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Everything posted by Doc

  1. i read the pgt wasnt real but poke it generated was, so i just said fake, i guess thats wrong
  2. Doc


    hi kelly, welcome to the forum.
  3. also i assume arceus is still banned from the GTS whether or not it has the classic ribbon becoming tempted to use that fake pgt... no... no... GRRRRR... must wait for NTR to release WC!?!?!? i just dont wanna have to change the date on my DS, i hate doing that.
  4. Ill be getting soul silver, the name sounds cooler and lugia is 1 of my faves, heart gold sounds a bit cheesy and ho-oh blow-ohs. id be interested to know what versions people will be buying.
  5. ok i wasnt using the latest legality checker but i am now and most of the col pokes are still showing no pal parked country and invalid trash bytes, were they extracted from a gen 3 game before pal parking? is that even possible or is it a gen 4 thing? im not sure but i hope this issue will be resolved. so far ive only added a few pokes to my game but i saw a few col pokes i wouldnt mind having, as long as i knew they were ok or got fixed.
  6. *sitting here waiting for arceus* no one answered me earlier, maybe it was dumb or explained somewhere else, but if i create a japanese event in my game using system locale to make it properly, will the arceus the green guy gives me be legal, surely a japanese poke generated in any other game will be an obvious hack, right? if this is the case then im fine just ARing or even trading the poke in without the WC EDIT: no ones ever gonna answer this, im gonna just assume it will be ok, i guess if i actually went to japan with my english game i could probably still get the arceus
  7. guilty? nah i just think its a bit lame, would have made a good addition to the game to have a ranch or something instead of just a pc
  8. i think its kinda obvious that the game cheats at the battle frontier, your opponents teams, items and move sets are obviously determined by your own, i guess you could argue they are trying to make it more of a challenge but i think its cheating and i also find i miss like crazy and the opponent rarely misses and nearly always gets there added affect as well, maybe im just really unlucky there but i hate the way the whole game is so stupidly easy :bidoof: and the frontier is insanely hard :mad: anyway im having no luck, i managed to get a good streak in diamond, over 50 anyway and beat the tycoon and that but im finding platinum a lot harder, havent got hardly anywhere in any of them as yet so im putting it off for a while or i might end up smashing my ds to pieces, im gonna go back when i have nothing else left to do.
  9. yeah but pokes are living things (you know what i mean) so storing them on a pc is just mental. i despise spin offs, but i might buy a wii just for ranch then, maybe, im not a fan of the wii, but i would like more space for my pokes.
  10. sounds ok to me, i love FF so i might get it. the numbered games are usualy better though. what i want wont happen now i think, i wanted 1 to 6 all released in the new DS style.
  11. :grog: WELL DONE GUYS :grog: i havent posted in this thread yet (i think) but i have been keeping an eye on it and i just wanted to say congrats and thanks to all the people responsible for this awesome collection. p.s i know that unknown GBA type is ok but the col pokes are also showing invalid trash bytes, is this right or do we need to correct them p.p.s OHH i get it, they need pal parking, right?
  12. ok heres one ive actually been trying to get via trade, first you need a dodrio that has been purified in (i dont even know what that means) Poke: Dodrio Ability: Early Bird Nature: Jolly or Timid EV's: 252 spd 252 hp 6 def or spdef Hold Item: Brightpowder Moves: Double Team, Acupressure, Roost, Baton Pass OK well this is an illegal set but its unique i guess, the idea here is to avoid as much damage as possible, roosting to restore, and once you have double teamed 6 times you can acupressure your way to maximum and then baton pass to... i dont know... lets say Garchomp. NICE! p.s just realized the distant land collection project is now finished so i will now get this poke.
  13. its gotta be the, oh so mighty, oh so uber and oh so sexy legend slayer they call GARCHOMP. [sprite]445[/sprite] [shinysprite]445[/shinysprite] and yes that is both the normal and shiny sprite (ok its shiny sprite is the only lame thing about it)
  14. yeah i once wanted to have all 493 and in every form, including the ones that have different forms for male and female, even the few shinys i have i was gonna count as extra forms.... sadly theres nowhere near enough room, lucky i decided to work it out in my head before actually trying to do it. ive always thought it would be better to have like a ranch or stable or something to leave your pokes at anyway, personally i think the whole, digitize your pokes thingy, is a bit lame. p.s i ditched the starters box i mentioned earlier and replaced it with a second misc box, so i can store more pokes for trading, ive decided to swamp the GTS with as many useful pokes as possible, regardless of what i get in return (usually a hacked, caught or otherwise completely useless poke)
  15. L and R, this thread will probably be closed.
  16. im not sure about this but if you create a japanese event in an english game wont that make the poke obviously fake somehow, like all japanese writing and name etc but its home country will be something other than japan. im only asking because i doubt this event will ever happen outside of japan and i want a real(ish) arceus.
