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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. xoring save files together works as well trash all cards but the one you want to dump, extract save trash the wondercard (no wondercards remaining), extract save data should be easily found at 0x9C + 0x21100 or something like that (0x108 long) ram2sav is still easier
  2. You'd have to re-compile from source. I'll likely post a new version (exe) in the main thread at the end of this weekend. Until then...
  3. Even vs2010 c# express is adequate for recompiling. I used it extensively for all my projects until this week (finally got around to vs2010 professional & resharper). Just have to be able to compile, that's all.
  4. > When in Ribbons/Medals section it is not possible to select the checkboxes by pressing the enter key use the spacebar instead, checkboxes are silly >We can NOT control+enter to max the IVs Control enter (or space) wouldn't work anyway, added Shift which will work. (Control or Shift) >tabs k, changed Commit
  5. Implemented. Append your exe name with pt to auto-load the language. Game Text will be inherited from the last loaded game language (default English). It should be easy for other non-game languages to be added in the future like we've done for Portuguese.
  6. Added: Importing Past Gen Files (pk2pk) to an ORAS save file will now load the trainer data. Added: Missing Memory arguments (items) that are ORAS specific. Remember, I'm only one person with many active code projects on top of real life; PKHeX's source code is public -- you can always submit pull requests!
  7. It means you can load a decrypted battle video into PKHeX and it will extract all the participating Pokémon. You can only get decrypted battle videos with SaveDataFiler
  8. Heh that one is actually just mouse click (left or right); control click resets it to 0.
  9. Oh... I had switched it to right click dragout instead of control. Thanks for bringing this up, I just so happened to try encrypted dragout yesterday with control and it didn't work either Just use the right mouse button for dragging out encrypted.
  10. I'll look at this later; for now just file - save as... ekx
  11. Too bad. This only works on firmwares <= 9.5.0-22; there is no way to downgrade.
  12. Kaphotics


    Via the shortcuts in the About: INVENTORY: - Alt-Click loading a pouch will give all items with quantity x995. *1 for TMHM/Key.
  13. Via the shortcuts in About: Hold Shift while exporting a ramsav.bin to transplant it to another cart/system. Hold Control while exporting a ramsav.bin to export the "main" instead. However, Save transferring is not entirely possible as not all save blocks are present in ramsavs; these shortcuts mainly exist for research purposes.
  14. it's a bug in pkhex for female frillish/jellicent http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?45448-PKHeX-3-1-2015-Update-Views-Female-Jellicent-Gender-amp-Form-Incorrectly
  15. Yep. Became aware of this issue last night and fixed it; will be in the next release. For now just use males or using hax just override the female form to 0.
  16. Few minor updates to the source code project (no release exe): Had to sit on the dexnav randomization for a bit, finally got around to implementing the random-swapping. added dexnav friendly randomizer for RSWE In the Horde tab there's now an extra tool (ran out of space at the top), where you'll be able to raise/lower levels for all slots. added level amplifier (+/- %) to RSWE/XYWE Added an abort writing to GARCs if the Control key is held. For multiple GARCs being written, keep holding control. added abort write modifier on subform close
  17. you shouldn't need patches then; just use your unmodified dump. desmume has had ap fixes built in for quite a while (better emulation)
  18. Overrides for the ComboBoxes (form and species ability index) modified 3ds = firmware <= 9.2
  19. You can update emunand to whatever version so long as SaveDataFiler still is installed & functional.
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