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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. i'm not working on anything with roc? ir-gts can work across the internet just fine, just like hypergts. they do the same thing. it's a matter of forwarding the right ports and having things set up right. anyway, tonight we'll do some testing and hopefully get some stuff uploading. i do have 2 servers, so i can give away at least 2 things.
  2. i asked for it to be unlocked because infinite recursion finished the first version of IR-GTS-BW. we'll be starting black and white stuff tonight!
  3. well, pokemon keep the ability number they have when they evolve. an abil 1 poke still has abil 1 after evolution. if it doesn't, then you did something wrong.
  4. you guys might need to update or something. i'm on a scds too and it's worked just fine since the betas.
  5. it imports/exports entire forest areas at once. 20 pokes at a time.
  6. that's your problem, not codr's. if something doesn't pass it's either nintendo disallowing it for whatever reason or a mistake in creating the thing. the ability indicator in the PID has no relevance whatsoever to the poke being allowed on random wifi. the PID isn't even considered, just whether or not a poke can have an ability. what you're claiming to be a problem with pokegen has been so thoroughly tested that it isn't possible for pokegen to be doing it wrong.
  7. why do you guys think the pokemon are the same between gens 4 and 5? were they the same between 3 and 4? (hint: no) you need to either hack the changes yourselves or legitimately transfer pokes via the pokeshifter or wait for kazo to finish up his app to do this. e: not irritated, just saying.
  8. i'll be sure to email the japanese guy who makes this and let him know. :rolleyes: high link is easy. all you choose is gender, move, and species and then insert the poke.
  9. no, you screwed something up and apparently don't know what. if you made it perfect then you would be able to upload the pokes.
  10. if you have a regular ds or a dslite, then you already have the same functionality with the nds adaptor+. the sms4 lets you back up your cart and your save, while the nds adaptor does the save and you can back your cart up via the wooddumper over wifi.
  11. not really. it doesn't help that pokegen has been reading egg data wrong, so some of my monozus are missing egg data. i think i hung on to the saves, thankfully.. also, can you link me occurrences of this happening? i'm curious to see these accusations.
  12. once there's something that works properly for gen 5. this is just kind of on hold until a. such a program exists and b. we're nearly/completely done with the research for gen 5. doing stuff for this and working on gen 5 all winter was a mistake and i ended up really burned out, so once this does get going again things are gonna be up longer and there will probably be a few more outside contributions.
  13. this can back up black and white saves just fine.
  14. the way nintendo works the DW abilities is that they are allowed on a per-pokemon basis as they are released in the DW.
  15. the way the game works is that it has 2 random number generators. the "main" rng is the one the game uses for many things including the PID, encounter slot, sync, nature, NPC movement, TV shows, etc. the second random number generator is used for IV generation. the two random number generators are different types and advance differently at different times. so yeah, there's no link between PID and IV.
  16. renchi http://www.renchi.com/renchi/NINTENDO_DSi_DS_Lite_Accessories_NDS_Save_Data_Adapter_Plus.htm $25 if you wanna spend a little more: http://www.ic2005.com/shop/product.php?productid=125&cat=0&page=1 that dumps saves and will back up your game card too.
  17. the old version of enciclopedia pokemon makes .3gpkms, while the new version just does .pkms. maybe they do something different.
  18. do yourself a favor. convert the pid from decimal to hexadecimal. take the 8-digit hexadecimal number and split it in half(*if it's 7 digits, add a leading zero). take the left half of the hex number and convert it back to decimal. if that number is even you use ability 1. if that number is odd, you use ability 2. problem solved.
  19. it's probably fine. i'm gonna put it back up. completely possible to obtain one.
  20. instead of binary, just convert it back to decimal. if the converted number is even, ability 1; if odd, ability 2. there's nothing particularly wrong with going to binary, but it just makes it too complex for most people.
  21. well, jirachi can be shiny after all, it looks like. that's a good thing. another good thing is that gen 5 GTS distros may not be too far off. hopefully we will begin to test out an app soon.
  22. pids and ivs aren't linked any more.
  23. that's because pokegen doesn't have the gen 5 ability calc in it yet. leaving the pid blank generates a gen 4 pid.
  24. no you don't have to convert it to binary, not sure why he did that. convert the pid to hexadecimal in the windows calculator(by going to "view"->"programmer") and take the first half of it. so if you had this: 634B0F27, you would use this part: 634B. the last number is B, which is odd. if the last number is even it gets ability 1, if the last number is odd it gets ability 2. if you're wondering where i got 634B0F27 from, it's your pid, 1665863463, converted to hex.
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