  17. ok this is in the wrong place and you didnt state what version you are playing but i hope this helps, its most of the legends in the first 11 slots of box 18, they are ones downloaded from here so they should be fine but remember using AR codes will give you the pokes but not the dex entry. REMEMBER TO EMPTY THE FIRST 11 SLOTS OF BOX 18 FIRST. PLAT 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E001DE34 00000088 EE0D1A4D 570A0000 C63BF6E7 B37E12A7 0154980F ED5ADF11 FCCE546E 0226F03D 5A4638A0 1E7860CB C2D29EB5 057A8E1F 5506F842 F8625D36 38BBDF63 F7F8FF9D 7BCA9A3E 35EE8302 383FC968 42FE8C0F 8F98235F DB685C84 807A6321 FB291F4B 6B158CEA 53EB0D29 1B09F619 730D57B6 77826458 5F8FFC87 40F0A6D0 5EF2A0C2 AA87C1DB 7A3836C9 E001DEBC 00000088 72E08207 B5F90000 30D22FC2 4DD9283B BE51C404 776C4613 909B5310 B5A20F47 9A6F9FDC 0411C097 3E05EBCD ED5007C9 C0AE62A9 F1662DDB 0F53084D 6FD6774D CCA3CC2E 117A91EE 73052568 83E6311E 700161A8 E6F780C6 506D3946 0DA0FF96 4587B3E9 B8201F3A 9583E813 C2889BD0 936C7059 5A33A64A 004A7C5D 0BD4E438 94768A05 CB28AEB0 E001DF44 00000088 DE5FB7B3 63D30000 373AE63D 184BA022 B768A9EE 8B041595 FC1DDB1F 989963C0 D4CEBEC1 870DA298 94EF9A82 4CA1C627 253E1C39 C2DF50D6 4D63FEA9 24890F20 0BEDB9AC A612BF06 DE8BED06 19E721E1 DED103A6 019146AB 06734239 AD9DCD79 E612A519 241B8091 8BDF8EDF F05FD523 8559ECDE 40C53792 712E5563 C051B069 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00000088 E2BCF746 F96A0000 A9671E47 10E3D369 F98EF159 47C1D199 84038CF5 79D7B02E 9CE9457A A496FED5 FFA6E34D 3C2B1FF0 41FE7124 241BC12A 0537F87B 1FC74C9C 429B7F9E 902FDCC5 680E3415 8FEE991C 77FE79E0 E08990CD 6B2EDE06 EA3CD252 C9A951CA 5DD6C29B E7E7D76C C2CDDEBD 676E09E2 06FA55A2 0394E976 36EEB25C 80F59560 FCD214E0 E001D3F8 00000088 E8F647A2 B1D70000 CD955886 964D2AD4 28940A57 9D88E6CC 5A5D4B9D 52158E9B 6DB25775 848FF151 C3CE6DDF C8CBA56E A18B7E96 675C0AAC E242AFC1 F88013F7 B4A639F2 DD0A19B9 AC918D02 0F86F8B0 84DF051F 2B542F36 B4B36CDB A2CFEEF1 20FA93A4 D60D66F4 E2C8B002 53E3A5F8 50733E58 286475D3 A73E7EDC E80FE5B4 B602F1D5 1D764FF7 E001D480 00000088 DE5FB7B3 63D30000 373AE63D 184BA022 B768A9EE 8B041595 FC1DDB1F 989963C0 D4CEBEC1 870DA298 94EF9A82 4CA1C627 253E1C39 C2DF50D6 4D63FEA9 24890F20 0BEDB9AC A612BF06 DE8BED06 19E721E1 DED103A6 019146AB 06734239 AD9DCD79 E612A519 241B8091 8BDF8EDF F05FD523 8559ECDE 40C53792 712E5563 C051B069 FC822177 2576E7EF E001D508 00000088 E61A6C51 B7490000 A76B82D4 B725D978 307B08B2 4A86EFAD 62D74B43 78D148C0 69202E44 4CFCDB0C 5BD798DC 3DC19979 4895052E 794AA795 D8E4C0BC D1BEDDE1 B45F6E2D BDF56CDF 67BACD80 C89E5255 68B740FF 4C3A899E 1DE1BEB1 14D54A13 DF69E3ED 5610EDD4 534CB9AC 49297AF6 DB8A4D58 63D990B5 7B4A4292 D52D50A2 2DDCC0A1 ABB26B04 E001D590 00000088 1922AA66 559A0000 FDD7686B 88FAA243 8170DB6F 1C4F100E 36A19F9F 38914EC6 6DCDFDC8 E6FDD590 1EA37ED8 A07AD49E 4B3AA6E4 DF2D1045 2DA7CB45 7C8C53AC C2C0197B 23B00057 0824EF07 4D7C4144 BEB1D67F 8F25E764 50BB2E6C 4650B555 C28B33C4 E3E47406 6D847492 B144E6C1 FC3B6F95 27D66EC0 7579D277 06542077 92CE5556 D9A1B170 E001D618 00000088 72E08207 B5F90000 30D22FC2 4DD9283B BE51C404 776C4613 909B5310 B5A20F47 9A6F9FDC 0411C097 3E05EBCD ED5007C9 C0AE62A9 F1662DDB 0F53084D 6FD6774D CCA3CC2E 117A91EE 73052568 83E6311E 700161A8 E6F780C6 506D3946 0DA0FF96 4587B3E9 B8201F3A 9583E813 C2889BD0 936C7059 5A33A64A 004A7C5D 0BD4E438 94768A05 CB28AEB0 E001D6A0 00000088 EE0D1A4D 570A0000 C63BF6E7 B37E12A7 0154980F ED5ADF11 FCCE546E 0226F03D 5A4638A0 1E7860CB C2D29EB5 057A8E1F 5506F842 F8625D36 38BBDF63 F7F8FF9D 7BCA9A3E 35EE8302 383FC968 42FE8C0F 8F98235F DB685C84 807A6321 FB291F4B 6B158CEA 53EB0D29 1B09F619 730D57B6 77826458 5F8FFC87 40F0A6D0 5EF2A0C2 AA87C1DB 7A3836C9 E001D728 00000088 39449AB0 10EE0000 06508AC4 67366183 9F22218F 84131CCF 13675C84 1D5FE31A D97C62AF D21C0E90 A2220231 25A57EA7 51A2FA42 13374DDA E78E5F39 30D22B7D C9C95E30 6348F77A 6FE361C5 C013992A D0A42E57 D3D25DE6 57D95E97 6F3129BF CF2408B7 8A1E710A 791CA2D8 DD1305A3 D90F511A 2AC151D9 9CABC55B 98972350 E680C6C5 75762AB1 E001D7B0 00000088 775B2A00 A03E0000 ADB0DEE7 258E0965 E924A607 690C84F6 9321242B 454AFBA3 ADA070FC BF474D63 DF8E4481 6ACB8F6E 88A22D8D FF46EC02 A0BDC559 0B9D363B C52A1DA6 9F23B8BB 897F04EC 47EB9D62 BE544E03 7705804B 6DCD61DA 1F411BDE 61BFC099 6D6DFDCD B4F6C92C FE4097A7 EB931845 F3DE7E3B 54F51E70 40C19C72 2F9274B0 903EEC0D D2000000 00000000
