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Everything posted by RustInPeace

  1. Is it me or are the rsavin/out websites not working? PCEdit ones too.
  2. My Johto starters had imperfect IVs, and the only thing different I did was just entered Pokemon Bank. In contrast, you entered it after transporting pokemon from B2. So transporting any old pokemon from a Gen V leads to a perfect trio gift? Or just plain lucky.
  3. Reading this has made me seriously consider turning Japanese, buying JP versions of XYORAS and the device. Thanks.
  4. No, this is not /r/pokemonplaza. A thanks is enough.
  5. Done but some things. Thundurus was made out to be from Dream Radar, as its HA is exclusively available in that game. Its EV set and Klefki's are identical, and neither total 510. Kingdra confuses me because a def/spd lowering nature is more appropriate in my opinion. Lonely, Mild?
  6. Updating games requires updating the 3DS firmware, so you unknowingly got the latest firmware. There's no way around it if you want the latest patch. Something you probably should've got as soon as it became available, and/or as soon as you got the game.
  7. That would save a lot of time in my common screw ups in the pursuit of being as fast as possible in requests. That or a legal checker.
  8. Didn't help you said "all" had to be level 10, but I should've noticed it and corrected right away.
  9. Shiny Arceus in this thread. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?33180-Pok%E9mon-X-and-Y-PKX-Contribution&p=201035#post201035 UK Darkrai. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_rC28AlhHmybHh3YkVCMlFTdTA/view?usp=sharing
  10. Someone in r/PokemonPlaza held a giveaway for a genned version of the M15 shiny Arceus, I thought the SID was supposed to be 0, it passed through wifi trading and battle spot. Thanks for sharing the legit one. I prefer a wondercard though, but not complaining.
  11. It worked after editing one trainer, but then I went for another and got this message. I got a similar unhandled exception message when using the Amie editor.
  12. http://www.mediafire.com/download/n4f883q9cwd5ql5/Frillish+-+FEF94277.pk6
  13. Ready to trade, but I can't gen Kyurem's fused forms, the one requested has to be traded with Zekrom, otherwise it's illegal.
  14. Did you get a message saying two of the pokemon have the same item? The SID I got from the Movie 14 Darkrai Wondercard is 00021, yours is different.
  15. http://www.mediafire.com/download/3lycs6da68cx2sx/C+Event+-+Celebi+Ageto.pkm
  16. http://www.mediafire.com/download/gju1cin75hfde0r/KOR.zip
  17. Tangrowth http://www.mediafire.com/download/l3b722m37tket5e/TG.zip
  18. One of the Abomasnows has Bullet Punch as a relearn move, preventing it from online use.
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