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Everything posted by Poryhack

  1. lol Happy bday.
  2. Appears so: http://www.nintendo.se/arkivet/nyheter/shaymin http://www.nintendo.no/arkivet/nyheter/090401-2 We'll do our best to get a news article up with more info and eventually confirm if it's the same as the UK one or not.
  3. Basshunter - Russia PrivJet
  4. Just wanted to chip in and say great job; this thread is shaping up to be very useful. I think I'd actually be capable of this stuff but just don't have the time. =(
  5. Quit going on about the GBA slot. He already said he doesn't care.
  6. Hehehe :shiftyeyes:
  7. Thanks a ton; we'll be sure to credit you. Good luck at nationals.
  8. NTSC and PAL are standards for TVs... They don't apply to DS or other handheld games, only console. I'm not sure what the localization procedure includes though... It does seem a bit odd to wait so long for essentialy the same product.
  9. Much appreciated. I'm available on IRC if needed.
  10. Consequences - The Infraction System The Project Pokémon forums use vBulletin's infraction system to keep track of users who've violated the rules and issue temporary bans when necessary. In the infraction system, each violation of the rules is given a point value and a length of time. When a rule is violated, a moderator will select the corresponding infraction from the list below. The point value of that infraction is added to the offending user's total infraction points. After the amount of time specified, those points will be removed. Should a user accumulate 100 or more total infraction points, they will be automatically banned for two weeks. This system makes the job of a moderator much easier and ensures consistency among punishments. Keep in mind that "custom" infractions of any point value can be issued in the event that the violation does not fit one of the infractions below. We also reserve the right to give a longer or permanent ban for repetitive or blatant violations of the rules. <table id="cpform_table" class="tborder" style="border-collapse: separate;" width="90%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td colspan="6" class="tcat" align="center">Infractions</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="thead" align="left">Violation</td><td class="thead">Points</td><td class="thead">Expires</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt1" align="left">Thread title is not descriptive.</td><td class="alt1">20</td><td class="alt1">1 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt2" align="left">Thread posted in wrong forum.</td><td class="alt2">20</td><td class="alt2">1 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt1" align="left">Spam/off-topic.</td><td class="alt1">20</td><td class="alt1">1 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt2" align="left">User is reacting excessively to another user violating the rules.</td><td class="alt2">20</td><td class="alt2">1 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt1" align="left">Not using reasonable spelling/grammar.</td><td class="alt1">20</td><td class="alt1">1 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt2" align="left">Asking question(s) without searching first.</td><td class="alt2">30</td><td class="alt2">1 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt1" align="left">Mild inappropriate content.</td><td class="alt1">30</td><td class="alt1">1 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt2" align="left">Mild advertisment.</td><td class="alt2">30</td><td class="alt2">3 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt1" align="left">User is obviously discussing pirated material.</td><td class="alt1">30</td><td class="alt1">2 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt2" align="left">Flaming/trolling - User is being intentionally offensive.</td><td class="alt2">40</td><td class="alt2">1 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt1" align="left">Warez - User is linking to or asking for pirated material.</td><td class="alt1">50</td><td class="alt1">3 Month(s)</td></tr><tr valign="top" align="center"><td class="alt2" align="left">Scamming - User has broken pre-determined conditions for a service.</td><td class="alt2">50</td><td class="alt2">3 Month(s)</td></tr></tbody></table>
  11. Pretty sure people in North America will be able to download this as well. I'm pretty sure there's no differences between the UK and American ROM.
  12. The only ticket event that was unreleased (outside Japan) was the Old Sea Chart. The rest were all obtainable for each game, in each language at some point. Also, all FrLg tickets were in emerald. You can see this thread for more details.
  13. Some pretty major changes to the event part of the site will be taking place over the summer, this will certainly be among them.
  14. I did a little testing an determined that aprox. 670x250 is the max size a signature can be and not stretch posts either vertically or horizontally (assuming a lowest common denominator screen res of 1024x768). Compared to many forums I've been on, that's pretty gracious. I'll try to implement a system to automatically restrict signatures to those dimensions as soon as I can.
  15. Specifically, the translations will be done when platinum hits the UK. SCV extracts all the data for the pokedexes directly from the game to save time and ensure that our data is error-free.
  16. That's cool. I was under the impression that there was no such thing.
  17. Well you should be able to dump the save over a wifi connection using your AceKard. There's a tutorial here; it's geared more toward dumping a ROM but to dump a save all you have to do different is select the corresponding action on the DS. Let me know if wifi's not an option for you or if you have any difficulties getting it working, as I'd really like to get the full WC onto the site. Thanks!
  18. That I can't guarantee. Try it and see for yourself.
  19. Opening the file and re-saving in Pokesav (Pt) will correct the checksums.
  20. I take it you were there? For the details you provided, it looks like you have one. Can you contribute it?
  21. lol, it should probably just be taken down altogether since we'll be hosting it on PP. I'll PM Sabre about it.
  22. Pure speculation here, but I don't see them making such a minor difference into a catch-able alternate forme. My guess is the former.
  23. OK, I've finished checking into it. I can't say for certain one way or the other; there's nothing to prove it a hack, but there was one thing I found very unlikely. Unlike most get 4 events, this heracross conforms to the normal GBA/DP algorithm. Neither an egg nor an event should... So, while it's still possible that this could be legit, I'm not going to host in on the main site and I would advise you to take what I said into consideration.
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