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Everything posted by Aarux

  1. :eek: Man, these signatures you all make are amazing. The way you made the X in Aarux is pretty clever. Heh. I may just try to fit both signatures in... too hard to choose. Although, it's gonna be kinda hard to fit.
  2. That's a really interesting tale... Plus, it explains their ability to jump over mountains. As for Zangoose and Seviper, I always thought they were enemies because... Mongooses eat snakes. So, uh, yeah...
  3. Sleep - My Chemical Romance And through it all How could you cry for me? Cause I don't feel bad about it. So shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye, And sleep, just sleep. I love those lyrics.
  4. You could always try my request out, too. I can just alternate signatures if you do. (That rhymed...)
  5. Whhhoooa. That's awesome. Thanks so much, kunai. I'll definitely put that in my sig.
  6. Ouch. O_o Er, Ray, can you try that one? 2 people have tried and it hasn't worked yet.
  7. @ MrMe: Here's your code. L + R, for Platinum, and it places the 6 Pokemon in your PC, Box 1, Slots 1-6. Any problems? Tell me and I'll fix it. Enjoy. @ Tiger: I'll get started on that now. Be ready in a few minutes. EDIT: Here's the code, Tiger. This'll work on Platinum, L + R to activate, and it'll replace the 1st Slot in your Party. If I messed up anywhere, tell me and I'll fix it up. Enjoy.
  8. @ Naru-Chu: There's no compact version on the site, though, right? @ MrMe: Alrighty, I'll get started on the code. It'll be ready in a few.
  9. I think I finally know what to request here. As you can tell from my current signature, I like those characters from KH. So, can you guys make me a signature with the following characters in it: Axel, Demyx, and Zexion. Can it have a dark-looking background? I'd also like my username (Aarux) in it, and maybe this picture in it, too. Kind of a big request, heh. Thanks in advance.
  10. Run the TTar through Legality Checker when you're finished editing IVs. As long as it says "Common GBA Event (Restricted)" then the Pokemon is fine. Otherwise, if it says (Unrestricted) or something else, it's no longer legal.
  11. @ Honu: If that code hasn't been working for you, then maybe you can try this one. It's for Plat, L + R, and it replaces slots 1-3 in your party. @ MrMe: PokeSav Platinum doesn't have the option to put Pokemon in Pal Park. I can put them in your Party, or PC, but not Pal Park.
  12. Already pre-ordered it. The DS is hard to make good graphics for... 3D graphics, anyway.
  13. Here's your code, Canadaiensfan. Press L + R, and it'll go in Box 1, Slot 1 in your PC. Any problems? Tell me and I'll fix it.
  14. The region's for what country the Pokemon's from. Like what shows up on your Plat Dex if it's from another country. I think doing that would work. I'm not sure, but you might have to fix trash bytes or something if you change their names...
  15. Awesome! Thanks for the code. I also would like these Pokemon transferred over... I had a trade scheduled for some events, but I seem to have lost my Diamond (Where all the events were stored.) So I'm kinda gonna need these. You can do some of the old requests I sent first, though. Thanks again.
  16. You're back. How'd the tests go? Anyways, I have a list of previous requests already made. I'll send it to you in a few minutes... there's quite a few. Also, I have a request. Could you make a Platinum Code for the following Pokemon? It's the .pgt so I can have that guy in green show up at the Mart. Thanks much. Pichu-SHOKOTAN-JAP-PP.org.pgt
  17. <p><p><p><p><p>Final Round, what are you talking about? <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png" alt=":/" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I have <em>no</em> clue...</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>EDIT: Oh, wait a sec... you're Ryu from Shoddy, right?</p></p></p></p></p>

  18. <p><p><p><p><p>Final Round, what are you talking about? <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png" alt=":/" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I have <em>no</em> clue...</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>EDIT: Oh, wait a sec... you're Ryu from Shoddy, right?</p></p></p></p></p>

  19. There are free trials, but the real thing isn't free. There used to be a tutorial somewhere on now to get a free one... the link's gone now, though. That's what I used to get mine.
  20. Oh. Crap. You type so small, heh, guess I didn't notice. I'll fix that now... EDIT: New code. Here it is... Did that one work any better?
  21. I don't know if there's one yet, but I remember seeing something about making an online version of Pokesav... not sure where, but somewhere on PP. I use Mac OS X myself, and I use Pokesav through an application called CrossOver. The only problem is that it can't display Jap. characters, but it's pretty nice.
  22. You need to open up Pokesav and load the .pkm files into your party/PC, then click Export ARDS Code. Save the file as whatever you want, open the file up, and there's your code. Same thing with .pgt, only you: Click on Events Click Mystery Gift Edit Load the .pgt into Gift Section You can either copy/paste it into your AR with AR Code Manager, or type it in by hand.
  23. There's a .pkm file on the site you can use to make a nice looking one. Just download it and toss it into Pokesav. Same for the Jirachi...
  24. @ Honu: Alrighty, here's your code. L + R, it'll take up slots 1-3 in your party. @ ocwil: Sure, you could make some codes. If you can do wifi, that'd be great...
  25. Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance And next will be Blood by MCR.
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