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Everything posted by angelcat621

  1. For Bill's Eevee: 85h value is 18 Met at level is 5 Met in Faraway place 3002 46h is 83 86h (Pokeball value) is 04 (regular pokeball) All other hex values leave at 00. Location is either: 7 HeartGold OR 8 SoulSilver Hope this helps.
  2. Hello, I am making a complete set of Eevee-lutions in Pokesav for my Soul Silver game. I wanted to know the 85h hex value, met at location, and level of the Eevee received at the Celadon casino. Thank you very much!
  3. Thank you very much!
  4. Does anyone know the correct 85h hex value for the HeartGold/SoulSilver Eevee? I am refering to the gift Eevee given by Bill in Goldenrod City at level 5. Thanks in advance!
  5. Iceberg
  6. Meowth, Skitty, and Eevee
  7. 1. Mewtwo 2. Espeon/ Umbreon (tied) 3. Darkrai 4. Persian 5. Alakazam
  8. I saw this episode recently but it first came out when pokemon was really getting popular. Obviously, it is an unflattering parody of the early pokemon franchise. Has anyone else seen this episode? Post your comments here. :redface:
  9. Mesprit Next Pokemon: Willpower
  10. Psychic types, because they ruled in the days of R/B/Y. Also, many of the coolest legends are psychic.
  11. Glameow, Luxray,and Lucario
  12. I'd like to see an evolution of Persian- a large, majestic feline with a bigger movepool and better stats. GO CATS!
  13. Check Secret ID-Platinum 94000130 fcff0000 B2101D40 00000000 da000000 0000008e d6000000 00000090 d2000000 00000000 Press L+R at trainer card, then close and reopen trainer card. Amount of cash will equal Secret ID. (Sorry I didn't clarify directions.) This should work. I use it on my Platinum.
  14. Rayquaza, because of his ability to calm the ferocious Kyogre and Groudon in Emerald. He is also the first 3rd generation legendary that I caught...memories.
  15. I joined several months ago but never introduced myself here...so here I am. I've played every main pokemon game since Red and Blue in 1999. My favorite pokemon types are psychic and dark types. My fav pokemon is Mewtwo although I seldom use ubers. I'm pleased to meet everyone. Have a good day!
  16. I had this same problem last month. I heard the USB cable that comes with newer versions of the ARDS has a problem connecting properly to the PC. I would recommend getting a new USB cable. Stores like Radio Shack may have them. If you still have the receipt you may want to exchange the cable for a new one. Once I got a new cable, voila, my ARDS connected perfectly to the PC. Hope my advice helps.
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