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Everything posted by Guested

  1. I'm sure you know.... but I'm very excited for this.
  2. It has, actually. I updated the page just a couple days ago. But yeah, I don't have a lot of free time lately so that's why it was neglected for so long. Working on getting the pkm files up soon.
  3. I've updated the first post of this thread to accurately reflect our list of events. I've also updated the English Dream World page. I apologize that this section hasn't been a priority recently, but we're working on getting these pkm up as well as an expansion to this area of the Gallery. I have my preorder ticket for this year's movie, so you can expect the Mewtwo Wonder Card right on time next week. I've also posted an IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT regarding our intentions for Generation VI and the help we will need from YOU, the community.
  4. The Metagross have been added to the Gallery! Thanks to both of our attending contributors! Please let me know if you hear any details on the dates and/or whether these are distributed at France and Spain's Nationals (if they haven't happened already). English Gen V Event Gallery French Gen V Event Gallery German Gen V Event Gallery Italian Gen V Event Gallery Spanish Gen V Event Gallery I'll give the first post of this thread a proper update sometime this week (as well as some other updates, hopefully).
  5. Let me know if you hear any details on this being distributed at French or Spanish Nationals.... assuming they haven't already happened. Or US, for that matter.
  6. Weird, Pokegen must look at the wrong value, because when I opened up the pgf it said Country was Game. Well, the pkm is most likely the same across the board, but the pgf has text in it (the WC title), so there are five (?) versions of the pgf, at least (?).
  7. Thanks for contributing this! I'll have it up in the Gallery once we get some more info on this. It is/was reportedly distributed in all EU game languages. Yours was clearly the German one as it was a German WC and you downloaded it to a German game. Yet you say it came out as a US/UK/AU pokemon?
  8. Korean Wi-fi Rocket Meowth is up. Korean Generation V Gallery PGF: .pgf"]Team Rocket Mewoth
  9. Can anyone translate the details on why this event is happening? Also, where? Also, whether it's IR or Local Wireless?
  10. I've added an entry in the Gallery for Toler's Ludicolo here. Thanks to Kaphotics for snagging this one at the latest round of Regionals!
  11. Sounds good! Feel free to share your ideas. Don't be discouraged by the slow pace of this forum.
  12. Legit? Go to the event and get the Pokemon for reals. If it isn't legit, it isn't legit. Legal? Use the pgf files from the Event Gallery and insert them into your save with Pokegen.
  13. It might be called Oval Charm in the official English. Looking at the Japanese name, I'd call it "Round Charm" which is what it might have been translated as before the game came out. The official localization is often not literal translations.
  14. Here are my photos from the Deoxys event. Nothing too exciting. I just picked it up at a shopping center while I was out, rather than going all the way to the Pokemon Center in Tokyo. The poster mentions the upcoming Mewtwo event.
  15. You could just play past that point on your retail cartridge.
  16. Not Spanish, huh? Thanks for the info. I'll update the summary info tonight.
  17. I've finally found some time to add in the recent contributions into the Gallery. I have added: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish Meloetta entries Addendum for the new Wifi Korean Kanto Starter eggs (onto existing entries) Entries for the VGC Korean Nationals Pokemon, despite not having WC contributions yet (based on Single Strongest events from Japan) English Gen V Event Gallery French Gen V Event Gallery German Gen V Event Gallery Italian Gen V Event Gallery Spanish Gen V Event Gallery Korean Gen V Event Gallery
  18. All of the Meloetta Wondercards are available here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15282-Gen-V-Event-Collection-and-Contribution-Thread&p=161552&viewfull=1#post161552 I'm working on getting them up in the Gallery page. Real life stuff has gotten in the way.
  19. Yup, Kaphotics told me that you added in the Korean server to the list after I asked him about why it wasn't there. It shows all three cards active, if anyone is interested. I'll be adding all three to the Gallery soon, and I'm gonna note the distro dates as the full time, rather than split.
  20. Thanks. Does anyone have any more insight on this error with the distro servers? It looks like we have two users who could only get one, and two users who were able to get all three. Could it be that the other two were turned on a couple days after the event started? I don't have a Korean B2W2 game to check myself.
  21. I've finally managed to take some time and update the first post in this thread to include recent updates to the Gallery as well as updating the section for upcoming events. You may have noticed that I said updates to the Gallery, and not to the collection zip. It has become too troublesome for me to maintain both the Gallery and the zip, due to the way they are both organized separately. For the time being, I will not be updating the zip file, but the Gallery will be kept up to date. The comprehensive zip file was originally used as a way to keep the files available while the Gallery is offline. The Gallery is up and has been for a while... since it is the primary location for our events, the zip file has less importance now. I will most likely do one final update of the zip once Generation V events have finished later this year. As for upcoming updates: Thanks as always for the contributions of the Australian Meloetta and the Korean Kanto eggs. I may hold off on uploading the Meloetta to the Gallery until we get one from the official start date. And I don't have the means to check at the moment, but could someone confirm whether the Korean egg WCs are identical to the previous distribution (apart from dates)? We are also still working on further expansions to the Gallery.
  22. We actually fixed that problem with the Eevee cbg the same day it was added to the Gallery. Your cache must have just finally been cleared out. IE didn't know how to interpret the file as it started different than other cbg files.... so it thought it was a txt file.
  23. "While supplies last" Right, Gamestop.... riiiight.
  24. I've added all of the Wi-Fi Keldeo WCs to the Gallery pages, as well as the Korean Gensect. Thanks to our contributors who have included very thorough data in their posts. A couple more reminders again: Please don't use external download links for your contributions. PGF files can be attached to your post. Also, in the case of non-wifi events (Genesect in this case), we would really like photos of signs and posters, etc, at the distribution location. The Genesect was contributed thanks to first-time contributor zelda777 and looks good according to the data that I have regarding this event. If anything looks odd to anyone who knows more about Korean events, please let me know. English Gen V Event Gallery French Gen V Event Gallery (Keldeo was posted earlier in the week) German Gen V Event Gallery Italian Gen V Event Gallery Spanish Gen V Event Gallery Korean Gen V Event Gallery I will work on FINALLY updating the collection zip and the first post of this thread later today. Edit: The issues brought up in the last day or two regarding dates and berries have been pretty much explained in the conversation, but I will sum up here: The Mystery Gift Wi-Fi server always begins distribution at the same time (I forget the exact time, but it's set by GMT I believe) regardless of region/language. This means that while the official date for Keldeo was the 25th, it was first available in some time zones when it was still the 24th. For another example, EVERY Japanese Wi-Fi event is available the night before the official start date. As for the Dream World berry, it is correct that there is no pgf or Wonder Card for this. It is simply a DW Berry that is deposited in your treasure box and you can then use it in your garden and/or send it to your games.
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