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Everything posted by Andibad

  1. hm maybe my statement is unclear right? okay... Used ROM for editing... actually is not recommend for edit a wild pokemon or another, why? because just for now some tools is based on hex offset not using a function to read ROM. but don't worry about code for read ROM nds is avaiable on C#, java or ect language on the net. So for this method just single usage only, be aware on second usage, it will broke your ROM. if you want edit a mod rom, i just recommend used narc method is more easy and not break your ROM. . Used NARC for editing I mean in here, extract specific narc file from ROM NDS and open on this (specific) program. is more quickly and more safe than ROM editing why? because you can extract many narc from ROM or copy that narc for backup. other narc is was editable with this (specific) tools. if you break that narc, is not break you ROM. you still can replace with a backup one. narc file is have table data for some file inside that narc. same as statement 1, for now tools is used offset for matching location for editing not used a method to read archive narc file. it will break you narc too. . Manual editing using HEX editor is was figure out last year so you no need re-research because is 100% done. wild pokemon data is have 16 byte header for controlling every area. search on this forum for more detail. i recommend extract narc file into more smaller file for more easy to figure out what structure wild pokemon BW data.
  2. yes is just script... every byte on first is have meaning and controlling next script (every script is no have same byte...)
  3. OAM is just to combining a part of sprite into 1 sprite. animate sprite is need nanr. that format need ncer (need for animation).... but for animation instruction is not stored on ncer but on nanr
  4. .... why you not try open narc file ==" is safest one for you all.
  5. @Detective: ... maybe yes maybe no , i have free time but my internet connection is no have free time i mean is have problem with my ISP this week. btw you trying change sprite on pokemon selection? i think zark was done on that part, check he/she personal project on he/she blog. but he have a problem about "shadow", because the "shadow" sprite is stored on texture (nsbtx/ btx0, or on models texture file). another OAM editor is AAI2 Sprite Studio, you can try it. btw i trying re-organize my files on my portable hard disk, maybe i will found a interesting tools was i forgot or maybe was no available on the net (because expired or deleted by user or something).
  6. try using tinke 0.8.3 r134 : http://www.box.com/s/1f3feddae203ddbf7243 (don't worry is not containing a virus) this release was support OAM editing so you can moving that part as you like but i not test this, i just compile new release from google code owo is just missing : nanr editor and nbtx reinsert support owo
  7. ops sorry is not nscr, is ncer. if you clicked nclr, ncgr, try click ncer files, will look like this : (with ncer files) (without ncer files) w64 h144
  8. You must repack them into narc files, just using kiwi.ds or puyo puyo tools or tools is for create or repack narc files~
  9. is on texture file (nsbtx or btx0), and some is on nsbmd file (on texture file). is like a hero or heroes or champion fly sprite.
  10. is need nscr (this sprite is need OAM), just using CT2 to solve that problem.
  11. program? is CT2 crystaltile2... bold one ...
  12. i just help you a bit (yeah i have free time to write this , i come back ) let's see markitus95 say means : A047 1200 0440 bold one is a offset for sseq file (remember is flipped!) A0 47 12 00 --> 00 12 47 A0 (absolute path on CT2... , see image bellow : ) so if you want it another SSEQ just used absolute path and try find that, i don't know about what 0440 mean .... maybe is for sbnk file? owo If you know, is 16 bit format... " 00000000A04712000440000000000000 " so you must replace all on that set. example champion battle "0470" flip that ID into 7004 and you will found : this used 12 bit format like this : "70045E1E4000000086000000" but you just need replace 4 bit on first only..... ow i almost forgot how to get that ID? ok let's see this image again : see on list information, and look "139-0470-......." bold one is id for trainer or event #i'm trying fixed that because is unclear.... and you can try it on another sseq file okay I hope help you for re-arrange that but is not for "replacing" with another music not from sdat itselft. PS: i not explain all, i think is very clear to do ....
  13. is just on wonder launcher battle mode only. If you on WLBM you can't use normal item.
  14. actual you can using mkds editor for pallete file (nclr), is more easy replace color import from pal files. If you want expand sprite you must know about OAM. Sprite is have many type, is need segment command, need cell, narn and ect. If you want arrange that , you must know what is OAM, know hex editing, pointing, animate frame, arm addressing on emulator and ect. I was see some hacking project on gbatemp, yeah on translation project. Most of them using ct2. And some need hex editing because is need expand on some segment/cell. Yeah i waiting too abacus about you tutorial yeah changing pallete is easy one for newbie soo not confused than other
  15. follow teamfail tutorial. Ask teamfail in here or find teamfail thread on pokemoncomunity or on gbatemp. He was post tutorial on both. For all you need is midi files and instrument, not wave music file like mp3, acc, ogg, or another are related.
  16. this bug come from pedro tools (5th gen pokemon evo editor), so for some safe method, using narc file mode ... it will not messes up again.
  17. this editor will effect if you have national pokedex, is always registered on pokedex in my test.
  18. yes is can. Is just my theory since i discovered a unknown byte on pokemon data. But i not sure. On that time i no have time but added pokemon data is ok but is not readable if not change all. I think is have limit on arm or on overlay. I just fell can't help since i have Ram issues. Btw nice but on pokebeach is not match with my data about alternative form maybe is my fault. Maybe i will continue MY hacking TIME on b2w2 and thank you kazo.
  19. you sure exe file will running on you mac os?
  20. "\" is script on text, NOT "/" https://github.com/Koolayde/Pokemon-Black-White-Translation-Files/blob/master/Script%20Codes.txt ^ is a script list for limit every line is 23/24 but you can try it by yourselft, if i not wrong, someone was made that tools on here but i forgot where. you can found about thread : http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?12665-Pok%E9mon-Black-and-White-Translation-Project-v4-Revenge-of-the-Translation-%28read-first-3-posts%29
  21. another solution you can using MKDS, just rename BMD into nsbtx maybe is work
  22. is work on my white and black ROM (both USa and EUroupe, also KOrean too (is not include on this archive),) remember on move / attack editor you can using oxnite tools because is good for you i think. since i not much translate on attack editor... i just got something wrong on here.
  23. file is still alive and not removed. EDIT : i don't know why box.com is disabled open link on my account ... because i have collaborator folder is seems box.com was think my account have illegal purpose so they disabled a open link feature on my account... is seems after megaupload closed, and some another file hosting are dead... i was have 2 account, another account is seems not disable. also my connection is slow as snail ==" yesterday is hard rain is almost 1 week... That problem was solved, now you can download from my box.com account ok i share it on mediafire.com : http://www.mediafire.com/?ttu4iom288qx1zh. it will locked next week. is not finished one. i just lazy now to re-compile since my computer have RAM problem ._. also i no have time to buy new one.
  24. ^ C# , but that not simple as you formula, since is have 2 value are random on you condition on the game... for that calculation is very simple just using a standard math operation plus sqrt or something is simple to add, but is useless for me.
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