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  1. So coincidental this has been brought back. I already made all those calculations some years ago and also came to the conclusion that the NINTEN mew in the picture did not have the standard DVs. Only piece of evidence I have is in this thread at Azure-Heights, the information being in the second post made by MewtwoSama: https://www.math.miami.edu/~jam/azure/forum/tuff/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=000106 User ryuko2002 (who has recently contributed de Spanish EUROPE and australian NAL mews) was registered there, I asked him to reach MewtwoSama in the hopes he still has the mew/backed up the savegame/calculated the DVs. There are other possible explanations: - Nintendo Power Magazine actually used gameshark to get the screenshots ( I think it may have been common practice in order to easily get trough the games and get the job done) - It was a test mew just for the magazine? - The NINTEN mew MetwoSama owned did have the normal stats, but it reached level 100 before being fully EV trained, thus preventing stat updates (read more here: https://www.math.miami.edu/~jam/azure/compendium/boxtrick.htm) ryuko2002 has tried in my stead to reach MewtwoSama at AzureHeights, let's cross fingers.
    3 points
  2. Funny enough @TotalTSI've been working on this on and off over the day and I've come to the conclusion that it is nearly impossible to get the correct DVs for this Mew with just the picture. There are way too many assumptions that need to be made especially if the picture was only for publication. My first assumption was that it was like every other classic Mew distributed at the time with a DV spread of: HP = 5 Attack = 10 Defense = 1 Speed = 5 Special = 12 However, at level 39 the stats would not match that of an untrained Mew at the level which would mean that the Mew would have to have been in battle meaning that it would have acquired EVs. That said the possible EV spread for a Mew with the normal DVs and to have the listed above stats would be: HP = 961 - > 1848 Attack = 0 -> 8 Defense = 16129 -> 18224 Speed = 0 -> 8 Special = 1849 -> 3024 But, the issue here is the attack and special DVs are 0 -> 8 which is impossible consider the other EVs. The second assumption would be that the person leveled it up using Rare Candies and Vitamins and again that would be impossible since vitamins increase the stats EVs by 2560 points in gen 1 and the lowest possible HP EV is 1848. That would mean that the Mew was in battle and since the attack and speed EVs would be impossible for a Pokemon that saw battle which would mean that this Mew has a different set of DVs then the ordinary Mew given out at the time. So now that it is clear that this Mew has a different set of DVs then the known Mews what are the DVs? Well this is where the largest unknown of the equation comes into picture, how was this Mew trained? Just to get the first major hurdle out of the way the Mew in the picture has been trained. There is no DV combination that will give an untrained Mew at level 39 those stats considering the picture shows a defense stat of 96 when a Mew at the same level with a DV of 15 and EV of 0 will only have a defense stat of 94. Thus, the Mew has been trained. Now the question is how was the Mew trained? For simplicity I've come up with 4 possible scenarios for how the Mew could have been trained. Scenario 1 - Rare Candy and Vitamins: The problem here is we wouldn't be able to determine how many time the Mew was given vitamins. Scenario 2 - A new game file and the Mew was obtained as early as possible: This would be easy to test with putting Mew into every battle until it is at level 39. However, the problem with this scenario is that Nintendo Power needed a trained Mew for the picture and this method would probably take too long to get the desired result and the badge level cap for Pokemon obeying the player would probably be an issue. Therefore, probably unlikely. Scenario 3 - Got the Mew mid-game and trained it to level 39: Again easy to test, but the issue is badge level and slow in actuality; therefore, unlikely. Scenario 4 - Got the Mew at the end of the game and trained it to level 39: This one is the most believable scenario in my opinion since it would be fast due to high level wild Pokemon. However, there is still some unknown factors that would prevent someone from training a Mew to level 39 and then adjusting the DVs to match the stats in the picture. Even with scenario 4 sounding the most promising to find the DVs the next biggest issue would be what level did the Mew start at. Did they get it at level 5? What about level 10 or even level 15? We just don't know which makes the task at determining the DVs at this present moment all that more impossible. As well, non of my outlined scenarios might be right or could be a combination between then. We just don't know what the DVs of the Mew in the picture without more personal information about the player of that save file. Thus, bring me back to my opening statement that it is nearly impossible to find the DVs of the Mew just from the picture alone. Others are still welcome to try and determine the DVs, but this is just my take on the question and I could be missing an obvious piece of information that would make this task trivial.
