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Everything posted by Andibad

  1. not only using that tool, you need edit ARM9 binary and some OVA is handle for pokemon thing... you can use IDA PRO, and search on this forum for some information about that.
  2. If someone want edit item data, you can see my post about that here. since is have some mistake i written on that time, and i posted that again with some correction : u16 (0x00 - 0x01, Uint16) : Market value (Buy * 10, Sell *5) u8 (0x02) : ???, but is seems refer to battle item flag id order ? u8 (0x03) : Gain Values u8 (0x04) : Berry Flag (only on berry items) u8 (0x05) : ??? (Mostly on Berry items, plus mental herb, white herb, king rock, razor fang, light ball, poison barb, flame orb, toxic orb) u8 (0x06) : ??? Flag, max 130 - min 10 ? u8 (0x07) : Nature Gift Power u16 (0x08 - 0x09, Uint16) : Item Type Attribute For first 1-5 bit : For 6-15 bit : ... , i just lost some my note about this one ... u8 (0x0A) : Item Group u8 (0X0B) : In-Battle Item Group In battle all item are added on item bag inbattle but is filtered mostly by 0x0A , 0x0D and 0x0B. 0x0C, and 0x0E too but is on overally part, 0x0F only on BAG. for 0x0B : 0 : Is invisible on BAG InBattle 1 - 3 : Visible Order Id u8 (0x0C) : Usable Flag u8 (0x0D) : Type of Item u8 (0x0E) : Consumable Flag u8 (0x0F) : Name Item Id Ordering (Each ROM Region ex US, JP, KR, SP ,IT, etc is have different order) u8 (0x10) : Bad statues Removal Flag Multiply effect : u8 (0x11) : Raising HP and ATK InBattle (Not Permanent) u8 (0x12) : Raising DEF and sp. ATK InBattle (Not Permanent) u8 (0x13) : Raising sp.DEF and Speed InBattle (Not Permanent) u8 (0x14) : Raising Accurate and Critical (Not Permanent) and increase PP permanently For first 1-6 bit : For last 7-8 bit : u16 (0x15 - 0x16, Uint16) : Increase? or Prevent Decrease PP and ??? InBattle (?) For first 1-2 bit : For 3-10 bit : For 11-13 bit (multiply): Unknown maybe is related to inBattle condition ? u8 (0x17) : EV for HP value (outside) u8 (0x18) : EV for ATK value (outside) u8 (0x19) : EV for DEF value (outside) u8 (0x1A) : EV for speed value (outside) u8 (0x1B) : EV for sp.ATK value (outside) u8 (0x1C) : EV for sp.DEF value (outside) u8 (0x1D) : HP (outside) u8 (0x1E) : PP (outside) u8 (0x1F) : Happiness (inBattle ?) u8 (0x20) : Happiness (inOutside ?) u8 (0x21) : Happiness (Holding ?) u16 (0x22 - 0x23) : Padding ...
  3. My Type Effectiveness editing tool is already XP, but is still not ready to release, also i still have a lot todo, like make bf/battle subway is editable, make moveset editor tool can add move slot on app so no need another tools. i already tested my custom control on mono runtime (i using linux mint 15), is running fine, but when i using datagrid, svgpanel is just not running >.>. My old java program with heavily look and feel on it running fine on openJDK/oracleJDK, but some not work since is only for Windows . here some SS : Moveset Editor, Battle Subway appearance will like on this SS. Theme is just used net 2 features, is working fine on mono runtime. and also i hope is possible to support DP Pt HGSS too ...
  4. xml is standard for data exchange between different language and platform, but json is most popular because is slight more smaller. here result my own export ... : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3122097/Archive.7z (Pokemon BW/BW2), is just used simple one, not using List on the List to make them more complex to code. i not using struct classes, i just trying to avoid this one. [ { "index":1, "gamever":"bw2", "natdex":999, "hp":45, "atk":49, "def":49, "speed":45, "spatk":65, "spdef":65, "type1":11, type2":3, "catchrate":45, "stage":0, "evhp":0, "evatk":0, "evdef":0, "evspeed":0, "evspatk":1, "evspdef":0, "popup":0, "item1":0, "item2":0, "item3":0, "genderratio":31, "hatchrate":20, "happiness":70, "growrate":3, "egg1":1, "egg2":7, "Ability1":65, "Ability2":0, "Ability3":34, "EscapeRate":0, "FormStat":0, "FormSprite":0, "FormCount":1, "Color":3, "BaseExp":64, "Height":7, "Weight":69, "TM1":2218362656, "TM2":1153544, "TM3":2724201504, "TM4":4, "spetutor":1, "tutor1":64, "tutor2":0, "tutor3":1039, "tutor4":8194 },... ] Another : [ { "index":1, "gamever":"bw2", "natdex":999, "stat": [ "hp":45, "atk":49, "def":49, "speed":45, "spatk":65, "spdef":65 ] is need another List<otherclass> on List<mainclass> ... for library i used to parse json, i using http://json.codeplex.com/ , because is always update and support any platform XP. it will benefit and save your time if the tool implement this one.
  5. oh man is great, i have plan to create that but is seems late , but i still released it on my github page and it will open source so everyone can used my code to create own tool.
