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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Feel free to use this site's Gallery section as a reference. SID of all zeroes is correct for Gen V events.
  2. Yep, it's in the works, along with Musicals. I just gotta find the time. I'm pretty sure I have all the info and files gathered, I just need to figure out how I want to present it on a page.
  3. Check out the instructions on pokecheck. It's the DNS settings on your DS and you change them back when you are finished.
  4. You can ask for whatever you want to ask for, but we're trying to tell you that you will most likely not get much of a reply for trades. What evandixon was saying is that if you got a pkm file then you could easily send it to your game without any extra hardware.
  5. Since it is a purchase-required limited event, I really don't think they'll release it on wifi.
  6. What do you mean by "download from pokegen" ?
  7. You have to trade in the redemption ticket from the single to get it so it won't be wifi. Only by IR at TRU and Pokemon Centers.
  8. I wouldn't recommend linking to pokebeach, and I wouldn't recommend posting a whole list of stuff you have. You should probably just post whatever it is you are looking for, then start a dialog with someone if they have it and are willing to trade it away. If you don't care about clones and the like, you can find WC files for almost all Gen IV an Gen V events in our Gallery section.
  9. We had trading sections before as well as separate channels for trading and battling and they didn't see much use after a while. If there's a specific event you are looking for, you could probably just make a new thread in the BW forum (since your game is that gen). Or... what gen is the event you are lookin for?
  10. To be honest, you aren't going to find much demand for event trading in this forum since we provide a means for people to generate their own event pokemon. And in reality, most "event traders" aren't really trading actual event pokemon because people who attend events generally don't trade them away... unless they sat at the event for hours and "farmed" them.
  11. As long as they know you're using edited Pokemon and are ok with it, you should have no problems from them or from the game in that area. You can safely ignore PID and trash bytes in this situation.
  12. FYI, there are absolutely no in-game checks regarding PID or trash bytes so you can safely ignore them with no adverse effects.
  13. FINALLY managed to get the English Dream Radar page finished. SO here it is: English Dream Radar Gallery
  14. Update: A member with access to the Toys R Us Zoroark distribution ROM has submitted WC files for this event, extracted directly from the ROM. We've learned that the the WC distributed to French language games (for the sake of French-Canadian players) has a different OT from English. Also contained in the ROM were all languages of the VGC Worlds 2011 Scrafty WC (but disabled for distribution), so we now have the rest of the EU languages for this event. (Still missing are Worlds 2012 Pikachu French, Italian, and Spanish cards, btw) I've uploaded all of these to the Gallery, and they are available here. French Gen V Event Gallery German Gen V Event Gallery Italian Gen V Event Gallery Spanish Gen V Event Gallery Japanese Gen V Event Gallery Korean Gen V Event Gallery Please note, Korean and Japanese games received the English version of WCs distributed at Worlds events. I've also updated the first post of this thread to include the recently announced upcoming Japanese events. Update: I've also updated the English Dream World page to include recent events. English Dream World Gallery
  15. 1. Moved your thread to the proper forum. 2. Read this: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?16601-NDS-How-to-Backup-Restore-your-retail-cartridge-save-file-for-DS-games 3. Yes, or something else. 4. Use Pokegen, not Pokesav. 5. Why farm? What do you need so many for?
  16. Can't be bred because a female needs it to pass it on. DW Event Chimchar (all DW events, actually) is male only. The only type of legal Iron Fist Chimchar is one from THAT specific DW event. PS reminder: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=9
  17. The C-Gear Skin Gallery is now up to date and I've just finished the Pokédex Skin Gallery. Pokegen supports C-Gear skins, but you have to use Pokestock for Dex Skins for the time being. An update for Pokegen to support Dex Skins may be coming.
  18. Fixed, finally. Fixed. Only HG and SS, actually. Only Platinum in US, all three in UK as Platinum had only JUST gone on sale and wouldn't be fair to not give it to DP. You are correct, this was a typo. Fixed.
  19. That's what I get for not playing the English games enough.
  20. To commemorate the opening of this year's movie, a special concert event will be held at Lala Port in Toyosu on July 13th, between 5 and 5:45pm. Ikimonogakari will be performing the theme song from the new movie. A special Singing Eevee will be distributed at this event. People unable to attend can buy Ikimonogakari's new single which will contain a voucher for the Singing Eevee (redeemable at Toys R Us and Pokemon Centers between July 14 and Sept 1). The Eevee is female, level 50 Knows Sing, Return, Echoed Voice, Attract Adaptability, Event Ribbon, Cherish Ball, holding Silk Scarf OT is: キヨ http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2013/06/130615_m01.html
  21. The .pgf"]Movie 2013 Mewtwo is now up in the Japanese Gen V Event Gallery! I picked it up just now. It has a few surprises we didn't know about (maybe just me?).
  22. A Jirachi is going to be distributed to Japanese Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 games from July 1st to July 31st in a tie-in with some episode of the anime in July. We don't know if it's a wifi or local distribution yet, because it was only teased in Corocoro, but it's probably wifi. More details when it's officially announced. Update: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2013/06/130615_g01.html It's a Nintendo Zone and Wi-Fi event. Jirachi is level 50 Knows Healing Wish, Psychic, Swift, Meteor Mash (event move) Cherish Ball, Wish Ribbon, Serene Grace, holding Micle Berry OT is: デコロラ, 07013
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