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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Just re-dump your rom. pk3DS does not back up the CROs (will in future versions); CRO editing was never finished - it's not an advertised feature. and needs either 9.2 fw hax or a special solution that is beyond my abilities. May's tutorial is a scripted encounter and is not an encounter with a given encounter slot. It's not editable with the Encounter editor. == Evolution randomization with all 3 options has been fixed; for no options causing a crash I'll investigate later.
  2. Not a bug; this is the actual item name and pretty much every txt resource is extracted from the games/3DS. pk3DS does not have internal resources besides sprites, every game/language specific string is read from the game files. http://serebii.net/itemdex/electirizer.shtml
  3. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?47152-Messing-with-Trainer-info-numbers&p=208042#post208042
  4. tfw you omit an optional parameter that is actually needed Fixed in latest commit. Thanks for reporting
  5. Trainer mugshots can be replaced by using the Misc tools and repacking an individual garc; pk3DS does not have an interface for trainer class editing. Personal editor edits BST. You can always replace a track with another; x/y uses .aac while or/as uses brstm/bcstm. Easiest way to make a faux track is to insert an empty track (no sound) and dub your music in when rendering the final video. Scripting is not yet possible, so it is pointless to add new trainers as there is no way to spawn/interact with them. No eta.
  6. Oh, ramsavs. I'll investigate further tomorrow edit: looks like it was set to 0x1F... dunno why. change 0x354C to anything else, I'll have to see why it was exporting like that (maybe the commit I pushed today fixed it?).
  7. Correct. There's already some homebrew functions made that can utilize romfs access to get files, but afaik there's no 'dump' yet for the romfs/exefs(code).
  8. latest homebrew is still homebrew, svdt / manager still work.
  9. You don't; just rebuild the romfs and remove the first 0x1000 bytes, take the decompressed code.bin and you're done.
  10. I'm unable to recreate the issue you had; this issue is reminiscent of the whole Battle Box deal... http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?46863-PKHex-Hax-causing-black-screen-in-save Would you check your save in a hex editor @ 0x483F to be sure it's < 0x1F?
  11. Fun Tomorrow (well, half a day from now) I'll do a whole bunch of tests; refactoring definitely turned up a bunch of loose ends that need resolving. (note to self: compare stable vs current by doing same changes to same file and comparing export)
  12. Addressed the first half of your post in the latest commit. Re-did a lot of the SAV I/O; you'll find options to turn off/on the Pokedex/Trade settings (for now the Trade has not been implemented). There was also a bug fix on the ORAS window not saving the current entry before the form closes.
  13. No, it's just using temporary ROMs with models/sprites/text swapped.
  14. Copy another secret trainer into their old slot?
  15. https://twitter.com/smealum Again, solution is not public (he will not help you).
  16. You cannot play edited ROMs without being kernel access, which requires 9.2 or below. Smea may have a trick up his sleeve to play edited games, but his solution is not public.
  17. Egg Location/Date isn't memory related, it's persistent The synthetic memory creation was for trading between players (not receiving from bank). I'm still not confident enough on if I want to use these methods when importing to a save file (user flexibility), may have to figure out some sort of solution (since Nintendo/GF doesn't even care about this stuff I may just leave it up to the user to enable/perform). Implemented in latest commit; still is inaccessible code but anyone can call 'em
  18. 0x850 bytes of data u16 update counter u16 checksum checksum: crc-ccitt (16 bit) over the 0x850 range encryption seed: last 4 bytes of the 0x850 bytes (the only thing that isn't encrypted!) encryption method: 32bit lcrng, same used for Pokemon encryption, xor (result >> 16). The internal structure should be pretty easy to figure out if you just compare it to PokeStock's display. Something like u16 Species, u16 Move. A species' level is static, determined by a table stored in the ROM (NARC file) afaik. The one save file I checked had it at 0x22A00, must have been B2W2 (not BW).
  19. Fixed, turns out it was using the wrong checkbox (the randomizer's catch rate checkbox). Thanks for reporting. Healer afaik heals your pokemon after battle, dunno if this is used in certain games.
  20. Try unzipping the .exe first instead of running out of a temporary directory. I'm not able to reproduce whatever issue you have; you may have to debug this yourself...
  21. Fixed in latest commit. Thanks for reporting Figured I'd implement close-BST randomization for the theme-type trainers too. Should be pretty good
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