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Request Form: sorry i dont know what spoiler is. and thankz for at least watching my request. if anyone wants to help il be apreciated and i think thats all. sorry if anything is missing.. im new here. :cool:
I need a completed Pokemon Platinum Save file. Does anybody have one?
I would really appreciate some help to get the attached pkm files to my Platinum game. I would like to get them through the WiFi Club My FC is 3695 8008 9270 Thanks, Kaja :smile: Ho-Oh.pkm Deoxys.pkm Entei.pkm Jirachi.pkm Rapidash.pkm Shaymin.pkm Pikachu.pkm Snorlax.pkm Mew.pkm Spheal.pkm
pokemon:Charizard Held Item:Petaya Berry Level:100 Ability:Blaze Nickname (If wanted):Neptune Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Julie Trainer ID (If specific): 13162 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:Modest Attack: sunny Day,Substitute,Fire Blast,SolarBeam PP (max or normal):normal Pokérus Status: Cured Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball Battle Stats: normal EV Stats:4 Def / 252 SpA IV Stats:30 HP Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met: 6-09-09 Level Met At: 5 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): - Happiness: - Contest Stats: - Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): 3 in my party atm For what game (required for AR code): D/P Friend Code (required for Trading):Julie 4425-7560 8343
I need these pokemon for competitive battling. Trade me through wifi, hopefully for free, since these are just hacks. I can offer some pokes, if you really want. Email me at and my fc is 4640 7333 7875 There are 7 pokemon; if you can only get 6, just take out slowking. I'd appreciate 7. Thanks!!! But I appreciate it from everyone!! Thanks, seriously.
Can have all the .pkm Pokemon files uploaded into one .zip file. Sorry if this sounds like a lot of work. I also want all the pokemon to be legit (not shiny, not at lvl 100, etc.). Thank you =] PS- I know you can get them from but I'm kind of lazy to download every pokemon, so I was wondering if someone can do it for me . I'm sorry for being lazy, lol. EDIT-- Nevermind. I was searching through the other request and i found one with all of them. So thank you
Is anyone out there willing to trade me an event Weavile? o: I'd really appreciate it~! I dont have the tools to use Pokesav so I cant do it on my own... x_x Anyways, FC is in my sig, send me a msg if you can help or whatever~ O: Thanks in advanced! (If Im not on around the time I post this then I will most likely be on at around 8PM Pacific time) COMPLETE! Thanks to KyoMcFizzle.
I want each and every one of them to be legal. They need to have legal stats and such. As long as they can be allowed in tournament battles and such. Aerodactyl (M) @ Liechi Berry Ability: Pressure EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk/252 Spd IVs: all maxed Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Stealth Rock - Stone Edge - Ice Fang - Taunt Solrock @ Focus Sash Ability: Levitate EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 SAtk IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0 speed Brave nature (+Atk, -Spd) - Earthquake - Explosion - Trick Room - Zen Headbutt Armaldo (M) @ Hard Stone Ability: Battle Armor EVs: 252 HP/128 Def/128 SDef IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/16 Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk) - Rapid Spin - X-Scissor - Stone Edge - Aerial Ace Rampardos (M) @ Life Orb Ability: Mold Breaker EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 Def IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0 Brave nature (+Atk, -Spd) - Earthquake - Thunderpunch - Hammer Arm - Fire Punch Tyranitar (M) @ Choice Specs Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 180 HP/252 SAtk/76 Spd IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0 Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Ice Beam - Dark Pulse - Thunderbolt - Flamethrower Cradily (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Suction Cups EVs: 252 HP/128 Def/128 SDef Relaxed nature (+Def, -Spd) - Recover - Protect - Toxic - Grass Knot
I would like the Pearl AR code for the following Events, seperate the codes for each pokemon, WonderCard please: Thanks in advance, also please make them wondercards if possible. Edit: Im not sure about the moveset for the latias, please make it as legit as possible.
