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Everything posted by Aarux

  1. Interface, I'll start working on your code now. Should be ready in a few. EDIT: I made the code assuming you're using Plat. If you need a D/P code, tell me and I'll make one. This Ditto goes in Box 1, Slot 29, L + R to activate. There you go. Any mistakes with it? Tell me. Enjoy.
  2. Nicknames are awesome. I usually name my Pokemon after a number, then some cool word or after what they're for. Ex. 2nd Bomber the Smeargle, 5th Sabre the Garchomp, 6th Treble the Mightyena. Or sometimes after Latin stuff. My suggestions: Mus (Lat. for mouse,) Blue (Short, sweet, to the point,) Puteulanus (Lat. for Blue,) or... if you're looking for something 'cute,' then something like Kitty... or Bubbles? I always have a hard time thinking of nicks for some reason.
  3. @ Hollow Dragonite: I've made your code. It's for Plat, L + R to activate, and it'll replace whatever's in Party Slot 5. Any problems with the code? Tell me and I'll fix them. Enjoy. @ Kinkedo56: I have the Jolly one right now, if I have time I'll try making all the other natures. Oh, yeah, for the OT, I wasn't sure if you meant nothing or to actually have the name as NO DATA, so I just put NO DATA. And a note, it's not legal, since you wanted all 31 IVs and it doesn't match the PID. So... here's the file. Another Edit. Shiny. I'll post it just in case you need it, you know, if no one can really help with the legal PID and such. Rayquaza Fixed Agaaaain.pkm
  4. Trash Bytes apply to all Pokemon last time I checked, but they're supposedly the most difficult to fix on Pal Parked Pokemon. Here's a nice guide to Trash Bytes: http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Trash_Bytes EDIT: Never mind, they only apply to the 3 in the article. My mistake.
  5. Yup, he looks good now. I don't know about Trash Bytes, so you'll have to wait for someone else to come around and check that if you need them checked. And yes, I was a hobo. But hobo isn't really a place, so I changed it.
  6. No prob! Yeah, just hit edit and go advanced. You can remove and add attachments there.
  7. The PID problem can be fixed by editing the IVs some more. Ape's algorithm here is Type 4, but it needs to be Type 1, Normal NDS or GBA... something along those lines. Try messing around with the IVs a bit.
  8. Hey, 3BE. Here's your code. For Pearl, L + R, and it'll go in Box 18, Slot 30. Any problems or mistakes? Tell me. Enjoy.
  9. I fixed the algorithm and contest stats in this file. Someone else can run it through the Normalizer for you, seeing as I can't. Improved Frosslass - Fixed.pkm
  10. Hey, Ray... sorry about my absence here. Computer got messed up really badly. :frown: I should be able to help out with requests again now.
  11. Welcome to the forums, Muha. I'm Aarux. Your signature looks awesome, by the way.
  12. I like Salamence better. It looks cooler and more vicious than Dragonite to me, is speedier and has more power, and has done better in battles than Dragonite when I use it.
  13. Hey, Ray. I messed up on that Arceus last time. Could you trade this fixed one over? Sorry about that. Thanks.
  14. I wasn't sure whether this would go here or in Event Pokemon, but since it's about something I made in Pokesav, I figured asking here would make sense. So, I made a .pgt file for the NoK Arcanine, based on one I received today and by the one uploaded by Floot. It looks good to me, but there's one problem. When I get the Arcanine on my game, its OT and name are supposed to be question marks. But this one has bigger question marks than it's supposed to. All of the other NoK events had smaller ???s compared to this one. My question is: Why are the question marks showing up as big ones when they're not supposed to? I've attached the .pgt. EDIT: Problem resolved. I got the question mark problem to stop. It had something to do with the Trash Bytes, I think. :\ An exact answer would still be appreciated, though. NoK Arcanine.pgt
  15. Hiya, Ray. Can you transfer these 3 events I made over? If one shows up as a Bad Egg or anything, tell me. They shouldn't, though. Thanks.
  16. Nope. Reading their Pokedex entries tells what this habit is, which is important. One of the entries for Murkrow has a reference to Meowth in it, too.
  17. I had a hard time catching this beast on Emerald. I have no idea why... I just remember that he was a nightmare for me to catch. I probably didn't use status conditions or False Swipe back then. I can catch it easily now, though.
  18. Cool. I never thought of Lileep as a pitcher plant... more like an anemone or something. Here's a puzzle. This Pokemon completes the Murkrow-Meowth-_____ trio, sharing the same habits as them. It definitely doesn't look anything like them, though. What Pokemon is it?
  19. My favorites: I just think those colors fit well on them. Especially Ninetales. She looks too magical with that blue tint. Some I don't like are these. Pink Weavile... no. Dragonite just looks a bit odd to me. Salamence and Espeon don't look as good like that. Arcanine should've gotten to turn black when he's shiny. That'd look nicer.
  20. Whew. It's nearly 4 AM here and I'm still awake... Hey, Ray. Can I get these Pokemon transferred over? (Thanks to Floot for uploading them. ) I'd like to compare them to mine in-game... there's a few things I'd like to check. Their names and OTs should show up as question marks, by the way.
  21. How is 37 HP a hack? Uh... Maybe they figured out it's from here. Some people don't like to get traded Pokemon from this site. I've seen it before. Full of himself, yeah... probably.
  22. If it's on the site, then I'm pretty sure it's been checked over thoroughly by the experts here. Mods, admins, etc. So, it should be legal. What made the person say it was a hack?
  23. Here it is, Interface. Your OT didn't fit, by the way. It just shows up as: Interfa. If you need me to change that, tell me. This is for Diamond, L + R, and he'll go in Box 17, Slot 1. If there's any changes I need to make on it, let me know.
  24. It's cool. Here's the form you should use: Make sure you put the request in a spoiler. To get it onto your AR, you can either use ARDS Code Manager or enter it manually (I do this.)
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