  18. im not realy bothered anyway, its just people here are supposed to use smogons rules but it seems every time i battle im up against at least 1 uber. nevermind, anyway ive added you all and will keep an eye on this thread so add me please. ill be on for a while if anyone wants to trade/battle
  19. again ive added everyone above this post so please add me Doc - 2235 4619 9612 ---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ---------- well thanks angel, you would have thought if you started the thread then you would obey the rules or state otherwise at the start, nevermind, unless otherwise stated mewtwo and dialga are banned and that t-tar was obviously max hacked all round, ok thats not officially banned but it sux, im not angry or anything but i would like to know what rules are being played and if not stated i just assume people are using smogons rules.
  20. ive noticed that a dodrio or maybe it was a doduo, that has been purified in can learn baton pass, it also learns accupressure through normal leveling up, ok i wouldnt use this tactic in competitive battling but i would like to own a real 1, if anyone can point me to 1 or trade me 1 i would be grateful as i dont really play spin offs. i guess i would also be happy if anyone can tell me another way to have both baton pass and accupressure on any poke without it being an obvious hack.
  21. boxes 1 through 12 are simply named box 1, box 2 etc, this is enough to hold all of the highest evolutions for all pokes and in special cases some lower evolutions like abra and others i like, also this includes my faves that have more than 1 form in all forms and even multiples of my fave legends or multiple versions of battle ready pokes (salamence and the like, you get the idea) this is set out in national dex order then i have a box named pokepen and this is where caught pokemon end up because i leave it on that box whenever i exit the pc next is the box i named misc, this is for pokes i wanna keep for other reasons, breeding egg moves, trading etc the next box contains all my unowns, the box is simply called unown my next box, named eggs, contains eggs i know people would want to get in egg trades (even though i still havent done this yet) then i have a box for all my first stage starters, charmander yada yada yada and finally i have a box called natures that holds a ditto of every nature holding an everstone and a slugma for quicker hatching
  22. this seems completely pointless to me, ok hes gonna do more in HG/SS but was it even worth the time it took to program this tiny event, im gonna try it in a mo with my hall of origin arceus from diamond UPDATE: this works if anyone was waiting for confirmation (probably not) but im pretty sure, judging by what he says, that you must own all the plates to complete this fully.
  23. ive noticed that when you enter a battle in platinum you sometimes see a few rogue pixels appear when the screen should be totally black, it doesnt affect anything or happen all the time but i never saw this in diamond.
  24. i like to have lots of items so they stay in order in the list, having only 1 of all the items means as soon as you equip/unequip your poks the list is all over the place, so i hacked the hold items, also all the other items except key items. from then onwards i only hack wondercards/events
  25. ok if you have posted above this post i have added you, please add me, ill keep a check on this thread, im not online all that much but im up for trades and battles with anyone. use my plat fc i dont play diamond much anymore. Doc - 2235 4619 9612
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