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Poke J

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Everything posted by Poke J

  1. Anytime you dump your save, open it in a third party application, and save it in the application all Pokemon on the save can no longer be consider legit. Therefore, after editing with PKHeX all Pokemon can be considered legal at best.
  2. @Ulbricht if the Pokemon goes from one game to another game without the use of a third party device or application (PKHeX) the Pokemon will be legit. If you transfer a Pokemon using PKHeX it will be legal at best. So in your case transferring a Pokemon with Poke Bank or trading will keep the Pokemon legit.
  3. Over the past few months I've been working on and off on mapping RAM in order to extract opposing Pokemon that is currently in the RAM. I'm forecasting that I will be wrapping up gen 5 sometime in the near future. However, I'd like to do gen 6 or 7 next, but I'm unable to acquire the needed files on my own and can use some help. Could someone lend me a hand and provide complete RAM dumps for all of the Pokemon of one Elite Four Member of your choose for both gens 6 and 7? Just let me know which member it was and which Pokemon was on the field when the RAM was dumped. EDIT: Please use the provided saves so that I have a base line for the data. Also if possible could a RAM dump for the Shiny Execute be done as well for the gen 7 dumps? Shiny Pokemon assist with narrowing down what certain values are in the RAM. Pokemon Sun Pokemon Y
  4. @Deaddirty I've sent you a PM so that I can send you the code when you're ready.
  5. The problem is Victini can't go to Sword or Shield so I can't trade it to you that way. But, do you have Pokemon HOME? If you have Pokemon HOME I can move it to your HOME from my Bank.
  6. @Deaddirty alright I can do that for you. Are you wanting it traded to you in a gen 6 or gen 7?
  7. @Deaddirty is this the Victini that you are looking for? If it is I'll give you a hand.
  8. Unfortunately, what you are asking for to be done legitimately can not be done without heavily modifying the Pokemon since gen 1 or gen to can in no way connect to gen 5. Gens 1 and 2 can only connect to Poke Bank to be sent to gen 7 or higher. So if you're wanting to maintain the legality of the Pokemon you'll need to transfer it that way.
  9. I don’t know if there is such a file, but I personally don’t recommend transferring Pokémon like those one. Since breeding is super easy in Sword and Shield I recommend taking a little time and breed the Pokémon you want to use. From my experience it takes a little over an hour to breed and get all of them ready for online.
  10. Only Pokémon caught, hatched, or from a gen 8 mystery gift event can enter into ranked battles. Therefore, none of those Pokémon in the save can enter. If you want to play in ranked battles you’ll need to obtain the Pokémon in Sword or Shield. You can’t bypass this since it’s a check on the server side.
  11. Funny enough @TotalTSI've been working on this on and off over the day and I've come to the conclusion that it is nearly impossible to get the correct DVs for this Mew with just the picture. There are way too many assumptions that need to be made especially if the picture was only for publication. My first assumption was that it was like every other classic Mew distributed at the time with a DV spread of: HP = 5 Attack = 10 Defense = 1 Speed = 5 Special = 12 However, at level 39 the stats would not match that of an untrained Mew at the level which would mean that the Mew would have to have been in battle meaning that it would have acquired EVs. That said the possible EV spread for a Mew with the normal DVs and to have the listed above stats would be: HP = 961 - > 1848 Attack = 0 -> 8 Defense = 16129 -> 18224 Speed = 0 -> 8 Special = 1849 -> 3024 But, the issue here is the attack and special DVs are 0 -> 8 which is impossible consider the other EVs. The second assumption would be that the person leveled it up using Rare Candies and Vitamins and again that would be impossible since vitamins increase the stats EVs by 2560 points in gen 1 and the lowest possible HP EV is 1848. That would mean that the Mew was in battle and since the attack and speed EVs would be impossible for a Pokemon that saw battle which would mean that this Mew has a different set of DVs then the ordinary Mew given out at the time. So now that it is clear that this Mew has a different set of DVs then the known Mews what are the DVs? Well this is where the largest unknown of the equation comes into picture, how was this Mew trained? Just to get the first major hurdle out of the way the Mew in the picture has been trained. There is no DV combination that will give an untrained Mew at level 39 those stats considering the picture shows a defense stat of 96 when a Mew at the same level with a DV of 15 and EV of 0 will only have a defense stat of 94. Thus, the Mew has been trained. Now the question is how was the Mew trained? For simplicity I've come up with 4 possible scenarios for how the Mew could have been trained. Scenario 1 - Rare Candy and Vitamins: The problem here is we wouldn't be able to determine how many time the Mew was given vitamins. Scenario 2 - A new game file and the Mew was obtained as early as possible: This would be easy to test with putting Mew into every battle until it is at level 39. However, the problem with this scenario is that Nintendo Power needed a trained Mew for the picture and this method would probably take too long to get the desired result and the badge level cap for Pokemon obeying the player would probably be an issue. Therefore, probably unlikely. Scenario 3 - Got the Mew mid-game and trained it to level 39: Again easy to test, but the issue is badge level and slow in actuality; therefore, unlikely. Scenario 4 - Got the Mew at the end of the game and trained it to level 39: This one is the most believable scenario in my opinion since it would be fast due to high level wild Pokemon. However, there is still some unknown factors that would prevent someone from training a Mew to level 39 and then adjusting the DVs to match the stats in the picture. Even with scenario 4 sounding the most promising to find the DVs the next biggest issue would be what level did the Mew start at. Did they get it at level 5? What about level 10 or even level 15? We just don't know which makes the task at determining the DVs at this present moment all that more impossible. As well, non of my outlined scenarios might be right or could be a combination between then. We just don't know what the DVs of the Mew in the picture without more personal information about the player of that save file. Thus, bring me back to my opening statement that it is nearly impossible to find the DVs of the Mew just from the picture alone. Others are still welcome to try and determine the DVs, but this is just my take on the question and I could be missing an obvious piece of information that would make this task trivial.
