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Everything posted by RustInPeace

  1. Yeah, I typed that in the post (must not have been clear), but GW can't read the save file, it comes up as "corrupted." I just did everything necessary and it proved successful on Y. 1.) Play the Y rom and save when I got the Pokedex (I think it's fine to save after you get out of bed). 2.) Use SDF to export the save to the SD Card. 3.) Overwrite the save (called "main" in the "filer" folder) with one that came from the Powersave decrypting method + PKHex. 4.) Boot the rom and move the edited pokemon to Bank, and withdraw them from there with the retail cart. You have to backup the game through Powersaves with a decryption method or through Cyber Save Editor, and inject them into the roms in GW. Can't simply backup with GW.
  2. I downloaded SDF from -snip-, and put it in the internal SD card (not micro SD). I imported it successfully, so maybe the source of SDF for you was wrong? As for the save, unfortunately all you can do is dump the cart. When starting it up, the save file will be corrupted, as you can't backup the save, it's in the rom dump itself. When playing the rom, when you save it (meaning you're starting the game all over), you can extract the save from the rom with SDF. It's accessible in PKHex, when you "Export SAV" you have to save it as "main" overwriting the previous file. SDF again to import the save, and that's it. Basically, you can't backup saves in Card2 retail carts (X/Y/OR/AS are Card2 games) on GW, at least not yet I hope.
  3. I dumped my AS save, rename the rom to .3dz, but on SaveDataFilter, it says "CTR card broken." Starting up the rom showed the save being "corrupted." I read the rom can be booted if you start the game over, but then that means you can't load the previous save (I read the save's in the dumped rom). I'm just trying to stay away from it and remain calm, hoping a stable release comes soon for GW, since what came out yesterday was a beta one.
  4. I'm assuming using the code on a US cart/console won't work. I'm hoping it would work with a JP rom, through Gateway (also hoping their 9.2 support comes before January 9, at least soon).
  5. You'd have to edit all those Pokemon to make it so their met location was "(Poketransfer)" if using Pokegen. I'm pretty sure it's that, I don't remember trying, playing it safe with actual transferring
  6. I got a Shiny Rayquaza in a trade from generating a Shaymin for the other person. It came all the way from the HG/SS, so that's one example of no shiny lock for some pokemon. I migrated the story Shiny Gyarados from SoulSilver, no loss of its color.
  7. Cool, but I have a question. Hopefully by the same they're released, the Gateway will support 9.2. That being said, since it's region free, and I were to use a Japanese ORAS rom, would I be able to redeem the codes? Also with CoroCoro, order it all the way from the States? They should also release HA Sinnoh starters along with Johto.
  8. I extracted the binary release, and the .exe won't start because "libwinpthread-1.dll" was not found.
  9. Hope this helps, for Gen IV, you can go to Pokedit and search their event PKM database. Note, can't get Arceus through the Pokemon Bank. Only legal one appears to be for Gen V. You can edit them on Pokegen after for the sake of nature and IVs. For Gen VI, there's editing possible through PKHex and wondercard files, or Powersaves. All 4 Gen VI games have a Wondercard slot 1 editor, and lists all US and international events.
  10. I used AR to generate the items, and catched the pokemon in-game. I can't remember what Darkrai I tried to get into the Bank as there was a bunch I cheated to get. However one that I remember catching on Platinum, did make it just now. Thanks for the info. My Shaymin also made it through, caught in Platinum. Manaphy as well, generated the egg event. I tried getting the Toys R Us Arceus from 2009 through, but nope. Maybe because I edited the IVs and nature. Looking at the pre-made Arceus, I think it'll only pass through if it was from Entree Forest.
  11. I'm curious about initiating events through this save editor. I didn't bother going back through the pages of this thread, so I don't know if it was mentioned already. I put the AuroraTicket and MysticTicket but got nothing.
  12. My Gateway just came in the mail today, so now it's a case of waiting for the 9.2 support to come. Pretty eager to try PKHex out.
  13. First time reading about this special moveset for Zygarde. Sounds appealing, but I'd rather request Powersaves for Mirage Spot codes. Make them appear by will and not by chance through StreetPassing.
  14. From the tutorial I read, attwifi is not recommended, something about not hosting eon tickets or it's obsolete. I'm not sure, I just stick to NZ@McD1. Has anyone been StreetPassed by over 30 people? I never have gone over that, I assume that's the limit.
  15. Speaking of Pokemon Bank and event legends, I couldn't get Arceus and Darkrai to Pokemon Bank. I used an Action Replay to unlock their events, which included the PokeMart guy hooking me up with the key items. Could it be that I needed to do a Wondercard insertion through PokeGen in order to make them legal as opposed to Action Replay? I got the over event legends in Gen 4 through AR, and haven't yet tried transferring them. I had to use pkms from someone and the Darkrai and Arceus from him made it through the bank.
  16. http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/2n8hg9/want_the_eon_ticket_homepass_is_for_you/ This tutorial helped. It was easy after I upgraded the laptop from XP to Windows 7.
  17. Homepass as well, with MacPassing and putting the 3DS to sleep while eating, I can brush by a lot of people. As a result I constantly get the Eon Ticket message. I haven't claimed it yet, unfortunately because of Shiny Beldum. I keep resetting to make sure it's the right nature and at least decent IVs. No luck so far, therefore I just play the game without having that on my mind constantly. Soft resetting and stuff, been doing that a lot with all the legends too.
  18. The Powersaves is shaky, and I use it mostly for backing up my games, as that barely ever disconnects, unlike going to the Codes tab section. I read a lot about how getting a different USB cable would work. So I got one from Amazon, a longer one, which is good for me, and things are better, but not perfect. Good enough for backing game saves, booting cheats? Just hope the process is done fast, the longer it takes, the more I fear it would disconnect. To be specific, the Powersaves does work with my X, Y, and OR. Haven't tried it on my AS yet. Oh and blowing on the device, that old school superstitious thing that magically makes any cartridge work. I do that with the Powersaves.
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