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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/21 in all areas

  1. There's a newer PKHeX, you're not on the latest. :3 The latest is 20211127 Also I've yet to upload my updated plugin. It's still in testing for Roaming8b. Also waiting for details on other mons (like BDSP wild encounters) The old PKHeX wasn't checking the mon's PID against the fake Trainer's TID (criteria for shinies for Roaming8b) [The RNG generation actually generates a TID/SID combo, to determine if the encounter can be shiny. It's known as a 'fake trainer'. Max Lairs do the same thing] This affected a legal shiny Mesprit: edit: @MewtwoFanz Cress based on your specs 488 ★ - Cresselia - D53F1585874B.pb8
    2 points
  2. Based on the work done by giants, I've implemented PIDIV data searching for Overworld8, Max Raids, Max Lair. In my tests, my preliminary testings shows that Roaming8b is working for me
    2 points
  3. Hello everyone, Today I bring you a legit Celebi tour Celebi! This Celebi belongs to @Dr.Matt and he retrieved it back in 2001 in the spanish stop of the Celebi Tour; in fact he provided most of the data for it a year ago, data I posted here: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/forums/topic/13226-pokemon-crystal-version-with-pcny-event-pokemon/?do=findComment&comment=196197 This week I was able to finally meet in person with Dr.Matt. He was able to keep his Celebi from battery dying by storing it in his Stadium 2 cartridge and because he owned a Mega Memory Card which allowed him to backup and dump savegames (but not to transfer over to computer), and with that he also was able to keep multiple copies of the Celebi, including an untouched one just as he received from the Celebi Tour Truck. Unfortunately his Mega Memory card glitched long ago and he lost most of his untouched saves, so after changing the battery to his cartridge he had to restore a save that had AR codes used on it to retrieve the celebi from Stadium 2 (he didn't have the time to play trough the game to reach the point in which Stadium 2 allowed him to retrieve the pokémon), which is why instead of dumping his savegame he traded it over to mine (which is completely clean). Data-wise this should have no effect at all, since the AR codes were used BEFORE any transfer or trade took place, and the AR codes were never used in the process of getting the Celebi out of stadium and trading, but that is the reason why it is my savegame which being uploaded and not his. Only real hardware has been used for all the Stadium 2 transfer and trade process, here are some pictures (sorry for the blurry ones, we were in kind of a hurry): The Celebi as Dr.Matt had in his Stadium 2 (this picture is from a clone he fully trained). Dr.Matt's authenticity certificate, my laptop and my GBC Cart reader/flasher: Dr.Matt's certificate, his Mega Memory and his Gameboy (sorry for blurryness) A close up of the ID number on the certificate. As you can see it's 2234 and the Celebi actually has 02233. Dr.Matt thinks distribution started at ID 00000 but they wrote 1 in the first certificate they gave and they just keept adding numbers. Some pictures of the actual trade (I brought two gameboys just in case and we used mine which had full batteries): The savefile contains both an untouched Celebi as Dr.Matt received in 2001 and the same Celebi at level 100 and EV maxed. As a bonus, I also included the legit EUROPE Mew that can be found here: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/forums/topic/40508-gen-1-europe-mew-denmark-event-mew/ The savegame also contains a full legit gen 2 living dex and unowndex in the boxes if anyone is interested. Download: Gold_europe_mew_celebi.sav Note: this is a Spanish Gold savefile, but it will load in any non japanese rom. All trades have been done using real hardware, no emulators or other means where involved in the process of getting the Celebi out of Stadium 2 until I dumped my savegame. Thanks to @theSLAYER for making it possible for me to get in contact with Dr.Matt, and lots of thanks to Dr.Matt himself for keeping the Celebi so many years and being so kind to meet with me so we all can enjoy an European Celebi. This had a special personal meaning to me, since I became aware my savegames banished in 2011 and finally re-completing the 251 original pokédex by getting the two exclusive legendaries in person is like reliving that moment in my childhood when I first completed my dexes.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Sometimes I forget about this wonderful tool thank you so much
    1 point
  6. What Wolfie said fully applies. It just so happens that I'm in the process of updating my plugin, so just testing things out. Try this file, and it should be legal presently. 488 ★ - Cresselia - 8B03741E140E.pb8 Note: you have to be on latest PKHeX for it to show it being legal. I’ve ignored your specifications for now. I may or may not follow them; it depends on how ridiculous they are. An example of what they look like:
    1 point
  7. Change the body type in the Block Data ->MyStatus region.
    1 point
  8. Almost impossible currently unless someone makes a PIDIV calculator, Since the PIDIV's for roaming mons are validated in BDSP . This info is pinned on the Pkhex discord already. This means making/capturing a legit one, and converting it to shiny will make it illegal. Try legit shiny hunting it?