  12. The journal only comes up if the game detects that the last time you played was over 24 hours ago. I know you are soft resetting, but what was the last day you saved the game on? Was it over 24 hours ago? Try saving the game again and see if that fixes the problem. If it does fix the problem make sure you resave the game at the start of each reset session so the journal will not come up.
  13. To get Lillie's Clefairy you will have to dump the RAM of the game during a battle when Clefairy is on the field. That way you have the chance to preserve data such as ID and SID that a code would discard (also considering the fact you don't battle Clefairy directly). However, you would probably need to run it on an emulator since I don't think there are any tools that can dump a hacked 3DS RAM. The Ribombee and Comfey you can easily extract by doing a multi battle with Lillie as your partner then save the battle video. Then dump the battle video and open it in PKHeX, however; if I remember correctly parts of the data for Pokemon encountered in the Battle Tree changes every time you do a new challenge and that will require you to hack your 3DS if it isn't already hacked. One thing I have learnt from dumping trainers Pokemon from past gens is that every Pokemon on the trainers team usually has a different ID and SID since NPCs don't get assigned a strict ID and SID combo from what I can tell. So using the data from the Lillie's Vulpix event will probably not be the same.
  14. I'm not to familiar with PokeFinder, but does it give you the option to find a Method 1 spread? If you can search PIDs using Method 1 use that since the Lapras that you get in Silph Co. uses Method 1.
  15. I've looked at it and as long as there isn't some factor at play that I am unaware of, I believe that this is an error on PKHeX's part.
  16. In terms of your Safari Ball question only Pokémon that can be caught in a Safari Zone that you had to pay money to get into can be in Safari Balls. Therefore, anyone of those Pokémon can pass the ball down to their offspring. However, ball inheritance will always take the mother’s ball (excluding Cherish Ball and Master Ball) if the father isn’t the same species as the mother. If it is a male and Ditto combo breeding the male’s ball will be passed down. In the case that both Pokémon are the same species both parents can pass down the ball. If you need more information on what Pokémon can be in which ball please look at the provided link. https://www.serebii.net/games/pokeball.shtml
  17. @LoganG I believe I've found the issue. It seems that your file path isn't correct. Every time I made a same file path as you it would corrupt the save so to fix that make another folder inside your Omega Ruby folder and place the main file in there. You can give the folder whatever name you want.
  18. Sorry for the delay. Can you tell me if your file looks just like mine (red rectangle) and if your file path looks similar to mine (green rectangle) ignore the last part of my file path "current" since that is only how I labeled that save.
  19. Try removing the .sav from the file name and leave the file named main.
  20. It doesn’t matter where the files from, I need to know if the folder on your SD card that you put the save in if there are any other files in that folder.
  21. Is there any other files besides the main in the folder that you are importing the save from?
  22. @Helmschrot it seems the legality check didn't work properly since these Pokemon are not legal. Those starters can't be in any ball besides the standard Poke Ball.
  23. @droidpersonif you just want a Pokemon with the hidden ability I could breed you a Litten with Intimidate. However, the Galar starters don't have their hidden abilities released yet so you'll have to wait for those ones to become possible.
  24. @javisoto99it appears to be an error with the current version of PKHeX. I was able to replicate the issue multiple times with Ralts that I hatched in the Battle Frontier. For some reason PKHeX is detecting that the Battle Frontier is a Platinum only location and if the egg met conditions is changed to Link Trade (Egg) it will turn legal.
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