InuYouki Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Mewtwo Ex said: Archy's Pikachu and Mewtwo's clone right? Caught me red handed haha. Mewtwo's Chrizard clone was so freaking awesome. Not only did he kick butt, but he looked awesome too. I love the little differences they put in the anime so you could tell the difference between members of the same species. May's Bulbasaur had heart shaped spots on her head, Puka the surfing Pikachu had blue eyes, septile had his twig, squirtle had his sun glasses. Real animals, even members of the same breed or species have defining characteristics from one individual to the next. They could really expand on that.
derrick Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 yeah that would be cool i liked how mewtwos starter clones looked they had stripes and stuff.
Mewtwo Ex Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 InuYouki said: Caught me red handed haha. Mewtwo's Chrizard clone was so freaking awesome. Not only did he kick butt, but he looked awesome too.I love the little differences they put in the anime so you could tell the difference between members of the same species. May's Bulbasaur had heart shaped spots on her head, Puka the surfing Pikachu had blue eyes, septile had his twig, squirtle had his sun glasses. Real animals, even members of the same breed or species have defining characteristics from one individual to the next. They could really expand on that. Maybe they will do that about the difference when and if the 5-gen hits. So that more memory is accessible. Untile then you will have to settle with Spinda's unique spots.
kevin19980609 Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 kevin19980609 said: The new art of Silver's hairstyle looks a bit like Mars
Mewtwo Ex Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 kevin19980609 said: You quoted yourself?!:confused::confused::confused:
kevin19980609 Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Well, no one would get it if I just posted the links
Mewtwo Ex Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 kevin19980609 said: Well, no one would get it if I just posted the links You should have repeated yourself instead of quoting. Enough back to topic.
derrick Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 I wonder how the events would take place you know for celebii and others?
InuYouki Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 derrick said: I wonder how the events would take place you know for celebii and others? Oh I hope they use the GS ball again for Celebii. Being in America, I didn't get the event and it would be sooooo cool to finally make use of that shrine. If they do, I guess they would do it over wi-fi like they did the secret key.
Mango Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 kevin19980609 said: "The new art of Silver's hairstyle looks a bit like Mars" There is only one explanation. Silver's father is actually Byron, who is Giovanni in a witness protection program. Byron had babies with Mars, giving birth to Roark and Silver.
kevin19980609 Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Does anyone else think that Silver's new hairstyle looks like Mars'
InuYouki Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 They are indeed similar. But there is only so many ways to cut your hair with out making it all crazy x.x
derrick Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 (edited) i wonder what other event items they would use in these remake? you know if they put mewtwo and mew and possably more... yeah it does kind of look like mars..? Edited July 10, 2009 by derrick i was looking at the wrong page..
DanteKoriyu Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 I assume, if the rumors are true and the Latis and Mewtwo are in, then they are not event Pokemon. They have yet to reveal Celebi, and normally keep event Legendaries hidden. The only reason they have announced Arceus' event is to help promote the game and the fact that this is the first time he is available and they want to show you what he's useful for. This is how I see it. Kanto Legends Mewtwo (No details.) Johto Legends Raikou Entei Suicune Lugia (Silver Wing - Radio Tower Director or Old Man in Pewter City) Ho-Oh (Rainbow Wing - Radio Tower Director or Old Man in Pewter City) Hoenn Legends Latias/Latios (No details. May both be available, or might be version exclusive/only one by choice. I assume the latter until proven otherwise.) Kyogre/Groudon Rayquaza (Requires both Kyogre and Groudon in one game) Unlockable Event Legendaries Celebi - Will likely require a GS Ball, or some new item. Dialga/Palkia/Giratina - Requires Fateful Encounter Arceus. Possible Unlockable Event Legendaries Mew- Will likely require a ticket. Deoxys - Will Likely require a ticket. Shaymin - Another Oak's Letter for the Kanto White Rock? Platinum had 19 (20 if you include Manaphy, but he has to be gotten from Ranger) Legendary Pokemon within it, 11 if you played the game and didn't trade or obtain any Event Pokemon. So I don't see this as a Farfetch'd number, especially since out of the 18 Pokemon only 8 or 9 will be obtainable without trading or having an Event Pokemon. You can make it 19 Pokemon if you want to include the Jagged Ear Pichu event, but he's not a legend, so I didn't. The NZ Jirachi isn't included in the list because it (and will be for most other countries as well I assume) was released before HGSS are released and unlocks nothing within the game itself, only in the PokeWalker as far as we know.
derrick Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 well i hope the latis will both be in each verson as iam only geting soulsilver as in importe from japan (i love lugia and groudon perfect game for me!!) ruby had latios saphier had latias so if verson exclusive it will probly be latios in soulsilver and latias in heartgold most likely mewtwo will probly be in mt silver but then again thats my guess... iam still wondering about how the platinum exclusive forms will be in this game any ideas?