I need all these Pokemon to do Doubles and Multi Battle rooms in the Battle Tower. I don't care how you go about with the IDs and dates, but everything must be legal. Metagross@ Lum Berry SHINY Clear Body Adamant Iv's- 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ev's- 252 Atk, 152 HP, 104 Spe - Iron Head - Earthquake - Rock Polish - Explosion *Gengar*@ Focus Sash SHINY Levitate Timid Iv's- 31/31/30/30/30/30 --- Hidden Power Fighting 70 Ev's- 252 SpAtk, 252 Spe, 6 HP - Shadow Ball - Hidden Power - Thunderbolt - Destiny Bond Azelf@ Life Orb Levitate Naive Iv's- 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ev's- 252 Satk, 220 Spe, 36 Atk - Shadow Ball - Flamethrower - Energy Ball - Explosion Dusknoir@ Leftovers SHINY Pressure Careful Iv's- 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ev's- 252 HP, 200 Sdef, 52 Def - Shadow Punch - Will-O-Wisp - Protect - Pain Split Latios @ Choice Specs SHINY Timid, Levitate EVs: 26 HP, 252 SpA, 232 Spe IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 ~Draco Meteor ~Psychic ~Surf ~Thunderbolt Metagross @ Wide Lens SHINY Adamant, Clear Body EVs: 152 HP, 252 Atk, 100 SpD IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31 ~Meteor Mash ~Bullet Punch ~Ice Punch ~Earthquake
I need dittos. (lol some other guy just posted a similar request) Adamant, Jolly, Timid, Modest with perfect IVs. Impish and Relaxed with 0 speed IV but everything else perfect. names of the dittos are all the name of their respective nature They are all OT'd to JAMN, caught in trophy garden on august 11th 2009 in ultraballs. my trainer ID is 39493 please and thank you platinum fc: 0474 3682 0604
Name:Michele ID:25049 Secret ID: not specific Pokemon(all egg hatched. Random dates during this year before the month of August Different dates for each pokemon please. ) Umbreon(shiny), Arsenic(male) @Careful, Chople berry, Synchronize 252 HP / 92 SpDef / 164 Spe ~ Mean Look ~ Baton Pass ~ Wish ~ Taunt Togekiss, Cloud (female) @calm,leftovers,Serene grace 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpDef ~ Thunder Wave ~ Air Slash ~ Roost ~ Aura Sphere FC:4984 3356 6330 Pm if you can help me with this request thanks (:
Pokemon Species: Clamperl Ability: Shell Armor Shiny: No Egg: Yes Nature: Quiet Pokérus Status: Cured Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball IV Stats: 30 HP / 30 ATK / 30 DEF / 31 S.ATK / 31 S.DEF / 2 SPE Location/Date Received: Day Care Couple, September 28th 2009 Friend Code: 1762-8572-4721 85th HEX Value: 00 From Pearl. Hop to it! :bidoof:
I would like this pokemon sent to me via wifi connection. its an obviously hacked water-type shiny sceptile with an azumarill's moveset. I know I wont be able to use this in compettittive battling, im just going to use it to make fun of a freind, as he thinks this pokemon actually exists in-game. the pkm file is attatched to the post under this one, and my freind code is this: name: Hywel code: 0646 4037 3504 game: pokemon diamond If you can make this pokemon and send it to me, thanks. :smile:
PM Narwhal PM Toffeuy PM Sabeta How to set up your signature:
I already have the pokesav files made. A friend of mine tried to open them on his pokesav and it didn't work. He claims that I have the wrong version even though I just downloaded it off this website. He fixed up my mistakes and created these files I tried to open them up on my pokesav and it didn't work. I don't have action replay so I wanted him to send me the files Via wifi but he can't get them running on his action replay. here is my WIFI code: 2536 0256 0129 If someone can send me these pokemon over wifi that would be great. and if those files dont work tell me and I'll send you the version of the files that come off my pokesav. Sorry I had to zip i would have created a file with them in it as one but I can't open them in pokesav to do that. thanks in advance.
