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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. e: hold the phone, that might have been wrong... my apologies for distributing something that, while created to be legal, could not exist in-game. it won't be happening again. as it turns out, the person who claimed she got the original one lied about it and created it herself. not gonna go into it past saying this person checks hacks and knows what she's doing well enough to fool everyone for quite some time. again, my apologies, i hope it doesn't put people off using this,
  2. code junkies has the US ones? link? e: nvm, i found what i needed.
  3. that's my arceus. i recognize the filename. it's in the pkm archive in the GTS thread.
  4. you need to do it in HG or SS. anything else doesn't have the special sprite, i'm pretty sure.
  5. no one should be using this anymore. (except maybe me as i add features to test stuff out) http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83057
  6. i'm not giving that away, though. are you adding it to your own game? either way, kaph is right about it.
  7. it doesn't because it's method1, not method j. wilds and standing legendaries are the only ones that need a sync check.
  8. Bond697


    also note that sabre's implementation isn't perfect and does make some mistakes with calling valid spreads invalid occasionally. this will be fixed in the next version of legal. so, if you run into a problem where you're sure you're using a valid spread for method j/k but it's reporting it as invalid there shouldn't be anything to worry about. method j/k is used for wild pokes and standing legendaries.
  9. i started fresh with a new archive back when the GTS moved over here. there is an old one somewhere and you probably got it before we changed over to the current one. also, i swapped the celebi.zip file. it had been giving out GAMESTP celebis, but it was switched over to WIN2011 celebis since the GAMESTP celebis won't be given out at all in an official manner.
  10. not sure why he didn't link it, it's from here: http://forums.hidden-palace.org/viewtopic.php?t=2895
  11. just to note, ability is the upper 16 bits of the PID %2.(basically, if the upper 16 bits of the pid are an odd number, you get ability 1; if even, you get ability 0) i just figured it out the other night. e: and gen 3/4 pokes don't use this new abil calc, so they will NOT change abilities.
  12. hmm.. try this link: http://pokemon.thundaga.com/research/apps/PIDRNG_source.rar they're all defined in the rng class.
  13. ok, new stuff is up. yes the jirachi is real, it really is shiny and timid and really is nonexistent anywhere else. have fun.
  14. ok, so i decided that whatever gets posted this week will be it until the day before black and white come out. on 3/3, there is going to be a huge giveaway to celebrate the release of black and white. i need a break until then, though, so i can be ready.
  15. Guested edit: You can get all of the skins at the page for the C-Gear Skin Gallery 5/19 - gonna clean this up and update the OP tonight. C-Gear skins can be exchanged via PokeStock. Download it here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?12536 There's an app called "PokeCGear" that can open your save and save and load C-Gear skins to .bmp files. C-Gear skins are 256x192 if anyone is thinking about making some. Nintendo C-Gear skin archive: (Does anyone have the Tabunne skin?) Choroneko Chillarmy Munna Pikachu
  16. my point in saying this was that it's annoying to plug in a translation because none of the normal tools work, not that VC++ is bad.
  17. everything is changed out. e: Adamant/Jolly 31/31/31/31/31/31 Wasn't expecting to find a shiny sync frame for my ID.
  18. get rid of norton and grab this: http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/ it's far better than norton/symantec stuff and is completely free. the newest version came out a month ago(v2.0) and does a pretty amazing job of malware detection/prevention/removal.
  19. that's weird. everything was on, but nothing was happening. it should be working now sorry, just noticed this. i actually have all of these done, plus the others from ranger 3. i do very much appreciate the gesture, though, and would defintely make sue of anything that i didn't already have done.
  20. protip: the pkm files are at the top of post #2. (also jmw, bond697 == mat924)
  21. i guess i will put up a temp list after all.. there's 10.
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