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Mewtwo Ex

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Everything posted by Mewtwo Ex

  1. [sprite]310[/sprite] [shinysprite]310[/shinysprite]
  2. [sprite]306[/sprite] [shinysprite]306[/shinysprite]
  3. [sprite]304[/sprite] [shinysprite]304[/shinysprite]
  4. ... ...My first friend here is leaving...
  5. Farfetch'd [sprite]083[/sprite] [shinysprite]083[/shinysprite]
  6. 302 Guessted i mean Sableye [sprite]302[/sprite] [shinysprite]302[/shinysprite]
  7. It is nice to have an event that does not have a Pikachu as the prize Pokemon. It is a great change.
  8. Off Topic ,but Welcome back!
  9. You should not have any problems with your game. And happy gaming once you get it.
  10. And how are you supposed to distribute these Pokemon? I would like one. Specifically the 150 number of the national dex.
  11. I am well aware. D.N.A.dex: 493 - The Lama-Horse Pokemon. A creature that has no value whatsoever. Supposed to be the Creature of the Universe. However due the lack of power it is still being considered if true. Anyway it is a good made sig.
  12. Impressive toffee. The lama-horse one is really well made.
  13. Go to the Power Plant and beat the rocket at the bridge after you find him at the GYM. Then get the missing Power Plant part back and go to route 25.
  14. Why don't people read previous posts?! Its in the top rings. The upper left in them.
  15. Yes it seems that there are twice as there should be.
  16. Chocorita i would like a Male Treecko also. I will be away for 2 weeks, so you can probably hatch one until then. I will give my FC after you let me know it is done. Or if you wan't it that badly it is on my ''About me page''. However i use different games so i am not sure what i will use.
  17. Welcome to Project Pokemon. She should give you Fly i think. Is she standing there all the time?
  18. I think not. It is probably only one generated Deity. And the Arceus will be the same. What would be the difference between the two?
  19. Yes i do not think that they should look like that.
  20. I am having second thoughts about looking at Arceus's. Great work SCV, like always.
  21. [sprite]279[/sprite] [shinysprite]279[/shinysprite]
  22. Yes. The part is in the rings. The very top ones. Try the upper left. It should be there
  23. I have been thinking... The Arceus event that triggered the Platinum library creation story was supposed to be activated with only the movie one. I proved that wrong... My question is: Can the Arceus in HG/SS be other than the movie like in the Platinum?
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