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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Signature is hardware based and cannot be faked by anyone but Powersaves, which only works on Retail Saves (not gateway/other flashcarts). Flashcart Gamesaves are incompatible with Retail gamesaves, even if you dump and use the same ROM. Gateway uses a bad encrypt/decrypt method. Powersaves won't even let you change the trainer name; you can only use predefined codes. Again, it's not currently possible.
  2. 5/2/14 - New Update: Added: Manual opening of the Box Interface without loading a save file. (via Extra) Added: Event Flag interface (Read Only for now). Added: Hovering over the PID displays the PSV. Added: Switching of save files for fully decrypted saves. Added: Changing species without a current nickname changes the Pokemon's name to the (English) Species Name. Added: Incomplete dropdown entry detection. If a ComboBox is not completely filled out, the background color will change and any saving action is disabled until fixed. This is to ensure that any alterations are completely applied. [*]Changed: PID Rerolling interface -- Clicking the Gender Label will change the gender (within legal bounds) Button now instantly rerolls the PID. [*]Changed: Box I/O now uses the actual box names. [*]Changed: Ability Dropdown only contains legal abilities for a given Pokemon. Forms (like Megas) only display the specific form Abilities. [*]Fixed: Poke Puff sorting no longer puts empty slots at the top. [*]Fixed: Gen4 Egg Met locations now load properly. [*]Fixed: Improperly loading of genders Previously, certain examples would even load as genderless! [*]Fixed: Save2 box data now loads from the Save2 region, not Save1. [*]Fixed: Tooltips no longer appear multiple times. [*]Removed: Ability Number text box. Combined into the Legal Ability selection dropbox, one less thing to worry about!
  3. Not currently possible, as Powersaves is the only service that can re-sign X/Y savefiles. You can't just 'hex edit' a save file as a 3DS hardware-based signature is required.
  4. move it to a different folder; you likely have a bad file path.
  5. as for 'making' ROM hacks, you're not gonna hack them on a phone. You need a computer -- phones aren't as dexterous as a keyboard & mouse.
  6. The AES MAC is all that is left. And no, it's not related to networking. Simple google search tells you what an AES MAC is.
  7. Great job reading the first line of the first post. The answer is no.
  8. Follow the instructions here (keyword: clean save file)
  9. There is none, and likely never will be.
  10. Digital save editing will never happen in the near future as there is an anti-savegame swapping function. You can always use the KeySAV method of box decryption, but further than that there's nothing that you can do.
  11. Carts are uniquely encrypted and the only way to get the data out is with a before/after sav. The row of 6 is required to get the blank data, and the empty box is required to get the box keystream. -- Mass Dumper already can create multi-box keys and dump the contents to a CSV. There's also another tool "SV Checker" that does what Mass Dumper does, but is a little more configurable.
  12. All the stats and such are visible in the PKX editing interface. Just edit individual files then drag them to a folder to store them in; you can't save them into a save file anyways. If you want to re-edit them, just drag the pk6/ek6 file back into the tabs and it will load the data.
  13. You don't need a save file to use this program. The UI starts off as a PKX editor; upon loading a SAV you get secondary functions. There are no pre-requisites for editing PKXes.
  14. If you read the supplementary material you'd find: "If you get errors while breaking the box, try again by switching the save files around."
  15. Backup file if you ever overwrite a pre-existing file. You can delete the backups if you want.
  16. 4/21/14 - Minor Update Fixed: Save file detection wonkyness; disabled switching savs for saves capable of exporting -- waiting until detection that both saves are properly decrypted is added.
  17. I shouldn't have to keep quoting myself... If DISA & "main" ascii are not present in the save, then the save isn't partially decrypted. If the Hashes don't match, then the hashes aren't decrypted. "ERROR: NO ACTIVE DIFI HASH MATCH" If the DISA hash matches the wrong DIFI blob, then it isn't decrypted properly. "ERROR: ACTIVE BLOCK MISMATCH"
  18. If it's preventing you from saving, it's not 'rightly decrypted'.
  19. I tightened up the restrictions on re-saving. Overwriting badly decrypted data results in a bad save.
  20. lol wat Regardless, Project Pokemon is not here to help you create undetectable hacks to fool others. What you posted is absolutely fine for battling against friends or personal collection.
  21. It's not full decryption for the entire file; it is full decryption for save file 1. The error listed in the SAV tab will give you more information. In order to save, the active save index (at 0x168) must refer to the correct hashes. If the hashes are invalid or if it's pointing to the wrong hash, then the save isn't properly decrypted. There's no point saving your changes as there's no way to get them ingame unless you can re-sign your AES MAC. If you can do that, it's expected that you can properly decrypt.
  22. Because your save isn't decrypted.
  23. One of the saves has to be fully decrypted now.
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