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About moneyman

  • Birthday 01/26/1990
  1. I used a code called "Complete battle subway" (thinking it would unlock that secret tower place) but it made it so I can't get trophies.(I even beat the subway legit after using code) Could someone please post a code to have all of the room trophies? (or at least a code that allows me to get trophies) for the USpokemon white this is the code that messed up my game Complete Battle Subway 94000130 fff30000 da000000 0223d8d0 9223d8d0 ff7f0000 d4000000 00000080 d0000000 00000000 94000130 fff30000 9223d8d0 feff0000 d4000000 00000100 d0000000 00000000 94000130 fff30000 d7000000 0223d8d0 d2000000 00000000
  2. I used a code called "Complete battle subway but it made it so I can't get trophies.(I even beat the subway legit after using code) Could someone please post a code to have all of the room trophies? for the USpokemon white
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