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I was at the 1999 Mew distribution at Myer Centre, Brisbane, Australia. I'm sure that the machine was a Super Game Boy - I owned the original Super Game Boy and I remember that when I saw the Mew Machine I immediately thought of it as a kind of souped up Super Game Boy. I think it as a different colour to the Japanese one pictured (something less bright), but the shape was similar (not sure if was the exact same or not). I clearly remember the slot for the game boy cart, and the built in screen, looking the same as the one pictured. They lined up all the kids with those velvet rope things and there were several signs explaining that you needed to have a pokedex and a poke ball in the game. (I doubt it actually consumed the poke ball, they probably just wanted to avoid a game breaking bug by someone downloading a Mew extremely early). You simply plugged your game cart into the Mew Machine and it added a Mew directly to your party. (Maybe it could handle adding one to a box? I can't remember if they explicitly instructed us to make space in our party or I just did that myself). It was level 5 and knew Pound. My game boy has long died so I can't confirm if any other details were the same as overseas. The animation on the Mew Machine screen had a slight variation of the animation for trading (with less shots because it only showed Mew going one way instead of a two way trade). The name of the 'other trainer' appeared like it would in a normal Gen 1 trade, and that name was YOSHI (that wasn't the OT of the Mew you got, however). They ran it for two full days, ~ 9-5. I got in at the start of one of the days, and again near the end of it when there were no other kids left. I took the opportunity to put my game in the machine again, and it did add a second Mew to the cart. There were clearly no safeguards against this in the software. My Dad was concerned that there would be, and outright asked the employees if I should use it a second time. Fortunately his snitching didn't ruin my perfect crime and they let me get my second Mew. Besides the Mew machine they had a table where employees would teach you how to play/advertise the TCG. I don't think there were any freebies/promo cards to go with this.
    1 point
  11. A show on Japanese TV channel NHK recently aired concept illustrations of several Pokemon designs from Gen 1. Hopefully this isn't old news to everyone, I don't recall seeing this image before however: You can however find full images of the ones below on the Bulbapedia Capsule Monsters page and the Glitterberri Early Concept Art article: Tweet the above images are from:
    1 point
  12. I never thanked you for these. I'm trying to collect every in-game trade Pokemon in every gen at the lowest possible level. I was going to attempt to re-create them using data I found on a YT video. Thanks for saving me the trouble!
    1 point
  13. For anyone interested,here you can read information about the celebi tour in Spain: http://es.pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/Celebi_Tour EDIT: some more info: http://archive.li/C1T6n http://www.rcb.es/rcb/programes/sonic2.htm
    1 point
  14. Here we go with the 3 Japanese Exclusive Pokemon Red/Green Pokemon. In order to get the lv100 Chansey from Japanese Pokemon Blue we need the bank switch. 023 - アーボ - DFCE.pk1 103 - ナッシー - 1F2D.pk1 112 - サイドン - 4389.pk1
    1 point
  15. No problem, it's totally out of my comprehension but what motivates me is that there is the first ever made pokemon in Japanese versions: a lv5 Rhydon !
    1 point
  16. Send the save over from your Switch using FTP. Very important, I want the save that you restored to your Switch that is causing issues, that is on your Switch. I don't want a fresh download. Also, I want a screenshot of the files in the folder that you're going to restore. As much as that is a sure fire way, repeated usage of taking out and placing back the SD card can kill the SD card adapter on the Switch (which is replaceable) and that part of the motherboard connecting to the adapter (not replaceable). I won't recommend it. I know it happens, cause it happened to me.
    0 points
  17. ってさ何で嘘を付けんのか?ちょっとした日本語を勉強したから他人を騙したいってわけか?普通な日本人がこんな下手な日本語を読んだらさ1秒でバレるww
    0 points
  18. 投稿者が日本人であり日本語が母国語だという事が絶対嘘だよね?何らかの翻訳ツールを使って投稿してるんだろう?お前さ誰を騙すつもりなのか知らんけど自分が日本人である事を嘘付けないでほしい草がちでバラバラなんだけどw
    0 points
  19. In this Twitter are some restored sprites in a very accurately way: https://twitter.com/helixchamber
    0 points
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