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This may be a little premature, but here it is. I know there's at least one problem... related to egg data in Black/White.

I included the partial Japanese translation file with this release.

Found a bug; It shows Adamant nature on any pokemon instead of their actual nature.

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Mmm, when I generate AR codes for Boxed Pokémon it just gives me a 2 lines code that is obiously wrong.

Oh, that's right, I forgot to update that. PC Pokemon stuff was added in really late.

Found a bug; It shows Adamant nature on any pokemon instead of their actual nature.

What's your target game set to?

Edit: Nevermind, problem found.

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But i make type 2 too and dont work =/

Then there could be a bug causing it to happen. It's hard to know anything with the lack of detail provided though. Repeating the problem after starting the program is the best way to help me find out what's wrong. If you can repeat it consistently, list the steps here.

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Hello guys. First and foremost thank you Codr for that wonderful program you have made i bumped into it just by mistake lol trying to figure out how to edit pokemon hexes as i was trying to straight out a Generated Pokemon code From Pokesav in which after you make the desired pokemon and generate the AR code it comes out as lvl 100 and i dont need that. So basicly im trying to genrate a pokemon using your Pokemon generator 3.0b9 version, however when im done making my desired pokemon and try to generate the AR code for it i only get a 2 Line code more or less like this 94000130 FFFB0000 D2000000 00000000 and to me its not coming out right. I dont know if im doing anything wrong. But any of you mind helping me out here i have Pokemon white BTW and using Acekart2i with akaio firmware. Thanks in advance

Edit: The Problem seems to happen when i try to generate the code from the Box when i load my .pkm to the upper part i belive thats the party the numbers seem to go right

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im trying to genrate a pokemon using your Pokemon generator 3.0b9 version, however when im done making my desired pokemon and try to generate the AR code for it i only get a 2 Line code more or less like this 94000130 FFFB0000 D2000000 00000000 and to me its not coming out right.
Edit: The Problem seems to happen when i try to generate the code from the Box when i load my .pkm to the upper part i belive thats the party the numbers seem to go right

This is correct. I had forgotten to add that into beta 9. It's fixed in 10.

Also, save file support is coming tomorrow. It's figured out, I just don't have time to implement it tonight.

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Do you know possibly when you will edit in the things you left as numbers (moves, abilities, items, etc), or would you happen to have a list of them all besides the pokes that coincide with the numbers or something?

It'll be changed in beta 10. I used the numbers because it was just more convenient for me. I have the lists already in the program. Switch to Japanese and you'll see them.

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Wow, this is a great program. I just want to know if someone could be kind enough to make a list of the numbered moves so I can know which one is which. Thanks in advance.

Also, I need to figure out which number is the ability illusion (zoroark's ability). Thanks again!

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Wow, this is a great program. I just want to know if someone could be kind enough to make a list of the numbered moves so I can know which one is which. Thanks in advance.

Also, I need to figure out which number is the ability illusion (zoroark's ability). Thanks again!

Read previous post before asking

Codr will upload his new Beta 10 tomorrow, and his post before yours answers your question, have some manners at least.

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Bug Alert!!!!!!

If you load a B/W pokemon and try to change the language you get an error message saying "ERROR: Language file not found."

But if you try to change the language before you load a pokemon, it works.

Also, if you load a B/W pokemon the stats load wrong; If you change the EVs and then return the EVs to their previous level to correct the stats, when you try to save the changes the program crashes.

Edited by Delta Blast Burn
Added some stuff.
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