently downloaded files are the Liberty Ticket and the Manaphy Egg. Those are two events that have long since passed, but merely activate in-game content. Do you think people should be forever denied access to those two items? Using these WC files is really no different than a Gameshark(etc) code that activates that event. Furthermore, in that line of thinking, one could essentially argue that ALL Wondercards are basically the same as a Gameshark code. No event yet has ever introduced data to a game that was not already present in it. It's just an arrangement of data.
  19. Thanks for pointing those out, Screamoarte. They were just typos on my part (the files themselves were correct, if anyone was worried). I've taken care of them.
  20. You're making a much bigger deal of it than it really is. 99% of events don't require any purchase. And they ARE marketing. The entire purpose of events is to get people to get up and go to a store. And even then, I'd say most of the people that do go for the event do not purchase a single item. Staff who have to give you the event? They were working there anyway, and they don't have to do a thing once the cartridge is in the DS system. It's not piracy if you don't have to pay for it. And it's a complete moot point talking about it when the files are going from here to people who don't even live in the same country the event took place in. Pretty sure people like YOU never even had any kind of chance to reserve a movie ticket (the 1% of events that require a purchase). And I'm willing to bet you that 90% of the people who DID purchase an advance ticket to get an event were people who were already planning on seeing the movie in the first place. Ultimately, you could put ALL events into the same category as Wi-Fi events, as their purpose is evident. They are there simply to keep fans interested in the game. It doesn't really matter where it's coming from. And really, it's not piracy if it doesn't cost anything. I'm not trying to argue this, since it's clear we see it differently. I'm just trying to state my position, and the position that this site and it's predecessors have always had. The cards are here for people that were unable to attend events, or people who have started to play the game now and want a Liberty Ticket (etc, etc) (that's actually one of most-oftenest downloaded cards). I just hope that no one tries to convince me or anyone else that these things have any value, other than marketing and personal value.
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