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Everything posted by Andibad

  1. everything is ok but on stored money is not match or ... something i missed ?
  2. is false-positive. Tool on PP all of them are safe. Norton, MCAveeee, AVG are crap on default configuration :v better using clamav than that crap AV.
  3. thanks, is seems interesting. i was remember a bit researching on this game, but i no have any reason to make them tools so i just using hex editor with some tools. just my note was gone, and is not on my back up Dx. btw thank you for make this tools. just create config file like this : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <startup> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" /> </startup> </configuration> just change version="v4.0" into v3.0 or net framework is supported your system... (if the tools using newer component, it will not work), idk is work with this tools but is seems always work on my homework cmd project.
  4. is work on me : be sure is a/0/4/8.
  5. i can't wait this game :3, and also i hope its long too. and also can't wait Pokemon X and Y anime and pokespe :3
  6. is stored on 3D models texture. you can change on texture pallete.
  7. You was try search on a/0/0/3 ?
  8. If you editing on photoshop try don't use RGB color, using color table. or you can edit manually on ncgr file and nclr if you want color more than 16.
  9. actually editing starter is very easy if you understand about script structure , binary editing and some assembly. so you can modified them by your style.
  10. why you need video to understand something? I just learn from one tutorial is just text, no video, from that make me to research by myself and make own. I was think you still not understand about "The basic", because you need "video" to understand (i think you 100 % follow that instruction and not try make own step). i not trying insult you, please learn the basic of hacking. like hex editing, math calculation, binary editing or basic of NDS hacking. if you handle that "basic skill", you will understand all about my/bond/kap's/other post. like manual editing. using a lot tool without or not care about manual editing, is not good too. but i not force you to try manual editing, is up too you. if you understand about hex editing and binary editing, you will understand my post.
  11. please don't think like that ... ... ... because i want to tell you i not have much time for that (i just prevent this, so you no need waiting my reply) so i just give you only "clue", and "short tutorial". you can use any hex editor, or just use tinke. reference for pokemon list : http://serebii.net/black2white2/subwaymulti.shtml 301 and 304 you can see "01 00", is trainer classes id. next "25 00" is how much pokemon on that trainer. since on battle subway/battle frointer/PWT , pokemon on team is randomly picked. offset 0x04, until end is refer to pokemon id on a/2/1/1. [b]00 00[/b] [i][b]25 00[/b][/i] [u]60 01 78 01 A4 01 D2 01 D3 01 EF 01 F6 01 0E 02 1A 02 23 02 27 02 54 02 5F 02 62 02 6A 02 75 02 76 02 9D 02 9F 02 A5 02 B1 02 BD 02 BE 02 BF 02 CA 02 D6 02 03 03 1A 03 25 03 4C 03 4D 03 4E 03 54 03 6D 03 6E 03 81 03 85 03[/u] underline is pokemon id (is refer to a/2/1/1), is used 2 byte. 1st pokemon on the list is " 60 01" --> 01 60 = 352, so just go to file 352(on a/2/1/1) : for more easy to check, let's see : after you done to modify that file, just click file > save. and close that window. click on package icon and click pack button. ...
  12. a/2/1/2 : 301 - 306, is have pattern : 37-33-70 pokemon. 301-303 maybe for boy (Nate). 304-306 maybe for girl (Rosa). since both of them is have same pokemon set. to edit trainer pokemon list, just go a/2/1/2 to edit pokemon data, just go a/2/1/1 ... why seems you not read this ? don't ask me about the editor, i won't share it since i still not satisfied to something.
  13. sure about this cpan1? i used tinke to replace file on narc is always working fine
  14. well today i try to documented my research on item BW and BW2. This Thread , it will moved in here, later .. Narc : a/0/2/4 - Item (BW/BW2) 1. Sell/Buy value 3. Gain percentage (depend on effect id) 4. Berries Effect and other 5. Attribute and effect of items 6. Recover/Remove bad status effect on pokemon (depend on effect id) 7. On battle effect (?) 8. EV Increase or Decrease on stat 9. HP, PP and happiness offset (if you change the id effect, some of them will ignore this part~)
  15. is not just edit on sprite. is have 7 file is needed edit them together. don't ask me to create a tutorial, i no have plan to share it.
  16. is cause BWME bug. because BWME not read correctly the pallete if you change the list (change state event). like read pallete #3 as pallete #2.
  17. No. is not hard coded. just edit nscr file. file 50 and 51. You can change the dimension of sprite you want, but you must adjust them on nscr file. Is like on logo and other sprite used ncgr+nscr, you can edit them on crystaltile with both file (ncgr+nscr). (http://llref.emutalk.net/docs/?file=xml/nscr.xml#xml-doc) for more detail about nscr format.
  18. you sure about this. maybe you too lazy to find them. tinke, crystall, console tool was enough to find that. Please check on BW2 Thread information, is was enough information to find them.
  19. just change byte on 0x3.
  20. i just run fine on windows 8 enterprise x64 ... be sure your blank file is 0 byte. or 14 byte .
  21. tutorial is give is just basic editing, for other areas, you must understand the basic of editing hex, scripting....
  22. is bad news , but it will safe if i share my evolution and personal pokemon editor
  23. 6600 0200 6C01 8503 ... 6600 0400 6C01 8503 aaaa aaaa ... remember is add new byte, you need unpack narc content. 016C (364) --> aaaa id is from a/2/1/1
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