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Everything posted by RustInPeace

  1. Someone here had the same problem, confirming that 9.4.0-12 doesn't support browser exploits.
  2. All set, except Meloetta can't be level 20. All distributions have it at least 50.
  3. I can do this, but what's up with the Gardevoir? 2006 date when Pokemon White came out years after that?
  4. Some of those pokemon can't be level 10, and can't have the provided TID/SID on account of events having that info fixed to certain values. I'm making it easier on myself with all of them being fully trained and at 100.
  5. Using an NAND backup of the older firmware. Other than that, Gateway posted old firmware for backup, but they're in 4.0 area. You can find out the firmware you're on at the lower right corner of the screen in system settings.
  6. I have to switch consoles now to use the browser exploits and still go online, thanks to the new updates. Updated my friend code.
  7. Unless the new updates fixed this, which I don't know, balls don't matter. I've done requests and trades where Gen VI pokemon got bankballs, and they all passed through. Yet if you slap on any pokeball over a Dream Radar mon, you're blocked from trading.
  8. Were my answers so bad that you had to ask the same questions in a different thread? You can't switch SD cards. YES, you have to use one 3DS for web exploits and another for online play.
  9. It won't work inasmuch that you can't go online. Other uses, standard playthrough, of course it will work. Swapping SD cards doesn't do anything.
  10. Updating the game required an updated firmware. While you did update the game on another 3DS, said update will only work on that 3DS. On your non-updated 3DS, where you didn't have a game update, it will stay as that. Therefore you can't go online in that 3DS, but can use the browser exploit. Whereas in the updated 3DS, you can go online, but you can't use the browser exploit. I understood the situation after reading it a few times. The console and the native SD card carry the update, NOT the cartridge. If you updated the game through the non-updated 3DS, it won't work. If you just switched consoles, then you're fine.
  11. Updated games are saved in the console's SD card, they aren't stored in the cartridge. You would have to keep switching consoles between updated 3DS and non-updated in order to maintain using the exploits and going online.
  12. No, because that means you're 3DS has to be updated, and firmware past 9.5.0-22 patched all web browser exploits.
  13. Shiny Meloetta is illegal, your Mewtwo X has Rock Slide listed twice. Other than that, ready to trade.
  14. I can only make the Mawile, the Kanto birds' hidden abilities have not been released yet. There's no limit to how many pokemon you can request.
  15. US HA Amaura Male http://www.mediafire.com/download/s4qcf8ayvv9mtud/1509.wc6 Proof
  16. You cancelled the trade before I can trade it.
  17. Not here at least. I don't know if anywhere else.
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