*** This is an archive of Narwhal and Illithian's Sig Thread. *** If you would like to request, go here. Welcome to Narwhal and Illithian's Sig thread! Please specify what type of font you would like, what it should say, what kind of background you want, and the Pokémon and/or other main image in it. you may post an image link for the images you would like us to use. As you probably know, there is a sig cut-off (in some skins/themes). Beware of this fact when adding one of these images into your signature. Rules: We will not use art that you do not have permission to use. I will not accept friend requests for making you a signature. Nothing inappropriate. Please do not request more than one signature in a day. If you don't have your sig within 3 days of your request, post in the thread again and we will make it as soon as possible. We hope you enjoy our thread. Our artists, in order of activity: Toffeuy (moderate-high activity) Narwhal (moderate activity) oni link (moderate activity) Naru-Chu (moderate activity) Mr. Swalot979 (moderate-low activity, novice artist) Illithian (moderate-low activity) bear831 (low-no activity) Retired Artists: telos Loading kunaidude34 If you would like to become an artist, PM Narwhal. Featured Signature: Please support us! Put one of these banners in your sig: PLEASE READ: We will not tell you how to set these as your signature if you ask. Here is a guide: If you would like your sig in a spoiler, follow this guide:
Hello, First: Thanks to everyone. There was a time when I was DS-less and as a result I missed a lot of events. I just want to thank everyone here for all of your work, you have helped make my Pokemon experience a lot of fun for the limited time I have to play. THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK Second: Is there an AR code to get Deoxys on Platinum? I know that you can use the code to find wild pokemon but will a Deoxys caught by me set off any sort of legality checker? *My apologies in advance if this is in the wrong forum* Thanks, Jedimario
I want to recreate my original Charizard from my Blue game in my Platinum.. *Save file went poof, may you rest in peace D=* I saw the request threads, but I wasn't sure if I should put it there since I want it as an egg so when it hatches the OT is mine,since I can no longer access the OT for my Blue version T^T ANYWAY! I would like the Egg to say received in trade since you can't pal park eggs. I would like the egg to hatch a female Charmander *not shiny* with the Original Blue moves of Scratch and Growl. If you could make it so the Charmander has some good stats that would be great. Nothing too extreme though please. Bold Nature. No Pokerus. If anyone can help with this that will be great. I am not picky, I just want to revive Blaze in my Platinum version and re train her. Please make this as legit as possible. Also, if it is not to much trouble can I also have the same Charmander shiny and male. Blaze needs a boyfriend Hugs and Kisses to whomever can get me this code! Please and Thank you! Also, i have my own AR so no need for wifi trading.
Hey does anyone know any real good 6 pokemon teams to use on PBR on the colosseums? Also if someone happens to have specific stats on each of the pokemon so I can make them on pokesav that would be awesome. (They can have hacked moves however I don't beleive they can have hacked stats.) Anyways I'm just not a very good team builder, on all the main series games I always get the starter pokemon and just add the first few I catch to my team until I get the legendarys lol, but I'm trying to help my little brother beat his game fast to get the surfing pikachu for him Anyways any advice could help!
I want a sav file with a complete national pokedex. I tried doing it myself, but failed. WHen I ticked both sinnoh and sinnoh+national it didn't work, then I tried just sinnoh, then just sinnoh+national but didn't work. So, I just want to start fairly in the beginning, like in twinleaf town or sandgem or something, but not a finished game... THANKS.
Okay, I have Pokésav, I just extremely fail at making legal Pokémon. I'm in need of a Slaking and a Magnezone, but neither are there in the list of pkmn files, is there any way someone could make me legal ones? I can edit the rest from there. Thanks~
After trying (and failing) I finally come to my last resort. I tried to do a Japanese wonder card found on the pokemon database, but I seem to not be able to use Japanese on my pokesav, and while i can see the wonder card on the mystery gift screen (with all ?'s), there's is no guy in the green hat to talk to to receive it. So what im asking is for someone to make me an AR code real quick for a Tanabanta Jirachi (either this years or last years). Also i assume the nature / ivs are random when you pick it up? Thanks!
I'm just looking for an AR code for a Dusknoir. I'd like for it to be: -Infected with PokeRus -Shiny -Adamant nature -Nicknamed "Dusknoir", just so I can change it later myself. -Level 15 -Caught in a Dusk Ball -Box18 Slot1 or 1st slot in party for Platinum version Other details such as EV and IV stats can just be normal. Sorry I didn't request this in another thread, but I wasn't sure if it fit. Thanks to anyone who makes it
I'm back on the boards and I'm here to offer free Pokemon for Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. You must have the following: 1. A Nintendo DS 2. A copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum 3. A worthless Pokemon to trade with since you have no choice to trade in order to receive your Pokemon 4. Nintendo WFC Now that I got those things out of the way, here's what you need to provide me with. Name: ID: SID: Lv: Gender Nature: Shiny: IVs: EVs: Contest Stats Nickname: Trainer Name & Gender: Moves: PP Maxed: Met at Level: Met at Location: Date Met: Egg Hatched at: Egg Received: Game Region: Language: Fateful Encounter: Also, since I'm working now, I won't get to your requests at night or on Sundays. I will notify all that made request on the status of their Pokemon. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will be gladly to assist you. Good luck and happy requesting.