  6. if you used VB (VB.NET), maybe my library (on my github) will work on your project too since is used NET platform. Mainly written on C#, if i get extra time maybe it will running on mono too. For now i not sync that to github since is ... not complete for now, still finding better performance/method (considering to used java but ...). so far it can read/replace file on narc , edit directly to file or on the fly (memorystream), with some various extra function like hash calculation (md5/sha-1), export to hexadecimal view, ect (idea from my old tool, and this new library will replace my old method completely). Everything documented on my github account if is get released. c++ is good start for you, already bit learning this language but still not used on main work/project . you can see source from bond697, is good to start to writing own code.
  7. find that on filetrip or find some thread on gbatemp (NDS hack section) ....
  8. no. not yet for now. because : 1. no any public release for RAM editing, gateway/r4i deluxe/3dslink/orange3ds are not support that for now, MT-card is unreleased card is seems clone card too like r4i deluxe. 2. 3ds save is have unique keyY on firmware 6.x, keyY generated every booting ... and also 3ds rom is encrypted so is not possible to edit that without decrypt it first. 3. you can go to gbatemp on 3ds section for checking for 3ds hacking.
  9. items db and moves db data stored on narc format on directory folder, is only containing value data like id of effect, value for some effect, flag is for something, etc. Id effect is id only for calling a function/effect on ova/arm files or those effect are compiled into binary files on the game, or is already hardcoded into the game.
  10. @GravityWolf : is possible added new slot on it. For save problem, you must click "save list" button first. Yeah i know is not effective ... use many button is redundant. Well i think for next tool it will more simple to use with some document to help you using my tool and edit them manually (without my tools). added new slot feature it will on newer version 2 on future. it will use complete newer code. i can't promise it will done since i not enough time for this one since college teacher give me a lot homework and project ... and another problem is multi threading is make me headache . oh for now i still prepare to upgrade my system to 8.1 and used VS 2013 also going to used 4.5 completely. you can find some thread is discussed about to edit moveset on rom editing section.
  11. 1. No. because game card is have write protector so is not possible to rewrite/write data on it. But some reason ROM can be change if device is allow it or used a hardware set-up. another example is 3DS Game card Type 2, is have specific writeable offset/region.
  12. Spa file is already containing palette byte. a/0/0/6 is containing instruction some vector or animated for spa file. and related file. Well maybe after i done with my pokemon X and PMDGoI maybe i will do something with this (hack of B2 as base, BW W2 will follow... Maybe DPPtHgSs too since current tool for that is too basic except Markius tool) >.> and i'm glad bond still research it and another member care on this one.
  13. Pokemon X and Y are used NAND saving is like AC:NL. so i no have any idea with my X saves >.> (i can't online on 3ds with my current wifi so i can't register anything >.>). btw i have pokemon mystery dungeon gate to infinity game and regularly backup my save (everyday), since we don't know how to decrypt the save so is just prepare for save editing ^^. also is one my fav game.
  14. nice tool , it would better is on xml, or json format. or html / pdf. like : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gameformat gen="5"> <pokemon pid="676"> <pname><!--depend on what you set, ... --> <en>Sylveon</en> <jp>ニンフィア</jp> </pname> <basestat> <hp></hp> <atk></atk> <def></def> <sdef></sdef> .... etc </basestat> ... etc </pokemon> </gameformat> ...etc is also good for parsing xml / json data for batch processing (can cross programming too) ... or just make them structured (like create csv file ...).
  15. maybe i will going pick fennekin. because on dp i was pick piplup, bw pick snivy ...
  16. to make mid file, you need a instrument set. you can used some tool for dump instrument set from ROM (must match with sseq file), or made own instrument set. but the problem is not simple to-do. you can find article about that on gbatemp or pokemoncomunity or on PHO.
  17. I was think that problem come on not supported or missing component on the host or is need update .... is likely only on XP. because on my computer is work fine .
  18. Yep, but i don't know when is finished. <.< i not have much time for this project.
  19. Parting Shot, Geomancy, and Oblivion Wing on coro coro is listed as unknown type.... well ... i remember rumor about dual type moves..... Like Geomancy Fairly / ??? : - Fight/Dragon/Dark takes 2x damage <-- i believe is candidate because on move description it will have severe damage is like 8x damage!, but i not sure .... - Fire/Poison/steel takes 1/2x damage <-- is more likely Like Oblivion Wing Dark /??? - Ghost/Psychc takes 2x damage - Fight/Dark/Fairly takes 1/2x damage on trailer oblivion wing is super effective on salamence (dragon/flying), is possibility 2nd type is ice, rock or dragon or other?
  20. second line of Chespins make me sick x_x, is like tepig clone --", froakie is cool on 2nd line >.<. maybe i will pick Fennekins , these pokemon on coro coro is ok for me.
  21. pokemon list on pastebin is completely fake LOL, but that rumor seems be correct, like another mewtwo mega evolve. But on dual type move? combination move from gen 5 will evolve into that ? and also i can't wait information from coro-coro. btw is make me more more want to buy pokemon XY <.<
  22. you not count pokemon with alternative form ... , it will more than 150.
  23. But from nintendo direct is say different. starter of kanto, all of them have mega evolution (on 3rd stage), and i hope eeveelution will got mega-evo too <.<
  24. well i already got great idea concept for making all in one tools. I got complete concept and idea so i will begin to fully working on it I make 2 thing, 1 is separate tools working alone, and another is main all in one (only open overall ROM, using ndstool to extrack and packing) it will send command into other application, and done! is make another application not made by me can cooperate with my tools.
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