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Everything posted by RustInPeace

  1. You can't. The PGF file has to be injected in a Gen V game (use Pokegen), then when claimed, you can back up the save. In Pokegen, you can save the event pokemon as a PKM, and then drag it into PKHex.
  2. SAV tab, it's right there, a big button.
  3. A better question is, "Will there ever be a whole day without people asking about pokemon editing, web browser injection, and any other hacks for new firmware on 3DS?" I don't think that question will have a positive answer. No, nobody has any idea, no progress has been made in what you're asking, I bet nothing's started in that development. Why would there be anyways? To do so, people would have to start all over, because browser injection, for example, got patched. New exploits would have to be discovered, and even then, new firmware from Nintendo will eventually patch it, and I don't blame them.
  4. ROMs that can be played on Gateway 3DS flashcart. I forgot to mention, that requires firmware up to 9.2.
  5. I'm Tyler Breeze, are you going to finally accept a trade?
  6. The event Gengar knows Sludge Wave. I'm handling the request.
  7. Powersaves is the best option for backing up and restoring saves in the same cartridge, but there's no choice in software, you have to use yours, and likely the cable that comes with it will suck. So, get a (longer) one. Also, Powersaves files are encrypted, you have to decrypt in order to edit on PKHex, but even then, you can't write it back into the cartridge. Only Gateway ROMs with SaveDataFiler support that. I don't know about Cybersaves in regards to multiple cartridges and saves, but I do know that's the most complete way to backup, restore, and edit in PKHex. The catch there, only Japanese 3DS and games. The only other ways would be through Gateway ROMs, or Ram2sav. The latter can handle saves in multiple cartridges, but you need a 3DS not running 9.5.23+. Also, ramsaves are partial data, things that are constantly updated, like game time, can't be edited. Party pokemon and trainer info also can't be edited, but the stuff typically edited, can be. Namely, pokemon, items, moves, that stuff. Plus ram2sav's a browser exploit, and free, so it's relatively quicker in its usage. I go with ram2sav the most, but sooner or later I'll invest in the Japanese way.
  8. Powersaves files can be decrypted by making a key1stream.bin file and any Powersaves backup file, and can be read by PKHex. But, you can't write it back into the cartridge, only for ROMs and through Gateway's firmware.
  9. No, unless Gateway adds support for 9.5.23 (which they implied would take a very long time, focusing on 9.2 downwards) and you have a backed up NAND of earlier firmware.
  10. I don't care, I've gotten 100 Route 101 pokemon for 100 battle ready genned pokemon, I'm used to one sided trades.
  11. Because I did a request for you before. Remember?
  12. EC, no, PID, yes. The PID generates a PSV/ESV, a number that if it matches with the TSV (determined from the TID/SID), the egg will hatch shiny. Yes what you're asking is legal, those aspects have no baring in legality. Met info and moves are the biggest factors for legality anyways.
  13. Details? Without them, I'll just make any old shiny Crobat.
  14. Activity here is based on hacking, genning, exploits. When the browser exploits debuted in January, this forum was crowded with people signing up, most asking for help, some just to say "thanks." When that became castrated by the new update, some of those same people turned to asking the same question, feeling it it came from the same person, over and over and over again. When will browser exploit come to 9.5.23? It won't, so with nothing new on the horizon other than event contribution, requests, PKHex topics and ROM talk (those things in itself aren't very frequent), this forum is what it is. Having been here for a couple months, I'm used to it by now.
  15. What pokemon? What info you put down? Did you single out the pokemon? It could be only 1 or two holding a team down. I can't help with no info provided.
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