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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. I believe Kanto will be in the game. Notice this, every generation up to the third had Kanto, R/B/Y, G/S/C, FR/LF, and now, possibly HG/SS. There is a few shots of Kanto in the CoroCoro scans. That might be an indication to Kanto.
  2. It's not called Pokemod anymore. It's PPSE now (Project Pokemon Save Editor), and Sabresite is currently not working on it. The completion is unknown, but a beta is coming out soon.
  3. <p><p><p><p><p>Hey, I just noticed you got your badge. Congratulations, you deserved it!</p></p></p></p></p>

  4. <p><p><p><p><p>Hey, I just noticed you got your badge. Congratulations, you deserved it!</p></p></p></p></p>

  5. Forget about the others. Your work is good so don't worry about who is better.
  6. Whoa, whoa, whoa, man. That's like an attack to my belief. Okay, here goes whatever I know about my religion. There's a chapter in our book that is titled "Why does God allow Evil in this World?". It brought up the deal, and once the end of the world has come, whoever followed his commands will stay on an Earthly paradise, and 114000 will go to heaven, while the sinners will be killed instantly. In this case, homosexuals are sinners. And it has been proven that it is a genetic thing. Sexual attraction has to do with genetics. Look it up, I'm sure you'll find something fast.
  7. Hi, and welcome. Hope you enjoy it here.
  8. Ugh, PF, I don't think it is really accomplishing. It is super annoying. I always screw up the EV training. If it wasn't for Pokesav, I would have quit by now. lol.
  9. Lets not forget Greencat, it was a thunderstorm. It was raining, the tower flooded and was hit with lightning and set on fire. Three Pokemon died in there and must have been by each of these individual elements.
  10. Wow, not many people have done it legitimately before.
  11. Hm, proves it's a gene. They can't be changed, and they never will. I do feel sorry for them, as it is not their fault they feel this way, but I dislike them. I juswt don't believe in same sex marriage.
  12. Here's how my belief works, God had a deal with Satan that God would allow Satan to control the Earth to see how he would take care of it. Satan always said he would be a better leader for humans. God allowed him to control the Earth to prove him wrong once the end of the world comes, which is apparently coming soon. Homosexuality, in my belief, is Satan's work.
  13. Do you know how many gay people committed suicide due the fact that they thought they were an abomination of God? If they had a choice, then trust me, they would want to be straight. Some people are proud of it though, and I find it disgusting. I hope nobody is offended by that.
  14. They are very good. The title is just being modest.
  15. Hm, my science teacher told me that, but after researching it a bit, I found that it is a gene. They have no choice, but I still think it is wrong. Sorry if you disagree. It's not a religious thing, its a morality thing.
  16. I guess not. She is very bulky, and useful, so I guess she is good for the team and is hard to beat.
  17. Looks awesome. The Entei is cool, and it's very stylish.
  18. It is still weaker than most normals. I think Snorlax would be a better addition.
  19. That was a random battle. My movesets were terrible, and yours was good. I can't base the facts off that. Totodile isn't that bad and can usually destroy a Miltank with ease, including Whitney's.
  20. Well, Whitney could use something other than a Bibarel.
  21. If you chose Totodile, you'd probably have no problem with her.
  22. It's been proven to be a disease. It's abnormal, and I do not approve of it. Homosexuality is something I don't tolerate, and I hope they do not legalize gay marriage anywhere else in the world. I'm sorry, but this is how I feel.
  23. Wow, the site is already up? I guess we're getting closer to the release of the game.
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