4/13/14 - New Update
Added: Quicksave DragOut Indicators and Tooltips (Hover over the left side corners)
Added: Control+Click a Pokemon slot to quick-load the data.
Added: Shift+Click a Pokemon slot to quick-set the data.
Added: SAV Tab (contents of old Tools Tab)
Added: Tools Tab - Export PGL JPEG, List Passerby, List Hall of Fame Entries
Added: Remaining Moves, Abilities, and Items
Added: Verbose printout of Wonder cards.
Changed: Resizable Pokepuff/Inventory windows for better display.
Changed: Trainer Info Editing has more options.
Changed: PID and EK fields now display Hex instead of decimal (and autofill to 8 characters). Editing is discouraged (legality's sake).
Removed: Visibility of Unused Ribbon Bits
Removed: Visibility of Characteristic. Might be a new correlation, so more research is needed.
Let me know if there are still any issues, x66x66. I have the program set to hide the SAV editing interface until a SAV is loaded, which requires me to resize the window on form load. I added some autoscale detection; idk if it works.