    3 points
  3. It was on pokémon stadium 2 and gen 2. 0 catch rate due to item used/removed, nicknamed due to a "bug"(?) in stadium 2 (and I think stadium 1, but I have yet to test it) not reading the full name, but stopping at the first 0x50 terminator. When pokemon comes back to the GB cartridge data present alredy in the box/party gets "added" to the remaining characters. This doesn't happen with OT. EDIT: also, YaniM told me that the mew had been in stadium 2 and gold before I even asked about it. When trasnfered to gen 2 mew holds a bitter berry. The mew was used and brought up to level 100, being confused at some point is very likely (and thus the item being consumed).
    2 points
  4. This is awesome, great stuff buddy. Honestly just being able to conclude that the DVs of the Mew pictured don't match any of the other classic Mews is very intriguing; @suloku originally told me that he had heard about the "NINTEN" Mews having different DVs, this just gives more credence to that theory.
    2 points
  5. Thanks @RetroAli! I attached it to the main post of the topic. One really interesting thing in there is the OT on the Mew used in the screenshots: I know @suloku originally suspected that this Nintendo Power Mew would have this OT, and was surprised to find it was MARIO. I wonder if the default OT on the Mew Machines was NINTEN, and employees just changed it based on the event/location. I'm not quite sure how Gen1 DVs work, but if someone can calculate them based off of this screenshot, that would be much appreciated.
    2 points
  6. Version 1.0.0


    カントーのさんびき - Kanto Trio (Male Player Character) The Kanto Trio Pokédex skin was obtainable only for Black and White games during the below dates. Japan Dates: 02.25.2011 - 05.31.2011
    1 point
  7. I think @Poke J helped me in the past calculating DVs/EVs. Made a fake/hacked NINTEN Mew using as a base a YOSHIRA Mew, just randomized the EVs until some things matched. In a strange way, made Attack and Speed EVs 0 since if you barely change the EVs beyond 10, it goes to Attack 91 and Speed 93. Also the Defense has too high EVs to get to 96. Which makes me think that maybe the stats of NINTEN were different of the other ones. Also added the moveset from the screens of Pokémon Power Magazine to get a closer replica. 151 - FAKENINTEN - 9739.pk1
    1 point
  8. Hello: This is a save game I have after I participated in the Spanish 2000s Pokemon Championship in July 2000. The save has 2 Mews: the original L5 Mew I received from the Nintendo staff during the tournament (It's been almost 20 years but I think i traded through N64 Pokemon Stadium) and a second Mew from Australia. I got a save game in a Australian Pokemon forum back then, uploaded it to my friend's Pokemon Red and traded it to my own game. I used the Australian Mew to play the game so it's at level 100, EV trained and has custom moves. I wished I had kept it in pristine condition but it was my favorite pokemon back then. The Spanish Mew was legitimately traded but you'd have to take my word on that, they didn't give us any certificate. The save game is for the Spanish version of Pokemon Yellow, it won't work on the English version. Regards, Pokemye.sav
    1 point
  9. The save was too big, and wouldn't open on PKHeX. Luckily, splitting it in half was enough Contains 2 LUIGIW Mew from @Allegedly137. It appears one is untrained. pokemon_red_dex_2mews1.sav
    1 point
  10. Ok guys! Here they are! Both of the Mews in this one file! Box one. I was stubborn and wanted to do the use the save data transfer stuff myself, mostly because it sounded like a fun thing to mess around with and I wanted to backup my gameboy camera stuff too~ I traded the mews off the the blue and yellow they were originally in onto this file. I did back up both that blue and yellow before doing this, if for whatever reason this file is a problem (missingno did briefly visit back in the day but was promptly deleted after realizing he wasn't safe. Didn't mess with him much.) I have searched high and low for my certificates of authenticity. I really really doubt I got rid of them, but alas they aren't where I expected them to be. I swear I will return to this forum if they ever show up, even if it's a few years from now. I may have higher quality pictures of my photos on a floppy they gave out, if preservationists want them and the files aren't corrupted yet. pokemon_red_dex_2mews.sav
    1 point
  11. Version 1.0.0


    くろきえいゆう - Hero Zekrom This Zekrom Skin was obtainable after completing the Victini mini-game in the Dream World which is on the Special Home unlocked by sending the event Zekrom to sleep. Japan Dates: 07.13.2011 - 10.04.2011 US/AU/EU Dates: 03.06.2012 - 05.29.2012
    1 point
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