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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. that zoroark can't be shiny. you're trying to force something shiny that shouldn't be.
  2. i read it plenty carefully. you make it sound like an issue with the codes being generated. it isn't, it's a problem with datel's crappy hardware/software. they could have fixed it a long time ago and never have. that has nothing to do with it. they just ignore the terrible flaws in their product.
  3. he told you the wrong keypresses. it's just select. go to the connector right before black city and press select a few times. then walk into black city. e: errrr, wait. you realize that that code just resets the timers on the trainers already there, right? that code doesn't look like it adds any new people.
  4. probably not, though one would probably be fairly simple to make. you would need to change either your tid, sid, or pid to break the shiny calc. that or write an assembly routine that will do the math out and change(for example) the pid each time something comes up shiny.
  5. the eeveelutions are all male and can't pass the ability. also, dittos stop the dw abil from passing as well. the eevees are done specifically to stop the ability from being passed. also, it's the AR's fault that it isn't able to use the longer codes from pokegen/pokesav. datel did a terrible job with the AR in that regard.
  6. FFFB is just select. that's all you would need to press. 1. dream world pokemon can't be shiny, so there's no reason for this. 2. you can do this with the high link editor: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?12536-PokeStock-BW-(2.0-)
  7. last i knew, as long as you don't touch anything when you do the insertion and you say no to the prompt at the end, the mge doesn't actually wreck the wondercard at all. is this not true?
  8. ordered myself a copy of the guide from amazon.jp. can't wait to get it!
  9. Bond697

    Poké Transfer

    is there anything you still need transferred? just list it all out/attach it and i'll do it between tonight and tomorrow night.
  10. there's no issue whatsoever with the distribution, everything is going out normally. also, i changed the pkms.rar file. it's now organized into 4th and 5th gen folders. i was expecting people to be able to differentiate between 4th and 5th gen pkms by file size since everything is saved as a party pokemon. that seems to not be the case though, so everything is divided for ease of use. everything will switch out in approximately 2 weeks.
  11. finally done. that takes way too long. i'll update the program stuff tomorrow...
  12. can you delete these? they should not have left the private board they were posted on on somethingawful.
  13. i have just about everything done that i wanted to get done, so i'll put this back up tomorrow with an actual list in the second post and stuff. i also want to add stuff to the first post for gen 5 gts stuff. so that will get done for tomorrow also.
  14. it absolutely does not, i just tried it. you're doing something wrong. you need to make sure the game is set to a gen 4 game.
  15. everything will change out this weekend. the servers are off until then.
  16. 5th gen party pokes are 220 bytes. that's fine.
  17. you can dump your save off of your game card, add the wondercards, and send the save back to your card. so... yes.
  18. 3rd gen box pokes are 80 bytes even. i'm pretty sure, anyway.
  19. DW Porygon at Nintendo's site There's going to be an "Analyze" Porygon available soon along with a Porygon C-Gear skin. It is going to come as part of a guide costing 850 yen which will be about connections of some sort. There will also be a Porygon 2 doll available for houses in the Dream World. It will be released May 18, 2011 and the serial number will be usable until April 26, 2012.
  20. i should update the first couple of posts.. for now: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83057 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12206225/RNG/g5%20rngguide%20v01.pdf http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3446600 e: and if you're willing to come on irc, i don't generally teach people how to rng, but i'll try hard to answer questions.
  21. i'm thinking i'll do some rnging tonight. it's sure been awhile...
  22. anybody want to make a list for the second post? i can give you my own URLs and stuff for the images.
  23. there's a setting to change in no$ that can make it easier. in the .ini file that comes with the no$gba.exe, change this line to this: SAV/SNA File Format == UnCompressed should make life a little easier.
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