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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. none of that matters. they've been tested on real carts, multiple flash carts, ards, ardsi, etc and have worked on everything. you should probably read the instructions.
  2. that's actually one of my codes, but i think someone make a mistake transcribing it. the address for the 16-bit write at the end is wrong. white: 94000130 FFF70000 DA000000 02215D34 D7000000 02269844 D2000000 00000000 black: 94000130 FFF70000 DA000000 02215D14 D7000000 02269824 D2000000 00000000 the activator is start,
  3. you're completely wrong. it's absolutely possible, just annoying to set up correctly because there's so much data.
  4. enciclopedia pokemon does support fr/lg. in the save editor: options -> version->fire red/leaf green i've used it quite a bit, it works fine.
  5. this is on hold for awhile while i do other stuff. it will be back eventually, though no idea when.
  6. Just FYI, you don't need permission from kazo to do this. You're not ripping off his code, you're making a similar/competing product. People really need to drop that mentality; you don't owe kazo anything.
  7. it sounds like your ards may be too old. there are a few models that can't be updated to 1.71 due to their age.
  8. you would need to change either the tid, sid, or pid. you probably want to change the pid, as the other 2 associate the pokemon with you. this is from my ram watch: 00012 00000000 S S 0 ---------------------------- 00013 022349D4 d h 0 Slot1 PID(W) 00014 02234AB0 d h 0 Slot2 PID(W) 00015 02234B8C d h 0 Slot3 PID(W) 00016 02234C68 d h 0 Slot4 PID(W) 00017 02234D44 d h 0 Slot5 PID(W) 00018 02234E20 d h 0 Slot6 PID(W) 00019 00000000 S S 0 ---------------------------- 0001A 022349B4 d h 0 Slot1 PID(B) 0001B 02234A90 d h 0 Slot2 PID(B) 0001C 02234B6C d h 0 Slot3 PID(B) 0001D 02234C48 d h 0 Slot4 PID(B) 0001E 02234D24 d h 0 Slot5 PID(B) 0001F 02234E00 d h 0 Slot6 PID(B) 00020 00000000 S S 0 ---------------------------- basically, put the poke whose pid you want to change in your party and reset the pid using these. for example, say you're using white english and you want to change the pid of the second poke in your party. you would make up a pid using pokegen or something and use that as the new pid, so you would end up with something like this: 02234AB0 1234CDEF that changes the pid to 1234CDEF in hex. once you do that and start the game, go ahead and save the game and you'll be set.
  9. the game stores the pids of the meloettas it gives relic song to? can you prove that? i find it pretty hard to believe.
  10. Bond697


    you have to have done something wrong. i just tried this and it works perfectly. describe exactly what you did.
  11. everything will change out by the end of the week at some point.
  12. pokegen doesn't correct trash bytes. did you read any of the readmes? pokegen doesn't do that and legal isn't updated for hgss.
  13. you have about 60MB worth of space to add stuff to the end. no idea how much work has gone into actually adding stuff, though.
  14. don't double post and they won't get deleted. and the sarcasm isn't appreciated. i don't owe you any answers.
  15. the best one is still the supercard dstwo. it still has no competition just about a year later.
  16. yes, they're on the gts and available as pkm files for your convenience.
  17. yeah, you can;t use the ditto to breed for other dw dittos. no ditto(even dw dittos) pass dw abilities.
  18. is now hosting a timid, 31/31/31/31/31/31, female Dream World Eevee and a sassy, 31/31/31/31/31/31 Dream World Porygon. I swapped them in and took out everything else.
  19. any good spots for me to read up on lua, kazo? i've not used it before, but it seems like it could come in very handy.
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