DanteKoriyu Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 I hope he just stays in the Cerulean Cave, but that may not be likely. I hope both Latis are available too, would solve having to switch saves and all that. Hm,... Shaymin isn't hard. It is a new game, no reason to restrict compatibility. Shaymin, they just need someplace to unlock a new Gracidea if you have it in your party. Perhaps Ecruteak with all its colorfulness? or maybe Celedon since it is home to Erika. For Giratina, obtain it from someone at the Shinto Shrine where you can get Giratina? Rotom, I dunno. Maybe a new place in Goldenrod, Lavender, or Celedon since they are the technology spots/large business cities? I would say just allow the Rotom to be traded in that form, but if you do that you would lose the item in the R&D room at the Galactic Building.
Klaatu Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 derrick said: well i hope the latis will both be in each verson as iam only geting soulsilver as in importe from japan (i love lugia and groudon perfect game for me!!) ruby had latios saphier had latias so if verson exclusive it will probly be latios in soulsilver and latias in heartgold most likely mewtwo will probly be in mt silver but then again thats my guess... iam still wondering about how the platinum exclusive forms will be in this game any ideas? Latios in SOULsilver and Latias in HEARTgold also seems more suiting to me =) But I'd rather want to be given the choice like in Emerald. The formes don't need to be in HGSS. If they wanted us to able to use those outside Pt they'd make them tradeable right away. But you can't even trade the Griseous (spelling?) Orb between 2 Pt as they're returned to the bag when you go trading. And Rotom formes were created by Charon of team Galactic so why on earth would there be a location in Kanto/Johto which transforms it anyway?
DanteKoriyu Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Two people can work on the same research. You act like Charon in his failure of glory is the only one smart enough to make the items. Heck, he can't be THAT smart, he got caught after his first attempt at running Team Galactic mission. =P
AtomicGreymon Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Klaatu said: The formes don't need to be in HGSS.If they wanted us to able to use those outside Pt they'd make them tradeable right away. But you can't even trade the Griseous (spelling?) Orb between 2 Pt as they're returned to the bag when you go trading. They don't need to be, but just because the applicable items aren't tradeable between two Pt's doesn't mean the alt. formes won't be in Hg/Ss. It would be easy enough to just include some way in the new games of acquiring the Griseous Orb and Gracidea Flower.
Klaatu Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 TM2-Megatron said: They don't need to be, but just because the applicable items aren't tradeable between two Pt's doesn't mean the alt. formes won't be in Hg/Ss. It would be easy enough to just include some way in the new games of acquiring the Griseous Orb and Gracidea Flower. You see, my point is that, because they knew they'd make HGSS afterwards, they wouldn't have made the items completely untradeable. Um it's hard to explain that. The only reason for that would be to make it Pt exclusive. I don't see them putting Giratinas special item somehwere in the game, especially when Giratina has almost nothing to do with the region or anything and the dimension trio have returned to them being presented like an equal trio rather than Giratina being more special...
DanteKoriyu Posted July 10, 2009 Posted July 10, 2009 Klaatu said: You see, my point is that, because they knew they'd make HGSS afterwards, they wouldn't have made the items completely untradeable. Um it's hard to explain that. The only reason for that would be to make it Pt exclusive. I don't see them putting Giratinas special item somehwere in the game, especially when Giratina has almost nothing to do with the region or anything and the dimension trio have returned to them being presented like an equal trio rather than Giratina being more special... All they have to do is have some one, maybe even Cynthia, stop you on the way out of the Shinto Ruins and have them give you the Adamant/Lustrous/Griseous Orb and say something about how it was a guarded treasure, and will help to boost the power of the dragon you have chosen. Easy to get around if you just get creative. =P For Shaymin, have a NPC in Celedon outside Erika's Gym that will give you the flower if you have a Shaymin. Or if you can get Shaymin as an in game event at the supposed White Rock, have Prof. Oak walk up give you the flower right before you go off to battle it? It's Gamefreak, nothing is impossible. lol
Klaatu Posted July 11, 2009 Posted July 11, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: All they have to do is have some one, maybe even Cynthia, stop you on the way out of the Shinto Ruins and have them give you the Adamant/Lustrous/Griseous Orb and say something about how it was a guarded treasure, and will help to boost the power of the dragon you have chosen. Easy to get around if you just get creative. =P Now that's a really good idea. But I still think the Pt formes are meant to be Pt exclusive.
Gold Xf Posted July 11, 2009 Posted July 11, 2009 Klaatu said: Now that's a really good idea.But I still think the Pt formes are meant to be Pt exclusive. Nah, I don't think they'd make the new formes Platinum exclusive, because what would be the point of creating new forms if they were totally limited to being used in ONE game out of the entire franchise?
DanteKoriyu Posted July 11, 2009 Posted July 11, 2009 I think he meant 4th Gen Platinum exclusive. They would HAVE to be included in the 5th Gen somehow, similar to to Deoxys. In short, their goal is to add Pokemon to keep us busy until the next game to shuck money out on, no way they would take them out entirely. lol
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